[][src]Struct actix_web::cookie::Cookie

pub struct Cookie<'c> { /* fields omitted */ }

Representation of an HTTP cookie.

Constructing a Cookie

To construct a cookie with only a name/value, use the new method:

use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let cookie = Cookie::new("name", "value");
assert_eq!(&cookie.to_string(), "name=value");

To construct more elaborate cookies, use the build method and CookieBuilder methods:

use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let cookie = Cookie::build("name", "value")


impl Cookie<'static>[src]

pub fn new<N, V>(name: N, value: V) -> Cookie<'static> where
    N: Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
    V: Into<Cow<'static, str>>, 

Creates a new Cookie with the given name and value.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let cookie = Cookie::new("name", "value");
assert_eq!(cookie.name_value(), ("name", "value"));

pub fn named<N>(name: N) -> Cookie<'static> where
    N: Into<Cow<'static, str>>, 

Creates a new Cookie with the given name and an empty value.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let cookie = Cookie::named("name");
assert_eq!(cookie.name(), "name");

pub fn build<N, V>(name: N, value: V) -> CookieBuilder where
    N: Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
    V: Into<Cow<'static, str>>, 

Creates a new CookieBuilder instance from the given key and value strings.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let c = Cookie::build("foo", "bar").finish();
assert_eq!(c.name_value(), ("foo", "bar"));

impl<'c> Cookie<'c>[src]

pub fn parse<S>(s: S) -> Result<Cookie<'c>, ParseError> where
    S: Into<Cow<'c, str>>, 

Parses a Cookie from the given HTTP cookie header value string. Does not perform any percent-decoding.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let c = Cookie::parse("foo=bar%20baz; HttpOnly").unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.name_value(), ("foo", "bar%20baz"));
assert_eq!(c.http_only(), Some(true));

pub fn parse_encoded<S>(s: S) -> Result<Cookie<'c>, ParseError> where
    S: Into<Cow<'c, str>>, 

Parses a Cookie from the given HTTP cookie header value string where the name and value fields are percent-encoded. Percent-decodes the name/value fields.

This API requires the percent-encode feature to be enabled on this crate.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let c = Cookie::parse_encoded("foo=bar%20baz; HttpOnly").unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.name_value(), ("foo", "bar baz"));
assert_eq!(c.http_only(), Some(true));

pub fn encoded(&'a self) -> EncodedCookie<'a, 'c>[src]

Wraps self in an EncodedCookie: a cost-free wrapper around Cookie whose Display implementation percent-encodes the name and value of the wrapped Cookie.

This method is only available when the percent-encode feature is enabled.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let mut c = Cookie::new("my name", "this; value?");
assert_eq!(&c.encoded().to_string(), "my%20name=this%3B%20value%3F");

pub fn into_owned(self) -> Cookie<'static>[src]

Converts self into a Cookie with a static lifetime. This method results in at most one allocation.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let c = Cookie::new("a", "b");
let owned_cookie = c.into_owned();
assert_eq!(owned_cookie.name_value(), ("a", "b"));

pub fn name(&self) -> &str[src]

Returns the name of self.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let c = Cookie::new("name", "value");
assert_eq!(c.name(), "name");

pub fn value(&self) -> &str[src]

Returns the value of self.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let c = Cookie::new("name", "value");
assert_eq!(c.value(), "value");

pub fn name_value(&self) -> (&str, &str)[src]

Returns the name and value of self as a tuple of (name, value).


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let c = Cookie::new("name", "value");
assert_eq!(c.name_value(), ("name", "value"));

pub fn http_only(&self) -> Option<bool>[src]

Returns whether this cookie was marked HttpOnly or not. Returns Some(true) when the cookie was explicitly set (manually or parsed) as HttpOnly, Some(false) when http_only was manually set to false, and None otherwise.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let c = Cookie::parse("name=value; httponly").unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.http_only(), Some(true));

let mut c = Cookie::new("name", "value");
assert_eq!(c.http_only(), None);

let mut c = Cookie::new("name", "value");
assert_eq!(c.http_only(), None);

// An explicitly set "false" value.
assert_eq!(c.http_only(), Some(false));

// An explicitly set "true" value.
assert_eq!(c.http_only(), Some(true));

pub fn secure(&self) -> Option<bool>[src]

