
1//! Small crate for initializing an uninitialized slice
4use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
6mod util;
8/// A fixed-size cursor for initializing [`MaybeUninit`] arrays
10/// The cursor will guarantee that all values have been
11/// initialized when the value is dropped, which means
12/// that it is safe to call [`MaybeUninit::assume_init()`].
14/// **NOTE:** This guarantee only holds as long as [`Drop::drop()`] is called.
15///           If the value goes out of scope without drop being called (e.g. because
16///           of [`core::mem::forget()`]), then this guarantee no longer applies.
17pub struct Cursor<'a, T, const N: usize> {
18    slice: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<T>; N],
21impl<'a, T, const N: usize> Cursor<'a, T, N> {
22    /// Creates a new cursor.
23    pub fn new(slice: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<T>; N]) -> Self {
24        Self { slice }
25    }
27    fn write_impl(&mut self, value: [T; N]) {
28        *self.slice = unsafe {
29            let ptr = &value as *const [T; N] as *const [MaybeUninit<T>; N];
30            let read_value = core::ptr::read(ptr);
31            core::mem::drop(value);
32            read_value
33        };
34    }
36    /// Finishes the buffer by writing the remaining values.
37    ///
38    /// This is equivalent to calling [`self.write::<N, 0>(value)`](`Self::write`), except it is slightly
39    /// more ergonomic.
40    pub fn finish(mut self, value: [T; N]) {
41        self.write_impl(value);
42        core::mem::forget(self);
43    }
45    /// Writes `L` values to the buffer and returns a new cursor for the remaining `R` values.
46    ///
47    /// This function cannot compile unless `L + R == N`, however it will be able to pass through
48    /// `cargo check`, since the error is not discovered by `rustc` until it tries to instantiate
49    /// the code.
50    pub fn write<const L: usize, const R: usize>(self, value: [T; L]) -> Cursor<'a, T, R> {
51        let (l, r) = self.split::<L, R>();
52        l.finish(value);
53        r
54    }
56    unsafe fn into_buf(self) -> &'a mut [MaybeUninit<T>; N] {
57        core::mem::transmute(self)
58    }
60    /// Splits the cursor in two.
61    ///
62    /// This function cannot compile unless `L + R == N`, however it will be able to pass through
63    /// `cargo check`, since the error is not discovered by `rustc` until it tries to instantiate
64    /// the code.
65    pub fn split<const L: usize, const R: usize>(self) -> (Cursor<'a, T, L>, Cursor<'a, T, R>) {
66        let buf = unsafe { self.into_buf() };
67        let (l, r) = crate::util::split_mut::<_, N, L, R>(buf);
68        (Cursor { slice: l }, Cursor { slice: r })
69    }
71    /// Compile-time assertion that `N == M` to work-around limitations in rust generics.
72    ///
73    /// This is useful if a type-signature requires the function to have a generic size
74    /// argument, but you want compile-time errors when called with the wrong parameter.
75    ///
76    /// # Examples
77    ///
78    /// ```
79    /// fn example<const N: usize>(cursor: array_init_cursor::Cursor<'_, u8, N>) {
80    ///     let cursor: array_init_cursor::Cursor<u8, 10> = cursor.assert_size();
81    /// }
82    /// ```
83    pub fn assert_size<const M: usize>(self) -> Cursor<'a, T, M> {
84        let (l, _) = self.split::<M, 0>();
85        l
86    }
89impl<'a, T, const N: usize> Drop for Cursor<'a, T, N> {
90    /// Will panic unless cursor has been completely initialized
91    fn drop(&mut self) {
92        if N > 0 {
93            panic!("Cursor still has uninitialized bytes");
94        }
95    }