[−][src]Module actix_web::actix::fut
Custom Future
implementation with Actix
AndThen | Future for the |
DropErr | |
Finish | A combinator used to convert stream into a future, future resolves when stream completes. |
FromErr | Future for the |
FutureResult | A future representing a value that is immediately ready. |
FutureWrap | |
Map | Future for the |
MapErr | Future for the |
StreamAndThen | A stream combinator which chains a computation onto values produced by a stream. |
StreamFinish | A combinator used to convert stream into a future, future resolves when stream completes. |
StreamFold | A future used to collect all the results of a stream into one generic type. |
StreamMap | A stream combinator which will change the type of a stream from one type to another. |
StreamMapErr | A stream combinator which will change the error type of a stream from one type to another. |
StreamThen | A stream combinator which chains a computation onto each item produced by a stream. |
StreamTimeout | Future for the |
StreamWrap | |
Then | Future for the |
Timeout | Future for the |
Either | Combines two different futures yielding the same item and error types into a single type. |
ActorFuture | Trait for types which are a placeholder of a value that may become available at some later point in time. |
ActorStream | A stream of values, not all of which may have been produced yet. |
IntoActorFuture | Class of types which can be converted into an actor future. |
WrapFuture | Helper trait that allows conversion of normal future into |
WrapStream | Helper trait that allows conversion of normal stream into |
err | Creates a "leaf future" from an immediate value of a failed computation. |
ok | Creates a "leaf future" from an immediate value of a finished and successful computation. |
result | Creates a new "leaf future" which will resolve with the given result. |
wrap_future | Converts normal future into |
wrap_stream | Converts normal stream into |