Returns whether this cookie was marked Secure or not. Returns Some(true) when the cookie was explicitly set (manually or parsed) as Secure, Some(false) when secure was manually set to false, and None otherwise.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let c = Cookie::parse("name=value; Secure").unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.secure(), Some(true));

let mut c = Cookie::parse("name=value").unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.secure(), None);

let mut c = Cookie::new("name", "value");
assert_eq!(c.secure(), None);

// An explicitly set "false" value.
assert_eq!(c.secure(), Some(false));

// An explicitly set "true" value.
assert_eq!(c.secure(), Some(true));

pub fn same_site(&self) -> Option<SameSite>[src]

Returns the SameSite attribute of this cookie if one was specified.


use actix_http::cookie::{Cookie, SameSite};

let c = Cookie::parse("name=value; SameSite=Lax").unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.same_site(), Some(SameSite::Lax));

pub fn max_age(&self) -> Option<Duration>[src]

Returns the specified max-age of the cookie if one was specified.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let c = Cookie::parse("name=value").unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.max_age(), None);

let c = Cookie::parse("name=value; Max-Age=3600").unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.max_age().map(|age| age.num_hours()), Some(1));

pub fn path(&self) -> Option<&str>[src]

Returns the Path of the cookie if one was specified.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let c = Cookie::parse("name=value").unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.path(), None);

let c = Cookie::parse("name=value; Path=/").unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.path(), Some("/"));

let c = Cookie::parse("name=value; path=/sub").unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.path(), Some("/sub"));

pub fn domain(&self) -> Option<&str>[src]

Returns the Domain of the cookie if one was specified.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let c = Cookie::parse("name=value").unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.domain(), None);

let c = Cookie::parse("name=value; Domain=crates.io").unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.domain(), Some("crates.io"));

pub fn expires(&self) -> Option<Tm>[src]

Returns the Expires time of the cookie if one was specified.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let c = Cookie::parse("name=value").unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.expires(), None);

let expire_time = "Wed, 21 Oct 2017 07:28:00 GMT";
let cookie_str = format!("name=value; Expires={}", expire_time);
let c = Cookie::parse(cookie_str).unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.expires().map(|t| t.tm_year), Some(117));

pub fn set_name<N>(&mut self, name: N) where
    N: Into<Cow<'static, str>>, 

Sets the name of self to name.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let mut c = Cookie::new("name", "value");
assert_eq!(c.name(), "name");

assert_eq!(c.name(), "foo");

pub fn set_value<V>(&mut self, value: V) where
    V: Into<Cow<'static, str>>, 

Sets the value of self to value.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let mut c = Cookie::new("name", "value");
assert_eq!(c.value(), "value");

assert_eq!(c.value(), "bar");

pub fn set_http_only(&mut self, value: bool)[src]

Sets the value of http_only in self to value.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let mut c = Cookie::new("name", "value");
assert_eq!(c.http_only(), None);

assert_eq!(c.http_only(), Some(true));

pub fn set_secure(&mut self, value: bool)[src]

Sets the value of secure in self to value.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let mut c = Cookie::new("name", "value");
assert_eq!(c.secure(), None);

assert_eq!(c.secure(), Some(true));

pub fn set_same_site(&mut self, value: SameSite)[src]

Sets the value of same_site in self to value.


use actix_http::cookie::{Cookie, SameSite};

let mut c = Cookie::new("name", "value");

assert_eq!(c.same_site(), Some(SameSite::Strict));

pub fn set_max_age(&mut self, value: Duration)[src]

Sets the value of max_age in self to value.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;
use time::Duration;

let mut c = Cookie::new("name", "value");
assert_eq!(c.max_age(), None);

assert_eq!(c.max_age(), Some(Duration::hours(10)));

pub fn set_path<P>(&mut self, path: P) where
    P: Into<Cow<'static, str>>, 

Sets the path of self to path.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let mut c = Cookie::new("name", "value");
assert_eq!(c.path(), None);

assert_eq!(c.path(), Some("/"));

pub fn set_domain<D>(&mut self, domain: D) where
    D: Into<Cow<'static, str>>, 

Sets the domain of self to domain.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let mut c = Cookie::new("name", "value");
assert_eq!(c.domain(), None);

assert_eq!(c.domain(), Some("rust-lang.org"));

pub fn set_expires(&mut self, time: Tm)[src]

