macro_rules! process_inputs {
($inputs:expr) => {{
let mut inputs_native = Vec::<String>::new();
log("parsing inputs");
for input in $inputs.to_vec().iter() {
if let Some(input) = input.as_string() {
} else {
return Err("Invalid input - all inputs must be a string specifying the type".to_string());
macro_rules! execute_program {
($process:expr, $inputs:expr, $program_string:expr, $function_id_string:expr, $private_key:expr, $proving_key:expr, $verifying_key:expr, $rng:expr) => {{
if (($proving_key.is_some() && $verifying_key.is_none())
|| ($proving_key.is_none() && $verifying_key.is_some()))
return Err(
"If specifying a key for a program execution, both the proving and verifying key must be specified"
log("Loading program");
let program =
ProgramNative::from_str($program_string).map_err(|_| "The program ID provided was invalid".to_string())?;
log("Loading function");
let function_name = IdentifierNative::from_str($function_id_string)
.map_err(|_| "The function name provided was invalid".to_string())?;
let program_id = program.id().to_string();
if program_id != "credits.aleo" {
log("Adding program to the process");
if let Ok(stored_program) = $process.get_program(program.id()) {
if stored_program != &program {
return Err("The program provided does not match the program stored in the cache, please clear the cache before proceeding".to_string());
} else {
$process.add_program(&program).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
if let Some(proving_key) = $proving_key {
if Self::contains_key($process, program.id(), &function_name) {
log(&format!("Proving & verifying keys were specified for {program_id} - {function_name:?} but a key already exists in the cache. Using cached keys"));
} else {
log(&format!("Inserting externally provided proving and verifying keys for {program_id} - {function_name:?}"));
.insert_proving_key(program.id(), &function_name, ProvingKeyNative::from(proving_key))
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
if let Some(verifying_key) = $verifying_key {
$process.insert_verifying_key(program.id(), &function_name, VerifyingKeyNative::from(verifying_key)).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
log("Creating authorization");
let authorization = $process
.authorize::<CurrentAleo, _>(
.map_err(|err| err.to_string())?;
log("Executing program");
let result = $process
.execute::<CurrentAleo, _>(authorization, $rng)
.map_err(|err| err.to_string())?;
macro_rules! execute_fee {
($process:expr, $private_key:expr, $fee_record:expr, $fee_microcredits:expr, $submission_url:expr, $fee_proving_key:expr, $fee_verifying_key:expr, $execution_id:expr, $rng:expr, $offline_query:expr) => {{
if (($fee_proving_key.is_some() && $fee_verifying_key.is_none())
|| ($fee_proving_key.is_none() && $fee_verifying_key.is_some()))
return Err(
"Missing key - both the proving and verifying key must be specified for a program execution"
if let Some(fee_proving_key) = $fee_proving_key {
let credits = ProgramIDNative::from_str("credits.aleo").unwrap();
let fee = if $fee_record.is_some() {
} else {
if Self::contains_key($process, &credits, &fee) {
log("Fee proving & verifying keys were specified but a key already exists in the cache. Using cached keys");
} else {
log("Inserting externally provided fee proving and verifying keys");
.insert_proving_key(&credits, &fee, ProvingKeyNative::from(fee_proving_key)).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
if let Some(fee_verifying_key) = $fee_verifying_key {
.insert_verifying_key(&credits, &fee, VerifyingKeyNative::from(fee_verifying_key))
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
log("Authorizing Fee");
let fee_authorization = match $fee_record {
Some(fee_record) => {
let fee_record_native = RecordPlaintextNative::from_str(&fee_record.to_string()).unwrap();
$process.authorize_fee_private::<CurrentAleo, _>(
).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?
None => {
$process.authorize_fee_public::<CurrentAleo, _>($private_key, $fee_microcredits, 0u64, $execution_id, $rng).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?
log("Executing fee");
let (_, mut trace) = $process
.execute::<CurrentAleo, _>(fee_authorization, $rng)
.map_err(|err| err.to_string())?;
if let Some(offline_query) = $offline_query {
trace.prepare_async(offline_query).await.map_err(|err| err.to_string())?;
} else {
let query = QueryNative::from($submission_url);
trace.prepare_async(query).await.map_err(|err| err.to_string())?;
let fee = trace.prove_fee::<CurrentAleo, _>(&mut StdRng::from_entropy()).map_err(|e|e.to_string())?;
log("Verifying fee execution");
$process.verify_fee(&fee, $execution_id).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;