1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326
//! This module contains an `EvaluationDomain` abstraction for
//! performing various kinds of polynomial arithmetic on top of
//! fields that are friendly to fast-fourier-transforms (FFTs).
//! A field is FFT-friendly if it contains enough
//! roots of unity to perform the FFT in O(n log n) time.
//! These roots of unity comprise the domain over which
//! polynomial arithmetic is performed.
use ark_ff::FftField;
use ark_serialize::{CanonicalDeserialize, CanonicalSerialize};
use ark_std::{fmt, hash, rand::Rng, vec::Vec};
#[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
use rayon::prelude::*;
pub mod general;
pub mod mixed_radix;
pub mod radix2;
pub(crate) mod utils;
pub use general::GeneralEvaluationDomain;
pub use mixed_radix::MixedRadixEvaluationDomain;
pub use radix2::Radix2EvaluationDomain;
/// Defines a domain over which finite field (I)FFTs can be performed. The
/// size of the supported FFT depends on the size of the multiplicative
/// subgroup. For efficiency, we recommend that the field has at least one large
/// subgroup generated by a root of unity.
pub trait EvaluationDomain<F: FftField>:
Copy + Clone + hash::Hash + Eq + PartialEq + fmt::Debug + CanonicalSerialize + CanonicalDeserialize
/// The type of the elements iterator.
type Elements: Iterator<Item = F> + Sized;
/// Sample an element that is *not* in the domain.
fn sample_element_outside_domain<R: Rng>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> F {
let mut t = F::rand(rng);
while self.evaluate_vanishing_polynomial(t).is_zero() {
t = F::rand(rng);
/// Construct a domain that is large enough for evaluations of a polynomial
/// having `num_coeffs` coefficients.
fn new(num_coeffs: usize) -> Option<Self>;
/// Construct a coset domain that is large enough for evaluations of a polynomial
/// having `num_coeffs` coefficients.
fn new_coset(num_coeffs: usize, offset: F) -> Option<Self> {
/// Construct a coset domain from a subgroup domain
fn get_coset(&self, offset: F) -> Option<Self>;
/// Return the size of a domain that is large enough for evaluations of a
/// polynomial having `num_coeffs` coefficients.
fn compute_size_of_domain(num_coeffs: usize) -> Option<usize>;
/// Return the size of `self`.
fn size(&self) -> usize;
/// Return the size of `self` as a field element.
fn size_as_field_element(&self) -> F {
F::from(self.size() as u64)
/// Return log_2(size) of `self`.
fn log_size_of_group(&self) -> u64;
/// Return the inverse of `self.size_as_field_element()`.
fn size_inv(&self) -> F;
/// Return the generator for the multiplicative subgroup that defines this domain.
fn group_gen(&self) -> F;
/// Return the group inverse of `self.group_gen()`.
fn group_gen_inv(&self) -> F;
/// Return the group offset that defines this domain.
fn coset_offset(&self) -> F;
/// Return the inverse of `self.offset()`.
fn coset_offset_inv(&self) -> F;
/// Return `offset^size`.
fn coset_offset_pow_size(&self) -> F;
/// Compute a FFT.
fn fft<T: DomainCoeff<F>>(&self, coeffs: &[T]) -> Vec<T> {
let mut coeffs = coeffs.to_vec();
self.fft_in_place(&mut coeffs);
/// Compute a FFT, modifying the vector in place.
fn fft_in_place<T: DomainCoeff<F>>(&self, coeffs: &mut Vec<T>);
/// Compute a IFFT.
fn ifft<T: DomainCoeff<F>>(&self, evals: &[T]) -> Vec<T> {
let mut evals = evals.to_vec();
self.ifft_in_place(&mut evals);
/// Compute a IFFT, modifying the vector in place.
fn ifft_in_place<T: DomainCoeff<F>>(&self, evals: &mut Vec<T>);
/// Multiply the `i`-th element of `coeffs` with `g^i`.
fn distribute_powers<T: DomainCoeff<F>>(coeffs: &mut [T], g: F) {
Self::distribute_powers_and_mul_by_const(coeffs, g, F::one());
/// Multiply the `i`-th element of `coeffs` with `c*g^i`.
