
1//! A Multicall Builder
3use crate::Provider;
4use alloy_network::{Network, TransactionBuilder};
5use alloy_primitives::{address, Address, BlockNumber, Bytes, B256, U256};
6use alloy_rpc_types_eth::{state::StateOverride, BlockId};
7use alloy_sol_types::SolCall;
8use bindings::IMulticall3::{
9    blockAndAggregateCall, blockAndAggregateReturn, tryBlockAndAggregateCall,
10    tryBlockAndAggregateReturn, Call, Call3, Call3Value,
13/// Multicall bindings
14pub mod bindings;
15use crate::provider::multicall::bindings::IMulticall3::{
16    aggregate3Call, aggregate3ValueCall, aggregateCall, getBasefeeCall, getBlockHashCall,
17    getBlockNumberCall, getChainIdCall, getCurrentBlockCoinbaseCall, getCurrentBlockDifficultyCall,
18    getCurrentBlockGasLimitCall, getCurrentBlockTimestampCall, getEthBalanceCall,
19    getLastBlockHashCall, tryAggregateCall, tryAggregateReturn,
22mod inner_types;
23pub use inner_types::{
24    CallInfoTrait, CallItem, CallItemBuilder, Dynamic, Failure, MulticallError, MulticallItem,
25    Result,
28mod tuple;
29use tuple::TuplePush;
30pub use tuple::{CallTuple, Empty};
32/// Default address for the Multicall3 contract on most chains. See: <>
33pub const MULTICALL3_ADDRESS: Address = address!("cA11bde05977b3631167028862bE2a173976CA11");
35/// A Multicall3 builder
37/// This builder implements a simple API interface to build and execute multicalls using the
38/// [`IMultiCall3`](crate::bindings::IMulticall3) contract which is available on 270+
39/// chains.
41/// ## Example
43/// ```ignore
44/// use alloy_primitives::address;
45/// use alloy_provider::{MulticallBuilder, Provider, ProviderBuilder};
46/// use alloy_sol_types::sol;
48/// sol! {
49///    #[sol(rpc)]
50///    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
51///    interface ERC20 {
52///        function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 totalSupply);
53///        function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256 balance);
54///    }
55/// }
57/// #[tokio::main]
58/// async fn main() {
59///     let weth = address!("C02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2");
60///     let provider = ProviderBuilder::new().on_http("".parse().unwrap());
61///     let erc20 = ERC20::new(weth, &provider);
63///     let ts_call = erc20.totalSupply();
64///     let balance_call = erc20.balanceOf(address!("d8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045"));
66///     let multicall = provider.multicall().add(ts_call).add(balance_call);
68///     let (total_supply, balance) = multicall.aggregate().await.unwrap();
70///     println!("Total Supply: {:?}, Balance: {:?}", total_supply, balance);
71/// }
72/// ```
74pub struct MulticallBuilder<T: CallTuple, P: Provider<N>, N: Network> {
75    /// Batched calls
76    calls: Vec<Call3Value>,
77    /// The provider to use
78    provider: P,
79    /// The [`BlockId`] to use for the call
80    block: Option<BlockId>,
81    /// The [`StateOverride`] for the call
82    state_override: Option<StateOverride>,
83    /// This is the address of the [`IMulticall3`](crate::bindings::IMulticall3)
84    /// contract.
85    ///
86    /// By default it is set to [`MULTICALL3_ADDRESS`].
87    address: Address,
88    _pd: std::marker::PhantomData<(T, N)>,
91impl<P, N> MulticallBuilder<Empty, P, N>
93    P: Provider<N>,
94    N: Network,
96    /// Instantiate a new [`MulticallBuilder`]
97    pub fn new(provider: P) -> Self {
98        Self {
99            calls: Vec::new(),
100            provider,
101            _pd: Default::default(),
102            block: None,
103            state_override: None,
104            address: MULTICALL3_ADDRESS,
105        }
106    }
109impl<D: SolCall + 'static, P, N> MulticallBuilder<Dynamic<D>, P, N>
111    P: Provider<N>,
112    N: Network,
114    /// Instantiate a new [`MulticallBuilder`] that restricts the calls to a specific call type.
