Construct a Fp<MontBackend<T, N>, N> element from a literal string. This
should be used primarily for constructing constant field elements; in a
non-const context, Fp::from_str is
The canonical representation of an elliptic curve group element.
This should represent the affine coordinates of the point corresponding
to this group element.
Elliptic curves can be represented via different “models” with varying
efficiency properties.
CurveConfig bundles together the types that are common
to all models of the given curve, namely the BaseField over which the
curve is defined, and the ScalarField defined by the appropriate
prime-order subgroup of the curve.
Wrapper trait representing a cycle of elliptic curves (E1, E2) such that
the base field of E1 is the scalar field of E2, and the scalar field of E1
is the base field of E2.
The interface for a generic field.
Types implementing Field support common field operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and inverses.
The interface for a prime field, i.e. the field of integers modulo a prime $p$.
In the following example we’ll use the prime field underlying the BLS12-381 G1 curve.