
1extern crate proc_macro;
3use proc_macro::TokenStream;
4use quote::ToTokens;
5use syn::parse_macro_input;
7/// Implements an [`Accounts`](./trait.Accounts.html) deserializer on the given
8/// struct. Can provide further functionality through the use of attributes.
10/// # Table of Contents
11/// - [Instruction Attribute](#instruction-attribute)
12/// - [Constraints](#constraints)
14/// # Instruction Attribute
16/// You can access the instruction's arguments with the
17/// `#[instruction(..)]` attribute. You have to list them
18/// in the same order as in the instruction but you can
19/// omit all arguments after the last one you need.
21/// # Example
23/// ```ignore
24/// ...
25/// pub fn initialize(ctx: Context<Create>, bump: u8, authority: Pubkey, data: u64) -> anchor_lang::Result<()> {
26///     ...
27///     Ok(())
28/// }
29/// ...
30/// #[derive(Accounts)]
31/// #[instruction(bump: u8)]
32/// pub struct Initialize<'info> {
33///     ...
34/// }
35/// ```
37/// # Constraints
39/// There are different types of constraints that can be applied with the `#[account(..)]` attribute.
41/// Attributes may reference other data structures. When `<expr>` is used in the tables below, an arbitrary expression
42/// may be passed in as long as it evaluates to a value of the expected type, e.g. `owner = token_program.key()`. If `target_account`
43/// used, the `target_account` must exist in the struct and the `.key()` is implicit, e.g. `payer = authority`.
45/// - [Normal Constraints](#normal-constraints)
46/// - [SPL Constraints](#spl-constraints)
48/// # Normal Constraints
49/// <table>
50///     <thead>
51///         <tr>
52///             <th>Attribute</th>
53///             <th>Description</th>
54///         </tr>
55///     </thead>
56///     <tbody>
57///         <tr>
58///             <td>
59///                 <code>#[account(signer)]</code> <br><br><code>#[account(signer @ &lt;custom_error&gt;)]</code>
60///             </td>
61///             <td>
62///                 Checks the given account signed the transaction.<br>
63///                 Custom errors are supported via <code>@</code>.<br>
64///                 Consider using the <code>Signer</code> type if you would only have this constraint on the account.<br><br>
65///                 Example:
66///                 <pre><code>
67/// #[account(signer)]
68/// pub authority: AccountInfo<'info>,
69/// #[account(signer @ MyError::MyErrorCode)]
70/// pub payer: AccountInfo<'info>
71///                 </code></pre>
72///             </td>
73///         </tr>
74///         <tr>
75///             <td>
76///                 <code>#[account(mut)]</code> <br><br><code>#[account(mut @ &lt;custom_error&gt;)]</code>
77///             </td>
78///             <td>
79///                 Checks the given account is mutable.<br>
80///                 Makes anchor persist any state changes.<br>
81///                 Custom errors are supported via <code>@</code>.<br><br>
82///                 Example:
83///                 <pre><code>
84/// #[account(mut)]
85/// pub data_account: Account<'info, MyData>,
86/// #[account(mut @ MyError::MyErrorCode)]
87/// pub data_account_two: Account<'info, MyData>
88///                 </code></pre>
89///             </td>
90///         </tr>
91///         <tr>
92///             <td>
93///                 <code>#[account(init, payer = &lt;target_account&gt;, space = &lt;num_bytes&gt;)]</code>
94///             </td>
95///             <td>
96///                 Creates the account via a CPI to the system program and
97///                 initializes it (sets its account discriminator). The annotated account is required to sign for this instruction
98///                 unless `seeds` is provided. <br>
99///                 Marks the account as mutable and is mutually exclusive with <code>mut</code>.<br>
100///                 Makes the account rent exempt unless skipped with <code>rent_exempt = skip</code>.<br><br>
101///                 Use <code>#[account(zero)]</code> for accounts larger than 10 Kibibyte.<br><br>
102///                 <code>init</code> has to be used with additional constraints:
103///                 <ul>
104///                     <li>
105///                         Requires the <code>payer</code> constraint to also be on the account.
106///                         The <code>payer</code> account pays for the
107///                         account creation.
108///                     </li>
109///                     <li>
110///                         Requires the system program to exist on the struct
111///                         and be called <code>system_program</code>.