115    ///
116    /// Multicalls made using this builder return a vector of the decoded return values.
117    ///
118    /// An example would be trying to fetch multiple ERC20 balances of an address.
119    ///
120    /// ## Example
121    ///
122    /// ```ignore
123    /// use alloy_primitives::address;
124    /// use alloy_provider::{MulticallBuilder, Provider, ProviderBuilder};
125    /// use alloy_sol_types::sol;
126    ///
127    /// sol! {
128    ///   #[sol(rpc)]
129    ///   #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
130    ///   interface ERC20 {
131    ///     function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256 balance);
132    ///   }
133    /// }
134    ///
135    /// #[tokio::main]
136    /// async fn main() {
137    ///    let weth = address!("C02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2");
138    ///    let usdc = address!("A0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48");
139    ///     
140    ///    let provider = ProviderBuilder::new().on_http("".parse().unwrap());
141    ///    let weth = ERC20::new(weth, &provider);
142    ///    let usdc = ERC20::new(usdc, &provider);
143    ///
144    ///    let owner = address!("0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045");
145    ///
146    ///    let mut erc20_balances = MulticallBuilder::new_dynamic(provider);
147    ///
148    ///    for token in &[weth, usdc] {
149    ///        erc20_balances = erc20_balances.add_dynamic(token.balanceOf(owner));
150    ///    }
151    ///
152    ///    let balances: Vec<ERC20::balanceOfReturn> = erc20_balances.aggregate().await.unwrap();
153    ///
154    ///    let weth_bal = &balances[0];
155    ///    let usdc_bal = &balances[1];
156    ///    println!("WETH Balance: {:?}, USDC Balance: {:?}", weth_bal, usdc_bal);
157    /// }
158    pub fn new_dynamic(provider: P) -> Self {
159        Self {
160            calls: Vec::new(),
161            provider,
162            block: None,
163            state_override: None,
164            address: MULTICALL3_ADDRESS,
165            _pd: Default::default(),
166        }
167    }
169    /// Add a dynamic call to the builder
170    pub fn add_dynamic(mut self, item: impl MulticallItem<Decoder = D>) -> Self {
171        let target =;
172        let input = item.input();
174        let call = CallItem::<D>::new(target, input);
176        self.calls.push(call.to_call3_value());
177        self
178    }
180    /// Extend the builder with a sequence of calls
181    pub fn extend(
182        mut self,
183        items: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl MulticallItem<Decoder = D>>,
184    ) -> Self {
185        for item in items {
186            self = self.add_dynamic(item);
187        }
188        self
189    }
192impl<T, P, N> MulticallBuilder<T, &P, N>
194    T: CallTuple,
195    P: Provider<N> + Clone,
196    N: Network,
198    /// Clones the underlying provider and returns a new [`MulticallBuilder`].
199    pub fn with_cloned_provider(&self) -> MulticallBuilder<Empty, P, N> {
200        MulticallBuilder {
201            calls: Vec::new(),
202            provider: self.provider.clone(),
203            block: None,
204            state_override: None,
205            address: MULTICALL3_ADDRESS,
206            _pd: Default::default(),
207        }
208    }
211impl<T, P, N> MulticallBuilder<T, P, N>
213    T: CallTuple,
214    P: Provider<N>,
215    N: Network,
217    /// Set the address of the multicall3 contract
218    ///
219    /// Default is [`MULTICALL3_ADDRESS`].
220    pub fn address(mut self, address: Address) -> Self {
221        self.address = address;
222        self
223    }
225    /// Sets the block to be used for the call.
226    pub fn block(mut self, block: BlockId) -> Self {
227        self.block = Some(block);
228        self
229    }
231    /// Set the state overrides for the call.
232    pub fn overrides(mut self, state_override: impl Into<StateOverride>) -> Self {
233        self.state_override = Some(state_override.into());
234        self
235    }
237    /// Appends a [`SolCall`] to the stack.
