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//! Type validating that the account is one of a set of given Programs
use crate::accounts::program::Program;
use crate::error::{Error, ErrorCode};
use crate::{
AccountDeserialize, Accounts, AccountsExit, CheckId, Key, Result, ToAccountInfos,
use solana_program::account_info::AccountInfo;
use solana_program::instruction::AccountMeta;
use solana_program::pubkey::Pubkey;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::ops::Deref;
/// Type validating that the account is one of a set of given Programs
/// The `Interface` wraps over the [`Program`](crate::Program), allowing for
/// multiple possible program ids. Useful for any program that implements an
/// instruction interface. For example, spl-token and spl-token-2022 both implement
/// the spl-token interface.
/// # Table of Contents
/// - [Basic Functionality](#basic-functionality)
/// - [Out of the Box Types](#out-of-the-box-types)
/// # Basic Functionality
/// Checks:
/// - `expected_programs.contains(account_info.key)`
/// - `account_info.executable == true`
/// # Example
/// ```ignore
/// #[program]
/// mod my_program {
/// fn set_admin_settings(...){...}
/// }
/// #[account]
/// #[derive(Default)]
/// pub struct AdminSettings {
/// ...
/// }
/// #[derive(Accounts)]
/// pub struct SetAdminSettings<'info> {
/// #[account(mut, seeds = [b"admin"], bump)]
/// pub admin_settings: Account<'info, AdminSettings>,
/// #[account(constraint = program.programdata_address()? == Some(program_data.key()))]
/// pub program: Interface<'info, MyProgram>,
/// #[account(constraint = program_data.upgrade_authority_address == Some(authority.key()))]
/// pub program_data: Account<'info, ProgramData>,
/// pub authority: Signer<'info>,
/// }
/// ```
/// The given program has a function with which the upgrade authority can set admin settings.
/// The required constraints are as follows:
/// - `program` is the account of the program itself.
/// Its constraint checks that `program_data` is the account that contains the program's upgrade authority.
/// Implicitly, this checks that `program` is a BPFUpgradeable program (`program.programdata_address()?`
/// will be `None` if it's not).
/// - `program_data`'s constraint checks that its upgrade authority is the `authority` account.
/// - Finally, `authority` needs to sign the transaction.
/// # Out of the Box Types
/// Between the [`anchor_lang`](https://docs.rs/anchor-lang/latest/anchor_lang) and [`anchor_spl`](https://docs.rs/anchor_spl/latest/anchor_spl) crates,
/// the following `Interface` types are provided out of the box:
/// - [`TokenInterface`](https://docs.rs/anchor-spl/latest/anchor_spl/token_interface/struct.TokenInterface.html)
pub struct Interface<'info, T>(Program<'info, T>);
impl<'a, T> Interface<'a, T> {
pub(crate) fn new(info: &'a AccountInfo<'a>) -> Self {
pub fn programdata_address(&self) -> Result<Option<Pubkey>> {
impl<'a, T: CheckId> TryFrom<&'a AccountInfo<'a>> for Interface<'a, T> {
type Error = Error;
/// Deserializes the given `info` into a `Program`.
fn try_from(info: &'a AccountInfo<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
if !info.executable {
return Err(ErrorCode::InvalidProgramExecutable.into());
impl<'info, T> Deref for Interface<'info, T> {
type Target = AccountInfo<'info>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<'info, T> AsRef<AccountInfo<'info>> for Interface<'info, T> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &AccountInfo<'info> {
impl<'info, B, T: CheckId> Accounts<'info, B> for Interface<'info, T> {
fn try_accounts(
_program_id: &Pubkey,
accounts: &mut &'info [AccountInfo<'info>],
_ix_data: &[u8],
_bumps: &mut B,
_reallocs: &mut BTreeSet<Pubkey>,
) -> Result<Self> {
if accounts.is_empty() {
return Err(ErrorCode::AccountNotEnoughKeys.into());
let account = &accounts[0];
*accounts = &accounts[1..];
impl<'info, T> ToAccountMetas for Interface<'info, T> {
fn to_account_metas(&self, is_signer: Option<bool>) -> Vec<AccountMeta> {
impl<'info, T> ToAccountInfos<'info> for Interface<'info, T> {
fn to_account_infos(&self) -> Vec<AccountInfo<'info>> {
impl<'info, T: AccountDeserialize> AccountsExit<'info> for Interface<'info, T> {}
impl<'info, T: AccountDeserialize> Key for Interface<'info, T> {
fn key(&self) -> Pubkey {