112///                     </li>
113///                     <li>
114///                         Requires that the <code>space</code> constraint is specified.
115///                         When using the <code>space</code> constraint, one must remember to add 8 to it
116///                         which is the size of the account discriminator. This only has to be done
117///                         for accounts owned by anchor programs.<br>
118///                         The given space number is the size of the account in bytes, so accounts that hold
119///                         a variable number of items such as a <code>Vec</code> should allocate sufficient space for all items that may
120///                         be added to the data structure because account size is fixed.
121///                         Check out the <a href = "" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener noreferrer">space reference</a>
122///                         and the <a href = "" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener noreferrer">borsh library</a>
123///                         (which anchor uses under the hood for serialization) specification to learn how much
124///                         space different data structures require.
125///                     </li>
126///                 <br>
127///                 Example:
128///                 <pre>
129/// #[account]
130/// pub struct MyData {
131/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pub data: u64
132/// }&#10;
133/// #[derive(Accounts)]
134/// pub struct Initialize<'info> {
135/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;#[account(init, payer = payer, space = 8 + 8)]
136/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pub data_account_two: Account<'info, MyData>,
137/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;#[account(mut)]
138/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pub payer: Signer<'info>,
139/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
140/// }
141///                 </pre>
142///                 </ul>
143///                 <code>init</code> can be combined with other constraints (at the same time):
144///                 <ul>
145///                     <li>
146///                         By default <code>init</code> sets the owner field of the created account to the
147///                         currently executing program. Add the <code>owner</code> constraint to specify a
148///                         different program owner.
149///                     </li>
150///                     <li>
151///                         Use the <code>seeds</code> constraint together with <code>bump</code>to create PDAs.<br>
152///                         <code>init</code> uses <code>find_program_address</code> to calculate the pda so the
153///                         bump value can be left empty.<br>
154///                         However, if you want to use the bump in your instruction,
155///                         you can pass it in as instruction data and set the bump value like shown in the example,
156///                         using the <code>instruction_data</code> attribute.
157///                         Anchor will then check that the bump returned by <code>find_program_address</code> equals
158///                         the bump in the instruction data.<br>
159///                         <code>seeds::program</code> cannot be used together with init because the creation of an
160///                         account requires its signature which for PDAs only the currently executing program can provide.
161///                     </li>
162///                 </ul>
163///                 Example:
164///                 <pre>
165/// #[derive(Accounts)]
166/// #[instruction(bump: u8)]
167/// pub struct Initialize<'info> {
168/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;#[account(
169/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;init, payer = payer, space = 8 + 8
170/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;seeds = [b"example_seed"], bump = bump
171/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;)]
172/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pub pda_data_account: Account<'info, MyData>,
173/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;#[account(
174/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;init, payer = payer,
175/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;space = 8 + 8, owner = other_program.key()
176/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;)]
177/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pub account_for_other_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
178/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;#[account(
179/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;init, payer = payer, space = 8 + 8,
180/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;owner = other_program.key(),
181/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;seeds = [b"other_seed"], bump
182/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;)]
183/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pub pda_for_other_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
184/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;#[account(mut)]
185/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pub payer: Signer<'info>,
186/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
187/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pub other_program: Program<'info, OtherProgram>
188/// }
189///                 </pre>
190///             </td>
191///         </tr>
192///         <tr>
193///             <td>
194///                 <code>#[account(init_if_needed, payer = &lt;target_account&gt;)]</code><br><br>
195///                 <code>#[account(init_if_needed, payer = &lt;target_account&gt;, space = &lt;num_bytes&gt;)]</code>
196///             </td>
197///             <td>
198///                 Exact same functionality as the <code>init</code> constraint but only runs if the account does not exist yet.<br>
199///                 If the account does exist, it still checks whether the given init constraints are correct,
200///                 e.g. that the account has the expected amount of space and, if it's a PDA, the correct seeds etc.<br><br>
201///                 This feature should be used with care and is therefore behind a feature flag.
202///                 You can enable it by importing <code>anchor-lang</code> with the <code>init-if-needed</code> cargo feature.<br>
203///                 When using <code>init_if_needed</code>, you need to make sure you properly protect yourself
204///                 against re-initialization attacks. You need to include checks in your code that check
205///                 that the initialized account cannot be reset to its initial settings after the first time it was
206///                 initialized (unless that it what you want).<br>
207///                 Because of the possibility of re-initialization attacks and the general guideline that instructions
208///                 should avoid having multiple execution flows (which is important so they remain easy to understand),
209///                 consider breaking up your instruction into two instructions - one for initializing and one for using
210///                 the account - unless you have a good reason not to do so.