238    #[allow(clippy::should_implement_trait)]
239    pub fn add<Item: MulticallItem>(self, item: Item) -> MulticallBuilder<T::Pushed, P, N>
240    where
241        Item::Decoder: 'static,
242        T: TuplePush<Item::Decoder>,
243        <T as TuplePush<Item::Decoder>>::Pushed: CallTuple,
244    {
245        let target =;
246        let input = item.input();
248        let call = CallItem::<Item::Decoder>::new(target, input);
250        self.add_call(call)
251    }
253    /// Appends a [`CallItem`] to the stack.
254    pub fn add_call<D>(mut self, call: CallItem<D>) -> MulticallBuilder<T::Pushed, P, N>
255    where
256        D: SolCall + 'static,
257        T: TuplePush<D>,
258        <T as TuplePush<D>>::Pushed: CallTuple,
259    {
260        self.calls.push(call.to_call3_value());
261        MulticallBuilder {
262            calls: self.calls,
263            provider: self.provider,
264            block: self.block,
265            state_override: self.state_override,
266            address: self.address,
267            _pd: Default::default(),
268        }
269    }
271    /// Calls the `aggregate` function
272    ///
273    /// Requires that all calls succeed, else reverts.
274    ///
275    /// ## Solidity Function Signature
276    ///
277    /// ```ignore
278    /// sol! {
279    ///     function aggregate(Call[] memory calls) external returns (uint256 blockNumber, bytes[] memory returnData);
280    /// }
281    /// ```
282    ///
283    /// ## Returns
284    ///
285    /// - `returnData`: A tuple of the decoded return values for the calls
286    ///
287    /// One can obtain the block context such as block number and block hash by using the
288    /// [MulticallBuilder::block_and_aggregate] function.
289    ///
290    /// ## Example
291    ///
292    /// ```ignore
293    /// use alloy_primitives::address;
294    /// use alloy_provider::{MulticallBuilder, Provider, ProviderBuilder};
295    /// use alloy_sol_types::sol;
296    ///
297    /// sol! {
298    ///    #[sol(rpc)]
299    ///    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
300    ///    interface ERC20 {
301    ///        function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 totalSupply);
302    ///        function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256 balance);
303    ///    }
304    /// }
305    ///
306    /// #[tokio::main]
307    /// async fn main() {
308    ///     let weth = address!("C02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2");
309    ///     let provider = ProviderBuilder::new().on_http("".parse().unwrap());
310    ///     let erc20 = ERC20::new(weth, &provider);
311    ///
312    ///     let ts_call = erc20.totalSupply();
313    ///     let balance_call = erc20.balanceOf(address!("d8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045"));
314    ///
315    ///     let multicall = provider.multicall().add(ts_call).add(balance_call);
316    ///
317    ///     let (total_supply, balance) = multicall.aggregate().await.unwrap();
318    ///
319    ///     println!("Total Supply: {:?}, Balance: {:?}", total_supply, balance);
320    /// }
321    /// ```
322    pub async fn aggregate(&self) -> Result<T::SuccessReturns> {
323        let calls = self
324            .calls
325            .iter()
326            .map(|c| Call { target:, callData: c.callData.clone() })
327            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
328        let call = aggregateCall { calls: calls.to_vec() };
329        let output = self.build_and_call(call, None).await?;
330        T::decode_returns(&output.returnData)
331    }
333    /// Call the `tryAggregate` function
334    ///
335    /// Allows for calls to fail by setting `require_success` to false.
336    ///
337    /// ## Solidity Function Signature
338    ///
339    /// ```ignore
340    /// sol! {
341    ///     function tryAggregate(bool requireSuccess, Call[] calldata calls) external payable returns (Result[] memory returnData);
342    /// }
343    /// ```
344    ///
345    /// ## Returns
346    ///
347    /// - A tuple of the decoded return values for the calls.
348    /// - Each return value is wrapped in a [`Result`] struct.
349    /// - The [`Result::Ok`] variant contains the decoded return value.
350    /// - The [`Result::Err`] variant contains the [`Failure`] struct which holds the
351    ///   index(-position) of the call and the returned data as [`Bytes`].