#[cfg(not(feature = "parallel"))]
fn distribute_powers_and_mul_by_const<T: DomainCoeff<F>>(coeffs: &mut [T], g: F, c: F) {
// invariant: pow = c*g^i at the ith iteration of the loop
let mut pow = c;
coeffs.iter_mut().for_each(|coeff| {
*coeff *= pow;
pow *= &g
/// Multiply the `i`-th element of `coeffs` with `c*g^i`.
#[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
fn distribute_powers_and_mul_by_const<T: DomainCoeff<F>>(coeffs: &mut [T], g: F, c: F) {
use ark_std::cmp::max;
let min_parallel_chunk_size = 1024;
let num_cpus_available = rayon::current_num_threads();
let num_elem_per_thread = max(coeffs.len() / num_cpus_available, min_parallel_chunk_size);
ark_std::cfg_chunks_mut!(coeffs, num_elem_per_thread)
.for_each(|(i, chunk)| {
let offset = c * g.pow([(i * num_elem_per_thread) as u64]);
let mut pow = offset;
chunk.iter_mut().for_each(|coeff| {
*coeff *= pow;
pow *= &g
/// Evaluate all the lagrange polynomials defined by this domain at the
/// point `tau`. This is computed in time O(|domain|).
/// Then given the evaluations of a degree d polynomial P over this domain,
/// where d < |domain|, `P(tau)` can be computed as
/// `P(tau) = sum_{i in [|Domain|]} L_{i, Domain}(tau) * P(g^i)`.
/// `L_{i, Domain}` is the value of the i-th lagrange coefficient
/// in the returned vector.
fn evaluate_all_lagrange_coefficients(&self, tau: F) -> Vec<F> {
// Evaluate all Lagrange polynomials at tau to get the lagrange coefficients.
// Define the following as
// - H: The coset we are in, with generator g and offset h
// - m: The size of the coset H
// - Z_H: The vanishing polynomial for H. Z_H(x) = prod_{i in m} (x - hg^i) = x^m - h^m
// - v_i: A sequence of values, where v_0 = 1/(m * h^(m-1)), and v_{i + 1} = g * v_i
// We then compute L_{i,H}(tau) as `L_{i,H}(tau) = Z_H(tau) * v_i / (tau - h * g^i)`
// However, if tau in H, both the numerator and denominator equal 0
// when i corresponds to the value tau equals, and the coefficient is 0
// everywhere else. We handle this case separately, and we can easily
// detect by checking if the vanishing poly is 0.
let size = self.size();
let z_h_at_tau = self.evaluate_vanishing_polynomial(tau);
let offset = self.coset_offset();
let group_gen = self.group_gen();
if z_h_at_tau.is_zero() {
// In this case, we know that tau = hg^i, for some value i.
// Then i-th lagrange coefficient in this case is then simply 1,
// and all other lagrange coefficients are 0.
// Thus we find i by brute force.
let mut u = vec![F::zero(); size];
let mut omega_i = offset;
for u_i in u.iter_mut().take(size) {
if omega_i == tau {
*u_i = F::one();
omega_i *= &group_gen;
} else {
// In this case we have to compute `Z_H(tau) * v_i / (tau - h g^i)`
// for i in 0..size
// We actually compute this by computing (Z_H(tau) * v_i)^{-1} * (tau - h g^i)
// and then batch inverting to get the correct lagrange coefficients.