211///                 <br><br>
212///                 Example:
213///                 <pre>
214/// #[account]
215/// #[derive(Default)]
216/// pub struct MyData {
217/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pub data: u64
218/// }&#10;
219/// #[account]
220/// pub struct OtherData {
221/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pub data: u64
222/// }&#10;
223/// #[derive(Accounts)]
224/// pub struct Initialize<'info> {
225/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;#[account(init_if_needed, payer = payer)]
226/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pub data_account: Account<'info, MyData>,
227/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;#[account(init_if_needed, payer = payer, space = 8 + 8)]
228/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pub data_account_two: Account<'info, OtherData>,
229/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;#[account(mut)]
230/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pub payer: Signer<'info>,
231/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pub system_program: Program<'info, System>
232/// }
233///                 </pre>
234///             </td>
235///         </tr>
236///         <tr>
237///             <td>
238///                 <code>#[account(seeds = &lt;seeds&gt;, bump)]</code><br><br>
239///                 <code>#[account(seeds = &lt;seeds&gt;, bump, seeds::program = &lt;expr&gt;)]<br><br>
240///                 <code>#[account(seeds = &lt;seeds&gt;, bump = &lt;expr&gt;)]</code><br><br>
241///                 <code>#[account(seeds = &lt;seeds&gt;, bump = &lt;expr&gt;, seeds::program = &lt;expr&gt;)]</code><br><br>
242///             </td>
243///             <td>
244///                 Checks that given account is a PDA derived from the currently executing program,
245///                 the seeds, and if provided, the bump. If not provided, anchor uses the canonical
246///                 bump. <br>
247///                 Add <code>seeds::program = &lt;expr&gt;</code> to derive the PDA from a different
248///                 program than the currently executing one.<br>
249///                 This constraint behaves slightly differently when used with <code>init</code>.
250///                 See its description.
251///                 <br><br>
252///                 Example:
253///                 <pre><code>
254/// #[derive(Accounts)]
255/// #[instruction(first_bump: u8, second_bump: u8)]
256/// pub struct Example {
257///     #[account(seeds = [b"example_seed"], bump)]
258///     pub canonical_pda: AccountInfo<'info>,
259///     #[account(
260///         seeds = [b"example_seed"],
261///         bump,
262///         seeds::program = other_program.key()
263///     )]
264///     pub canonical_pda_two: AccountInfo<'info>,
265///     #[account(seeds = [b"other_seed"], bump = first_bump)]
266///     pub arbitrary_pda: AccountInfo<'info>
267///     #[account(
268///         seeds = [b"other_seed"],
269///         bump = second_bump,
270///         seeds::program = other_program.key()
271///     )]
272///     pub arbitrary_pda_two: AccountInfo<'info>,
273///     pub other_program: Program<'info, OtherProgram>
274/// }
275///                 </code></pre>
276///             </td>
277///         </tr>
278///         <tr>
279///             <td>
280///                 <code>#[account(has_one = &lt;target_account&gt;)]</code><br><br>
281///                 <code>#[account(has_one = &lt;target_account&gt; @ &lt;custom_error&gt;)]</code>
282///             </td>
283///             <td>
284///                 Checks the <code>target_account</code> field on the account matches the
285///                 key of the <code>target_account</code> field in the Accounts struct.<br>
286///                 Custom errors are supported via <code>@</code>.<br><br>
287///                 Example:
288///                 <pre><code>
289/// #[account(mut, has_one = authority)]
290/// pub data: Account<'info, MyData>,
291/// pub authority: Signer<'info>
292///                 </code></pre>
293///                 In this example <code>has_one</code> checks that <code>data.authority = authority.key()</code>
294///             </td>
295///         </tr>
296///         <tr>
297///             <td>
298///                 <code>#[account(address = &lt;expr&gt;)]</code><br><br>
299///                 <code>#[account(address = &lt;expr&gt; @ &lt;custom_error&gt;)]</code>
300///             </td>
301///             <td>
302///                 Checks the account key matches the pubkey.<br>
303///                 Custom errors are supported via <code>@</code>.<br><br>
304///                 Example:
305///                 <pre><code>
306/// #[account(address = crate::ID)]
307/// pub data: Account<'info, MyData>,
308/// #[account(address = crate::ID @ MyError::MyErrorCode)]
309/// pub data_two: Account<'info, MyData>
310///                 </code></pre>
