[−][src]Module actix_web::error
Error and Result module
Error | General purpose actix web error. |
InternalError | Helper type that can wrap any error and generate custom response. |
ContentTypeError | A set of error that can occure during parsing content type |
CookieParseError | Enum corresponding to a parsing error. |
ExpectError | Error during handling |
JsonPayloadError | A set of errors that can occur during parsing json payloads |
MultipartError | A set of errors that can occur during parsing multipart streams |
ParseError | A set of errors that can occur during parsing HTTP streams |
PayloadError | A set of errors that can occur during payload parsing |
ReadlinesError | Error type returned when reading body as lines. |
StaticFileError | Errors which can occur when serving static files. |
UriSegmentError | Errors which can occur when attempting to interpret a segment string as a valid path segment. |
UrlGenerationError | Errors which can occur when attempting to generate resource uri. |
UrlParseError | Errors that can occur during parsing. |
UrlencodedError | A set of errors that can occur during parsing urlencoded payloads |
ResponseError | Error that can be converted to |
ErrorBadGateway | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate BAD GATEWAY response. |
ErrorBadRequest | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate BAD REQUEST response. |
ErrorConflict | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate CONFLICT response. |
ErrorExpectationFailed | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate EXPECTATION FAILED response. |
ErrorFailedDependency | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate FAILED DEPENDENCY response. |
ErrorForbidden | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate FORBIDDEN response. |
ErrorGatewayTimeout | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate GATEWAY TIMEOUT response. |
ErrorGone | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate GONE response. |
ErrorHttpVersionNotSupported | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate HTTP VERSION NOT SUPPORTED response. |
ErrorImATeapot | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate IM A TEAPOT response. |
ErrorInsufficientStorage | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate INSUFFICIENT STORAGE response. |
ErrorInternalServerError | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate INTERNAL SERVER ERROR response. |
ErrorLengthRequired | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate LENGTH REQUIRED response. |
ErrorLocked | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate LOCKED response. |
ErrorLoopDetected | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate LOOP DETECTED response. |
ErrorMethodNotAllowed | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate METHOD NOT ALLOWED response. |
ErrorMisdirectedRequest | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate MISDIRECTED REQUEST response. |
ErrorNetworkAuthenticationRequired | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate NETWORK AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED response. |
ErrorNotAcceptable | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate NOT ACCEPTABLE response. |
ErrorNotExtended | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate NOT EXTENDED response. |
ErrorNotFound | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate NOT FOUND response. |
ErrorNotImplemented | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate NOT IMPLEMENTED response. |
ErrorPayloadTooLarge | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate PAYLOAD TOO LARGE response. |
ErrorPaymentRequired | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate PAYMENT_REQUIRED response. |
ErrorPreconditionFailed | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate PRECONDITION FAILED response. |
ErrorPreconditionRequired | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate PRECONDITION REQUIRED response. |
ErrorProxyAuthenticationRequired | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate PROXY AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED response. |
ErrorRangeNotSatisfiable | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate RANGE NOT SATISFIABLE response. |
ErrorRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate REQUEST HEADER FIELDS TOO LARGE response. |
ErrorRequestTimeout | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate REQUEST TIMEOUT response. |
ErrorServiceUnavailable | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate SERVICE UNAVAILABLE response. |
ErrorTooManyRequests | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate TOO MANY REQUESTS response. |
ErrorUnauthorized | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate UNAUTHORIZED response. |
ErrorUnavailableForLegalReasons | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate UNAVAILABLE FOR LEGAL REASONS response. |
ErrorUnprocessableEntity | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY response. |
ErrorUnsupportedMediaType | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE response. |
ErrorUpgradeRequired | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate UPGRADE REQUIRED response. |
ErrorUriTooLong | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate URI TOO LONG response. |
ErrorVariantAlsoNegotiates | Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate VARIANT ALSO NEGOTIATES response. |
Type Definitions
Result | A specialized |