1use super::{EntityTag, ETAG};
3crate::http::header::common_header! {
4 /// `ETag` header, defined in
5 /// [RFC 7232 ยง2.3](
6 ///
7 /// The `ETag` header field in a response provides the current entity-tag
8 /// for the selected representation, as determined at the conclusion of
9 /// handling the request. An entity-tag is an opaque validator for
10 /// differentiating between multiple representations of the same
11 /// resource, regardless of whether those multiple representations are
12 /// due to resource state changes over time, content negotiation
13 /// resulting in multiple representations being valid at the same time,
14 /// or both. An entity-tag consists of an opaque quoted string, possibly
15 /// prefixed by a weakness indicator.
16 ///
17 /// # ABNF
18 /// ```plain
19 /// ETag = entity-tag
20 /// ```
21 ///
22 /// # Example Values
23 /// * `"xyzzy"`
24 /// * `W/"xyzzy"`
25 /// * `""`
26 ///
27 /// # Examples
28 /// ```
29 /// use actix_web::HttpResponse;
30 /// use actix_web::http::header::{ETag, EntityTag};
31 ///
32 /// let mut builder = HttpResponse::Ok();
33 /// builder.insert_header(
34 /// ETag(EntityTag::new_strong("xyzzy".to_owned()))
35 /// );
36 /// ```
37 ///
38 /// ```
39 /// use actix_web::HttpResponse;
40 /// use actix_web::http::header::{ETag, EntityTag};
41 ///
42 /// let mut builder = HttpResponse::Ok();
43 /// builder.insert_header(
44 /// ETag(EntityTag::new_weak("xyzzy".to_owned()))
45 /// );
46 /// ```
47 (ETag, ETAG) => [EntityTag]
49 test_parse_and_format {
50 // From the RFC
51 crate::http::header::common_header_test!(test1,
52 [b"\"xyzzy\""],
53 Some(ETag(EntityTag::new_strong("xyzzy".to_owned()))));
54 crate::http::header::common_header_test!(test2,
55 [b"W/\"xyzzy\""],
56 Some(ETag(EntityTag::new_weak("xyzzy".to_owned()))));
57 crate::http::header::common_header_test!(test3,
58 [b"\"\""],
59 Some(ETag(EntityTag::new_strong("".to_owned()))));
60 // Own tests
61 crate::http::header::common_header_test!(test4,
62 [b"\"foobar\""],
63 Some(ETag(EntityTag::new_strong("foobar".to_owned()))));
64 crate::http::header::common_header_test!(test5,
65 [b"\"\""],
66 Some(ETag(EntityTag::new_strong("".to_owned()))));
67 crate::http::header::common_header_test!(test6,
68 [b"W/\"weak-etag\""],
69 Some(ETag(EntityTag::new_weak("weak-etag".to_owned()))));
70 crate::http::header::common_header_test!(test7,
71 [b"W/\"\x65\x62\""],
72 Some(ETag(EntityTag::new_weak("\u{0065}\u{0062}".to_owned()))));
73 crate::http::header::common_header_test!(test8,
74 [b"W/\"\""],
75 Some(ETag(EntityTag::new_weak("".to_owned()))));
76 crate::http::header::common_header_test!(test9,
77 [b"no-dquotes"],
78 None::<ETag>);
79 crate::http::header::common_header_test!(test10,
80 [b"w/\"the-first-w-is-case-sensitive\""],
81 None::<ETag>);
82 crate::http::header::common_header_test!(test11,
83 [b""],
84 None::<ETag>);
85 crate::http::header::common_header_test!(test12,
86 [b"\"unmatched-dquotes1"],
87 None::<ETag>);
88 crate::http::header::common_header_test!(test13,
89 [b"unmatched-dquotes2\""],
90 None::<ETag>);
91 crate::http::header::common_header_test!(test14,
92 [b"matched-\"dquotes\""],
93 None::<ETag>);
94 crate::http::header::common_header_test!(test15,
95 [b"\""],
96 None::<ETag>);
97 }