311///             </td>
312///         </tr>
313///         <tr>
314///             <td>
315///                 <code>#[account(owner = &lt;expr&gt;)]</code><br><br>
316///                 <code>#[account(owner = &lt;expr&gt; @ &lt;custom_error&gt;)]</code>
317///             </td>
318///             <td>
319///                 Checks the account owner matches <code>expr</code>.<br>
320///                 Custom errors are supported via <code>@</code>.<br><br>
321///                 Example:
322///                 <pre><code>
323/// #[account(owner = Token::ID @ MyError::MyErrorCode)]
324/// pub data: Account<'info, MyData>,
325/// #[account(owner = token_program.key())]
326/// pub data_two: Account<'info, MyData>,
327/// pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>
328///                 </code></pre>
329///             </td>
330///         </tr>
331///         <tr>
332///             <td>
333///                 <code>#[account(executable)]</code>
334///             </td>
335///             <td>
336///                 Checks the account is executable (i.e. the account is a program).<br>
337///                 You may want to use the <code>Program</code> type instead.<br><br>
338///                 Example:
339///                 <pre><code>
340/// #[account(executable)]
341/// pub my_program: AccountInfo<'info>
342///                 </code></pre>
343///             </td>
344///         </tr>
345///         <tr>
346///             <td>
347///                 <code>#[account(rent_exempt = skip)]</code><br><br>
348///                 <code>#[account(rent_exempt = enforce)]</code>
349///             </td>
350///             <td>
351///                 Enforces rent exemption with <code>= enforce</code>.<br>
352///                 Skips rent exemption check that would normally be done
353///                 through other constraints with <code>= skip</code>,
354///                 e.g. when used with the <code>zero</code> constraint<br><br>
355///                 Example:
356///                 <pre><code>
357/// #[account(zero, rent_exempt = skip)]
358/// pub skipped_account: Account<'info, MyData>,
359/// #[account(rent_exempt = enforce)]
360/// pub enforced_account: AccountInfo<'info>
361///                 </code></pre>
362///             </td>
363///         </tr>
364///         <tr>
365///             <td>
366///                 <code>#[account(zero)]</code>
367///             </td>
368///             <td>
369///                 Checks the account discriminator is zero.<br>
370///                 Enforces rent exemption unless skipped with <code>rent_exempt = skip</code>.<br><br>
371///                 Use this constraint if you want to create an account in a previous instruction
372///                 and then initialize it in your instruction instead of using <code>init</code>.
373///                 This is necessary for accounts that are larger than 10 Kibibyte because those
374///                 accounts cannot be created via a CPI (which is what <code>init</code> would do).<br><br>
375///                 Anchor adds internal data to the account when using <code>zero</code> just like it
376///                 does with <code>init</code> which is why <code>zero</code> implies <code>mut</code>.
377///                 <br><br>
378///                 Example:
379///                 <pre><code>
380/// #[account(zero)]
381/// pub my_account: Account<'info, MyData>
382///                 </code></pre>
383///             </td>
384///         </tr>
385///         <tr>
386///             <td>
387///                 <code>#[account(close = &lt;target_account&gt;)]</code>
388///             </td>
389///             <td>
390///                 Closes the account by:<br>
391///                 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- Sending the lamports to the specified account<br>
392///                 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- Assigning the owner to the System Program<br>
393///                 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- Resetting the data of the account<br><br>
394///                 Requires <code>mut</code> to exist on the account.
395///                 <br><br>
396///                 Example:
397///                 <pre><code>
398/// #[account(mut, close = receiver)]
399/// pub data_account: Account<'info, MyData>,
400/// #[account(mut)]
401/// pub receiver: SystemAccount<'info>
402///                 </code></pre>
403///             </td>
404///         </tr>
405///         <tr>
406///             <td>
407///                 <code>#[account(constraint = &lt;expr&gt;)]</code><br><br><code>#[account(constraint = &lt;expr&gt; @ &lt;custom_error&gt;)]</code>
408///             </td>
409///             <td>
410///                 Constraint that checks whether the given expression evaluates to true.<br>
411///                 Use this when no other constraint fits your use case.