352    ///
353    /// ## Example
354    ///
355    /// ```ignore
356    /// use alloy_primitives::address;
357    /// use alloy_provider::{MulticallBuilder, Provider, ProviderBuilder};
358    /// use alloy_sol_types::sol;
359    ///
360    /// sol! {
361    ///    #[sol(rpc)]
362    ///    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
363    ///    interface ERC20 {
364    ///        function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 totalSupply);
365    ///        function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256 balance);
366    ///    }
367    /// }
368    ///
369    /// #[tokio::main]
370    /// async fn main() {
371    ///     let weth = address!("C02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2");
372    ///     let provider = ProviderBuilder::new().on_http("".parse().unwrap());
373    ///     let erc20 = ERC20::new(weth, &provider);
374    ///
375    ///     let ts_call = erc20.totalSupply();
376    ///     let balance_call = erc20.balanceOf(address!("d8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045"));
377    ///
378    ///     let multicall = provider.multicall().add(ts_call).add(balance_call);
379    ///
380    ///     let (total_supply, balance) = multicall.try_aggregate(true).await.unwrap();
381    ///
382    ///     assert!(total_supply.is_ok());
383    ///     assert!(balance.is_ok());
384    /// }
385    /// ```
386    pub async fn try_aggregate(&self, require_success: bool) -> Result<T::Returns> {
387        let calls = &self
388            .calls
389            .iter()
390            .map(|c| Call { target:, callData: c.callData.clone() })
391            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
392        let call = tryAggregateCall { requireSuccess: require_success, calls: calls.to_vec() };
393        let output = self.build_and_call(call, None).await?;
394        let tryAggregateReturn { returnData } = output;
395        T::decode_return_results(&returnData)
396    }
398    /// Call the `aggregate3` function
399    ///
400    /// Doesn't require that all calls succeed, reverts only if a call with `allowFailure` set to
401    /// false, fails.
402    ///
403    /// By default, adding a call via [`MulticallBuilder::add`] sets `allow_failure` to false.
404    ///
405    /// You can add a call that allows failure by using [`MulticallBuilder::add_call`], and setting
406    /// `allow_failure` to true in [`CallItem`].
407    ///
408    /// ## Solidity Function Signature
409    ///
410    /// ```ignore
411    /// sol! {
412    ///     function aggregate3(Call3[] calldata calls) external payable returns (Result[] memory returnData);
413    /// }
414    /// ```
415    ///
416    /// ## Returns
417    ///
418    /// - A tuple of the decoded return values for the calls.
419    /// - Each return value is wrapped in a [`Result`] struct.
420    /// - The [`Result::Ok`] variant contains the decoded return value.
421    /// - The [`Result::Err`] variant contains the [`Failure`] struct which holds the
422    ///   index(-position) of the call and the returned data as [`Bytes`].
423    pub async fn aggregate3(&self) -> Result<T::Returns> {
424        let calls = self
425            .calls
426            .iter()
427            .map(|c| Call3 {
428                target:,
429                callData: c.callData.clone(),
430                allowFailure: c.allowFailure,
431            })
432            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
433        let call = aggregate3Call { calls: calls.to_vec() };
434        let output = self.build_and_call(call, None).await?;
435        T::decode_return_results(&output.returnData)
436    }
438    /// Call the `aggregate3Value` function
439    ///
440    /// Similar to `aggregate3` allows for calls to fail. Moreover, it allows for calling into
441    /// `payable` functions with the `value` parameter.
442    ///
443    /// One can set the `value` field in the [`CallItem`] struct and use
444    /// [`MulticallBuilder::add_call`] to add it to the stack.
445    ///
446    /// It is important to note the `aggregate3Value` only succeeds when `msg.value` is _strictly_
447    /// equal to the sum of the values of all calls. Summing up the values of all calls and setting
448    /// it in the transaction request is handled internally by the builder.
449    ///
450    /// ## Solidity Function Signature
451    ///
452    /// ```ignore
453    /// sol! {
454    ///    function aggregate3Value(Call3Value[] calldata calls) external payable returns (Result[] memory returnData);
455    /// }
456    /// ```
457    ///
458    /// ## Returns
459    ///
460    /// - A tuple of the decoded return values for the calls.
461    /// - Each return value is wrapped in a [`Result`] struct.
462    /// - The [`Result::Ok`] variant contains the decoded return value.