Sets the expires field of self to time.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let mut c = Cookie::new("name", "value");
assert_eq!(c.expires(), None);

let mut now = time::now();
now.tm_year += 1;


pub fn make_permanent(&mut self)[src]

Makes self a "permanent" cookie by extending its expiration and max age 20 years into the future.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;
use time::Duration;

let mut c = Cookie::new("foo", "bar");

assert_eq!(c.max_age(), Some(Duration::days(365 * 20)));

pub fn name_raw(&self) -> Option<&'c str>[src]

Returns the name of self as a string slice of the raw string self was originally parsed from. If self was not originally parsed from a raw string, returns None.

This method differs from name in that it returns a string with the same lifetime as the originally parsed string. This lifetime may outlive self. If a longer lifetime is not required, or you're unsure if you need a longer lifetime, use name.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let cookie_string = format!("{}={}", "foo", "bar");

// `c` will be dropped at the end of the scope, but `name` will live on
let name = {
    let c = Cookie::parse(cookie_string.as_str()).unwrap();

assert_eq!(name, Some("foo"));

pub fn value_raw(&self) -> Option<&'c str>[src]

Returns the value of self as a string slice of the raw string self was originally parsed from. If self was not originally parsed from a raw string, returns None.

This method differs from value in that it returns a string with the same lifetime as the originally parsed string. This lifetime may outlive self. If a longer lifetime is not required, or you're unsure if you need a longer lifetime, use value.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let cookie_string = format!("{}={}", "foo", "bar");

// `c` will be dropped at the end of the scope, but `value` will live on
let value = {
    let c = Cookie::parse(cookie_string.as_str()).unwrap();

assert_eq!(value, Some("bar"));

pub fn path_raw(&self) -> Option<&'c str>[src]

Returns the Path of self as a string slice of the raw string self was originally parsed from. If self was not originally parsed from a raw string, or if self doesn't contain a Path, or if the Path has changed since parsing, returns None.

This method differs from path in that it returns a string with the same lifetime as the originally parsed string. This lifetime may outlive self. If a longer lifetime is not required, or you're unsure if you need a longer lifetime, use path.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let cookie_string = format!("{}={}; Path=/", "foo", "bar");

// `c` will be dropped at the end of the scope, but `path` will live on
let path = {
    let c = Cookie::parse(cookie_string.as_str()).unwrap();

assert_eq!(path, Some("/"));

pub fn domain_raw(&self) -> Option<&'c str>[src]

Returns the Domain of self as a string slice of the raw string self was originally parsed from. If self was not originally parsed from a raw string, or if self doesn't contain a Domain, or if the Domain has changed since parsing, returns None.

This method differs from domain in that it returns a string with the same lifetime as the originally parsed string. This lifetime may outlive self struct. If a longer lifetime is not required, or you're unsure if you need a longer lifetime, use domain.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let cookie_string = format!("{}={}; Domain=crates.io", "foo", "bar");

//`c` will be dropped at the end of the scope, but `domain` will live on
let domain = {
    let c = Cookie::parse(cookie_string.as_str()).unwrap();

assert_eq!(domain, Some("crates.io"));

Trait Implementations

impl<'c> Clone for Cookie<'c>[src]

default fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<'a, 'b> PartialEq<Cookie<'b>> for Cookie<'a>[src]

default fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=.

impl<'c> Display for Cookie<'c>[src]

fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), Error>[src]

Formats the cookie self as a Set-Cookie header value.


use actix_http::cookie::Cookie;

let mut cookie = Cookie::build("foo", "bar")

assert_eq!(&cookie.to_string(), "foo=bar; Path=/");

impl<'c> Debug for Cookie<'c>[src]

impl FromStr for Cookie<'static>[src]

type Err = ParseError

The associated error which can be returned from parsing.

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<'c> Send for Cookie<'c>

impl<'c> Sync for Cookie<'c>

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

impl<T> ToString for T where
    T: Display + ?Sized

impl<T> From for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> TryFrom for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T, U> TryInto for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Erased for T