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//! A base library for interfacing with streams of vectors and matrices.
//! This library presents the abstraction layer for the _streaming model_.
//! Essentially, it provides a set of handy utilities as a wrapper around
//! iterators.
mod rev;
pub use rev::Reverse;
/// The trait [`Iterable`] represents a streamable object that can produce
/// an arbitrary number of streams of length [`Iterable::len`](Iterable::len).
/// An Iterable is pretty much like an [`IntoIterator`] that can be copied over
/// and over, and has an hint of the length. Copies are meant to be shared
/// across threads safely.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use ark_std::borrow::Borrow;
/// use ark_std::iterable::Iterable;
/// // Relying only on standard library
/// fn f(xs: impl IntoIterator<Item=impl Borrow<u32>> + Clone) -> u32 {
/// xs.clone().into_iter().fold(1, |x, y| x.borrow() * y.borrow()) +
/// xs.clone().into_iter().fold(0, |x, y| x.borrow() + y.borrow()) +
/// xs.into_iter().size_hint().0 as u32
/// }
/// // Relying on the trait below
/// fn g(xs: impl Iterable<Item=impl Borrow<u32>>) -> u32 {
/// xs.iter().fold(1, |x, y| x.borrow() * y.borrow()) +
/// xs.iter().fold(0, |x, y| x.borrow() + y.borrow()) +
/// xs.len() as u32
/// }
/// // Test over a slice (which implements both traits).
/// let xs = &[1, 2, 3, 4];
/// assert_eq!(f(xs), g(xs));
/// ```
/// # Efficency
/// For efficiency, functions using iterables are often times relying on
/// [`Borrow`](std::borrow::Borrow) in order to avoid copying the contents of
/// the iterator..
/// The `Iter` associated type has a lifetime that is independent from that of
/// the [`Iterable`] object. This means that implicitly a copy of the relevant
/// contents of the object will happen whenever
/// [`Iterable::iter`](crate::iterable::Iterable::iter) is called. This might
/// change in the future as associated type constructors
/// [[RFC1598](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/1598-generic_associated_types.md#declaring--assigning-an-associated-type-constructor)]
/// stabilize.
/// # Future implementation
/// A lot of stream operations must be performed symbolically.
/// We expect that, in the future, this trait will accommodate for additional
/// streaming function, e.g. `Iterable::hadamard(&self, other: &Iterable)` to
/// perform the Hadamard product of two streams, or `Iterable::add(&self, other:
/// &Iterable)` to perform the addition of two streams.
pub trait Iterable: Send + Sync {
/// The type of the element being streamed.
type Item;
/// The type of the iterator being generated.
type Iter: Iterator<Item = Self::Item>;
/// Return the iterator associated to the current instance.
/// In the so-called _streaming model_ [BCHO22], this is equivalent to
/// instantiating a new stream tape.
/// For base types, this acts in the same way as the `.iter()` method.
/// ```
/// use ark_std::iterable::Iterable;
/// let x = &[1, 2, 4];
/// let mut iterator = x.iter();
/// ```
fn iter(&self) -> Self::Iter;
/// Return a hint on the length of the stream.
/// Careful: different objects might have different indications of what
/// _length_ means; this might not be the actual size in terms of
/// elements.
fn len(&self) -> usize;
/// Return `true` if the stream is empty, else `false`.
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.len() == 0
impl<I> Iterable for I
I: IntoIterator + Copy + Send + Sync,
I::IntoIter: ExactSizeIterator,
type Item = <I as IntoIterator>::Item;
type Iter = <I as IntoIterator>::IntoIter;
fn iter(&self) -> Self::Iter {
fn len(&self) -> usize {