// We let `l_i = (Z_H(tau) * v_i)^-1` and `r_i = tau - h g^i`
// Notice that since Z_H(tau) is i-independent,
// and v_i = g * v_{i-1}, it follows that
// l_i = g^-1 * l_{i-1}
// TODO: consider caching the computation of l_i to save N multiplications
use ark_ff::fields::batch_inversion;
let group_gen_inv = self.group_gen_inv();
// v_0_inv = m * h^(m-1)
let v_0_inv = self.size_as_field_element() * offset.pow([size as u64 - 1]);
let mut l_i = z_h_at_tau.inverse().unwrap() * v_0_inv;
let mut negative_cur_elem = -offset;
let mut lagrange_coefficients_inverse = vec![F::zero(); size];
for coeff in &mut lagrange_coefficients_inverse {
let r_i = tau + negative_cur_elem;
*coeff = l_i * r_i;
// Increment l_i and negative_cur_elem
l_i *= &group_gen_inv;
negative_cur_elem *= &group_gen;
// Invert the lagrange coefficients inverse, to get the actual coefficients,
// and return these
/// Return the sparse vanishing polynomial.
fn vanishing_polynomial(&self) -> crate::univariate::SparsePolynomial<F> {
let constant_coeff = self.coset_offset_pow_size();
let coeffs = vec![(0, -constant_coeff), (self.size(), F::one())];
/// This evaluates the vanishing polynomial for this domain at tau.
fn evaluate_vanishing_polynomial(&self, tau: F) -> F {
// TODO: Consider precomputed exponentiation tables if we need this to be
// faster.
tau.pow([self.size() as u64]) - self.coset_offset_pow_size()
/// Returns the `i`-th element of the domain.
fn element(&self, i: usize) -> F {
let mut result = self.group_gen().pow([i as u64]);
if !self.coset_offset().is_one() {
result *= self.coset_offset()
/// Return an iterator over the elements of the domain.
fn elements(&self) -> Self::Elements;
/// Given an index which assumes the first elements of this domain are the
/// elements of another (sub)domain,
/// this returns the actual index into this domain.
fn reindex_by_subdomain(&self, other: Self, index: usize) -> usize {
assert!(self.size() >= other.size());
// Let this subgroup be G, and the subgroup we're re-indexing by be S.
// Since its a subgroup, the 0th element of S is at index 0 in G, the first
// element of S is at index |G|/|S|, the second at 2*|G|/|S|, etc.
// Thus for an index i that corresponds to S, the index in G is i*|G|/|S|
let period = self.size() / other.size();
if index < other.size() {
index * period
} else {
// Let i now be the index of this element in G \ S
// Let x be the number of elements in G \ S, for every element in S. Then x =
// (|G|/|S| - 1). At index i in G \ S, the number of elements in S
// that appear before the index in G to which i corresponds to, is
// floor(i / x) + 1. The +1 is because index 0 of G is S_0, so the
// position is offset by at least one. The floor(i / x) term is
// because after x elements in G \ S, there is one more element from S
// that will have appeared in G.
let i = index - other.size();
let x = period - 1;
i + (i / x) + 1
/// Perform O(n) multiplication of two polynomials that are presented by
/// their evaluations in the domain.
/// Returns the evaluations of the product over the domain.
/// Assumes that the domain is large enough to allow for successful
/// interpolation after multiplication.
fn mul_polynomials_in_evaluation_domain(&self, self_evals: &[F], other_evals: &[F]) -> Vec<F> {
assert_eq!(self_evals.len(), other_evals.len());
let mut result = self_evals.to_vec();
.for_each(|(a, b)| *a *= b);
/// Types that can be FFT-ed must implement this trait.
pub trait DomainCoeff<F: FftField>:
+ Send
+ Sync
+ core::ops::Add<Output = Self>
+ core::ops::Sub<Output = Self>
+ core::ops::AddAssign
+ core::ops::SubAssign
+ ark_ff::Zero
+ core::ops::MulAssign<F>
+ core::fmt::Debug
+ PartialEq
impl<T, F> DomainCoeff<F> for T
F: FftField,
T: Copy
+ Send
+ Sync
+ core::ops::Add<Output = Self>
+ core::ops::Sub<Output = Self>
+ core::ops::AddAssign
+ core::ops::SubAssign
+ ark_ff::Zero
+ core::ops::MulAssign<F>
+ core::fmt::Debug
+ PartialEq,