463    /// - The [`Result::Err`] variant contains the [`Failure`] struct which holds the
464    ///   index(-position) of the call and the returned data as [`Bytes`].
465    pub async fn aggregate3_value(&self) -> Result<T::Returns> {
466        let total_value = self.calls.iter().map(|c| c.value).fold(U256::ZERO, |acc, x| acc + x);
467        let call = aggregate3ValueCall { calls: self.calls.to_vec() };
468        let output = self.build_and_call(call, Some(total_value)).await?;
469        T::decode_return_results(&output.returnData)
470    }
472    /// Call the `blockAndAggregate` function
473    pub async fn block_and_aggregate(&self) -> Result<(u64, B256, T::SuccessReturns)> {
474        let calls = self
475            .calls
476            .iter()
477            .map(|c| Call { target:, callData: c.callData.clone() })
478            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
479        let call = blockAndAggregateCall { calls: calls.to_vec() };
480        let output = self.build_and_call(call, None).await?;
481        let blockAndAggregateReturn { blockNumber, blockHash, returnData } = output;
482        let result = T::decode_return_results(&returnData)?;
483        Ok((<u64>(), blockHash, T::try_into_success(result)?))
484    }
486    /// Call the `tryBlockAndAggregate` function
487    pub async fn try_block_and_aggregate(
488        &self,
489        require_success: bool,
490    ) -> Result<(u64, B256, T::Returns)> {
491        let calls = self
492            .calls
493            .iter()
494            .map(|c| Call { target:, callData: c.callData.clone() })
495            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
496        let call =
497            tryBlockAndAggregateCall { requireSuccess: require_success, calls: calls.to_vec() };
498        let output = self.build_and_call(call, None).await?;
499        let tryBlockAndAggregateReturn { blockNumber, blockHash, returnData } = output;
500        Ok((<u64>(), blockHash, T::decode_return_results(&returnData)?))
501    }
503    /// Helper fn to build a tx and call the multicall contract
504    ///
505    /// ## Params
506    ///
507    /// - `call_type`: The [`SolCall`] being made.
508    /// - `value`: Total value to send with the call in case of `aggregate3Value` request.
509    async fn build_and_call<M: SolCall>(
510        &self,
511        call_type: M,
512        value: Option<U256>,
513    ) -> Result<M::Return> {
514        let call = call_type.abi_encode();
515        let mut tx = N::TransactionRequest::default()
516            .with_to(self.address)
517            .with_input(Bytes::from_iter(call));
519        if let Some(value) = value {
520            tx.set_value(value);
521        }
523        let mut eth_call = self.provider.root().call(tx);
525        if let Some(block) = self.block {
526            eth_call = eth_call.block(block);
527        }
529        if let Some(overrides) = self.state_override.clone() {
530            eth_call = eth_call.overrides(overrides);
531        }
533        let res = eth_call.await.map_err(MulticallError::TransportError)?;
534        M::abi_decode_returns(&res, false).map_err(MulticallError::DecodeError)
535    }
537    /// Add a call to get the block hash from a block number
538    pub fn get_block_hash(self, number: BlockNumber) -> MulticallBuilder<T::Pushed, P, N>
539    where
540        T: TuplePush<getBlockHashCall>,
541        T::Pushed: CallTuple,
542    {
543        let call = CallItem::<getBlockHashCall>::new(
544            self.address,
545            getBlockHashCall { blockNumber: U256::from(number) }.abi_encode().into(),
546        );
547        self.add_call(call)
548    }
550    /// Add a call to get the coinbase of the current block
551    pub fn get_current_block_coinbase(self) -> MulticallBuilder<T::Pushed, P, N>
552    where
553        T: TuplePush<getCurrentBlockCoinbaseCall>,
554        T::Pushed: CallTuple,
555    {
556        let call = CallItem::<getCurrentBlockCoinbaseCall>::new(
557            self.address,
558            getCurrentBlockCoinbaseCall {}.abi_encode().into(),
559        );
560        self.add_call(call)
561    }
563    /// Add a call to get the current block number