412///                 <br><br>
413///                 Example:
414///                 <pre><code>
415/// #[account(constraint = one.keys[0].age ==]
416/// pub one: Account<'info, MyData>,
417/// pub two: Account<'info, OtherData>
418///                 </code></pre>
419///             </td>
420///         </tr>
421///         <tr>
422///             <td>
423///                 <code>#[account(realloc = &lt;space&gt;, realloc::payer = &lt;target&gt;, realloc::zero = &lt;bool&gt;)]</code>
424///             </td>
425///             <td>
426///                 Used to <a href="" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener noreferrer">realloc</a>
427///                 program account space at the beginning of an instruction.
428///                 <br><br>
429///                 The account must be marked as <code>mut</code> and applied to either <code>Account</code> or <code>AccountLoader</code> types.
430///                 <br><br>
431///                 If the change in account data length is additive, lamports will be transferred from the <code>realloc::payer</code> into the
432///                 program account in order to maintain rent exemption. Likewise, if the change is subtractive, lamports will be transferred from
433///                 the program account back into the <code>realloc::payer</code>.
434///                 <br><br>
435///                 The <code>realloc::zero</code> constraint is required in order to determine whether the new memory should be zero initialized after
436///                 reallocation. Please read the documentation on the <code>AccountInfo::realloc</code> function linked above to understand the
437///                 caveats regarding compute units when providing <code>true</code or <code>false</code> to this flag.
438///                 <br><br>
439///                 The manual use of `AccountInfo::realloc` is discouraged in favor of the `realloc` constraint group due to the lack of native runtime checks
440///                 to prevent reallocation over the `MAX_PERMITTED_DATA_INCREASE` limit (which can unintentionally cause account data overwrite other accounts).
441///                 The constraint group also ensure account reallocation idempotency but checking and restricting duplicate account reallocation within a single ix.
442///                 <br><br>
443///                 Example:
444///                 <pre>
445/// #[derive(Accounts)]
446/// pub struct Example {
447///     #[account(mut)]
448///     pub payer: Signer<'info>,
449///     #[account(
450///         mut,
451///         seeds = [b"example"],
452///         bump,
453///         realloc = 8 + std::mem::size_of::<MyType>() + 100,
454///         realloc::payer = payer,
455///         realloc::zero = false,
456///     )]
457///     pub acc: Account<'info, MyType>,
458///     pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
459/// }
460///                 </pre>
461///             </td>
462///         </tr>
463///     </tbody>
464/// </table>
466/// # SPL Constraints
468/// Anchor provides constraints that make verifying SPL accounts easier.
470/// <table>
471///     <thead>
472///         <tr>
473///             <th>Attribute</th>
474///             <th>Description</th>
475///         </tr>
476///     </thead>
477///     <tbody>
478///         <tr>
479///             <td>
480///                 <code>#[account(token::mint = &lt;target_account&gt;, token::authority = &lt;target_account&gt;)]</code>
481///             <br><br>
482///                 <code>#[account(token::mint = &lt;target_account&gt;, token::authority = &lt;target_account&gt;, token::token_program = &lt;target_account&gt;)]</code>
483///             </td>
484///             <td>
485///                 Can be used as a check or with <code>init</code> to create a token
486///                 account with the given mint address and authority.<br>
487///                  When used as a check, it's possible to only specify a subset of the constraints.
488///                 <br><br>
489///                 Example:
490///                 <pre>
491/// use anchor_spl::{mint, token::{TokenAccount, Mint, Token}};
492/// ...&#10;
493/// #[account(
494///     init,
495///     payer = payer,
496///     token::mint = mint,
497///     token::authority = payer,
498/// )]
499/// pub token: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,
500/// #[account(address = mint::USDC)]
501/// pub mint: Account<'info, Mint>,
502/// #[account(mut)]
503/// pub payer: Signer<'info>,
504/// pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,
505/// pub system_program: Program<'info, System>
506///                 </pre>
507///             </td>
508///         </tr>
509///         <tr>
510///             <td>
511///                 <code>#[account(mint::authority = &lt;target_account&gt;, mint::decimals = &lt;expr&gt;)]</code>
512///                 <br><br>
513///                 <code>#[account(mint::authority = &lt;target_account&gt;, mint::decimals = &lt;expr&gt;, mint::freeze_authority = &lt;target_account&gt;)]</code>
514///             </td>
515///             <td>
516///                 Can be used as a check or with <code>init</code> to create a mint
517///                 account with the given mint decimals and mint authority.<br>
518///                 The freeze authority is optional when used with <code>init</code>.<br>
519///                 When used as a check, it's possible to only specify a subset of the constraints.
