Module actix_web::rt::time[][src]

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Utilities for tracking time (Tokio re-exports).


A measurement of a monotonically nondecreasing clock. Opaque and useful only with Duration.

Interval returned by interval and interval_at

Future returned by sleep and sleep_until.

Future returned by timeout and timeout_at.


Creates new Interval that yields with interval of period. The first tick completes immediately. The default [MissedTickBehavior] is Burst, but this can be configured by calling set_missed_tick_behavior.

Creates new Interval that yields with interval of period with the first tick completing at start. The default [MissedTickBehavior] is Burst, but this can be configured by calling set_missed_tick_behavior.

Waits until duration has elapsed.

Waits until deadline is reached.

Require a Future to complete before the specified duration has elapsed.