564    pub fn get_block_number(self) -> MulticallBuilder<T::Pushed, P, N>
565    where
566        T: TuplePush<getBlockNumberCall>,
567        T::Pushed: CallTuple,
568    {
569        let call = CallItem::<getBlockNumberCall>::new(
570            self.address,
571            getBlockNumberCall {}.abi_encode().into(),
572        );
573        self.add_call(call)
574    }
576    /// Add a call to get the current block difficulty
577    pub fn get_current_block_difficulty(self) -> MulticallBuilder<T::Pushed, P, N>
578    where
579        T: TuplePush<getCurrentBlockDifficultyCall>,
580        T::Pushed: CallTuple,
581    {
582        let call = CallItem::<getCurrentBlockDifficultyCall>::new(
583            self.address,
584            getCurrentBlockDifficultyCall {}.abi_encode().into(),
585        );
586        self.add_call(call)
587    }
589    /// Add a call to get the current block gas limit
590    pub fn get_current_block_gas_limit(self) -> MulticallBuilder<T::Pushed, P, N>
591    where
592        T: TuplePush<getCurrentBlockGasLimitCall>,
593        T::Pushed: CallTuple,
594    {
595        let call = CallItem::<getCurrentBlockGasLimitCall>::new(
596            self.address,
597            getCurrentBlockGasLimitCall {}.abi_encode().into(),
598        );
599        self.add_call(call)
600    }
602    /// Add a call to get the current block timestamp
603    pub fn get_current_block_timestamp(self) -> MulticallBuilder<T::Pushed, P, N>
604    where
605        T: TuplePush<getCurrentBlockTimestampCall>,
606        T::Pushed: CallTuple,
607    {
608        let call = CallItem::<getCurrentBlockTimestampCall>::new(
609            self.address,
610            getCurrentBlockTimestampCall {}.abi_encode().into(),
611        );
612        self.add_call(call)
613    }
615    /// Add a call to get the chain id
616    pub fn get_chain_id(self) -> MulticallBuilder<T::Pushed, P, N>
617    where
618        T: TuplePush<getChainIdCall>,
619        T::Pushed: CallTuple,
620    {
621        let call =
622            CallItem::<getChainIdCall>::new(self.address, getChainIdCall {}.abi_encode().into());
623        self.add_call(call)
624    }
626    /// Add a call to get the base fee
627    pub fn get_base_fee(self) -> MulticallBuilder<T::Pushed, P, N>
628    where
629        T: TuplePush<getBasefeeCall>,
630        T::Pushed: CallTuple,
631    {
632        let call =
633            CallItem::<getBasefeeCall>::new(self.address, getBasefeeCall {}.abi_encode().into());
634        self.add_call(call)
635    }
637    /// Add a call to get the eth balance of an address
638    pub fn get_eth_balance(self, address: Address) -> MulticallBuilder<T::Pushed, P, N>
639    where
640        T: TuplePush<getEthBalanceCall>,
641        T::Pushed: CallTuple,
642    {
643        let call = CallItem::<getEthBalanceCall>::new(
644            self.address,
645            getEthBalanceCall { addr: address }.abi_encode().into(),
646        );
647        self.add_call(call)
648    }
650    /// Add a call to get the last block hash
651    pub fn get_last_block_hash(self) -> MulticallBuilder<T::Pushed, P, N>
652    where
653        T: TuplePush<getLastBlockHashCall>,
654        T::Pushed: CallTuple,
655    {
656        let call = CallItem::<getLastBlockHashCall>::new(
657            self.address,
658            getLastBlockHashCall {}.abi_encode().into(),
659        );
660        self.add_call(call)
661    }
663    /// Returns an [`Empty`] builder
664    ///
665    /// Retains previously set provider, address, block and state_override settings.
666    pub fn clear(self) -> MulticallBuilder<Empty, P, N> {
667        MulticallBuilder {
668            calls: Vec::new(),
669            provider: self.provider,
670            block: self.block,
671            state_override: self.state_override,
672            address: self.address,
673            _pd: Default::default(),
674        }
675    }
677    /// Get the number of calls in the builder
678    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
679        self.calls.len()
680    }
682    /// Check if the builder is empty
683    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
684        self.calls.is_empty()
685    }