520///                 <br><br>
521///                 Example:
522///                 <pre>
523/// use anchor_spl::token::{Mint, Token};
524/// ...&#10;
525/// #[account(
526///     init,
527///     payer = payer,
528///     mint::decimals = 9,
529///     mint::authority = payer,
530/// )]
531/// pub mint_one: Account<'info, Mint>,
532/// #[account(
533///     init,
534///     payer = payer,
535///     mint::decimals = 9,
536///     mint::authority = payer,
537///     mint::freeze_authority = payer
538/// )]
539/// pub mint_two: Account<'info, Mint>,
540/// #[account(mut)]
541/// pub payer: Signer<'info>,
542/// pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,
543/// pub system_program: Program<'info, System>
544///                 </pre>
545///             </td>
546///         </tr>
547///         <tr>
548///             <td>
549///                 <code>#[account(associated_token::mint = &lt;target_account&gt;, associated_token::authority = &lt;target_account&gt;)]</code>
550///                <br><br>
551///                 <code>#[account(associated_token::mint = &lt;target_account&gt;, associated_token::authority = &lt;target_account&gt;, associated_token::token_program = &lt;target_account&gt;)]</code>
552///             </td>
553///             <td>
554///                 Can be used as a standalone as a check or with <code>init</code> to create an associated token
555///                 account with the given mint address and authority.
556///                 <br><br>
557///                 Example:
558///                 <pre>
559/// use anchor_spl::{
560///     associated_token::AssociatedToken,
561///     mint,
562///     token::{TokenAccount, Mint, Token}
563/// };
564/// ...&#10;
565/// #[account(
566///     init,
567///     payer = payer,
568///     associated_token::mint = mint,
569///     associated_token::authority = payer,
570/// )]
571/// pub token: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,
572/// #[account(
573///     associated_token::mint = mint,
574///     associated_token::authority = payer,
575/// )]
576/// pub second_token: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,
577/// #[account(address = mint::USDC)]
578/// pub mint: Account<'info, Mint>,
579/// #[account(mut)]
580/// pub payer: Signer<'info>,
581/// pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,
582/// pub associated_token_program: Program<'info, AssociatedToken>,
583/// pub system_program: Program<'info, System>
584///                 </pre>
585///             </td>
586///         </tr><tr>
587///             <td>
588///                 <code>#[account(*::token_program = &lt;target_account&gt;)]</code>
589///             </td>
590///             <td>
591///                 The <code>token_program</code> can optionally be overridden.
592///                 <br><br>
593///                 Example:
594///                 <pre>
595/// use anchor_spl::token_interface::{TokenInterface, TokenAccount, Mint};
596/// ...&#10;
597/// #[account(
598///     mint::token_program = token_a_token_program,
599/// )]
600/// pub token_a_mint: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
601/// #[account(
602///     mint::token_program = token_b_token_program,
603/// )]
604/// pub token_b_mint: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
605/// #[account(
606///     init,
607///     payer = payer,
608///     token::mint = token_a_mint,
609///     token::authority = payer,
610///     token::token_program = token_a_token_program,
611/// )]
612/// pub token_a_account: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,
613/// #[account(
614///     init,
615///     payer = payer,
616///     token::mint = token_b_mint,
617///     token::authority = payer,
618///     token::token_program = token_b_token_program,
619/// )]
620/// pub token_b_account: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,
621/// pub token_a_token_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
622/// pub token_b_token_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
623/// #[account(mut)]
624/// pub payer: Signer<'info>,
625/// pub system_program: Program<'info, System>
626///                 </pre>
627///             </td>
628///         </tr>
629///     <tbody>
630/// </table>
631#[proc_macro_derive(Accounts, attributes(account, instruction))]
632pub fn derive_accounts(item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
633    parse_macro_input!(item as anchor_syn::AccountsStruct)
634        .to_token_stream()
635        .into()