
1//! Code to collect and publish information about a client's bootstrapping
2//! status.
4use std::{borrow::Cow, fmt, fmt::Display, time::SystemTime};
6use educe::Educe;
7use futures::{Stream, StreamExt};
8use tor_basic_utils::skip_fmt;
9use tor_chanmgr::{ConnBlockage, ConnStatus, ConnStatusEvents};
10use tor_circmgr::{ClockSkewEvents, SkewEstimate};
11use tor_dirmgr::{DirBlockage, DirBootstrapStatus};
12use tracing::debug;
14/// Information about how ready a [`crate::TorClient`] is to handle requests.
16/// Note that this status does not change monotonically: a `TorClient` can
17/// become more _or less_ bootstrapped over time. (For example, a client can
18/// become less bootstrapped if it loses its internet connectivity, or if its
19/// directory information expires before it's able to replace it.)
21// # Note
23// We need to keep this type fairly small, since it will get cloned whenever
24// it's observed on a stream.   If it grows large, we can add an Arc<> around
25// its data.
26#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
27pub struct BootstrapStatus {
28    /// Status for our connection to the tor network
29    conn_status: ConnStatus,
30    /// Status for our directory information.
31    dir_status: DirBootstrapStatus,
32    /// Current estimate of our clock skew.
33    skew: Option<SkewEstimate>,
36impl BootstrapStatus {
37    /// Return a rough fraction (from 0.0 to 1.0) representing how far along
38    /// the client's bootstrapping efforts are.
39    ///
40    /// 0 is defined as "just started"; 1 is defined as "ready to use."
41    pub fn as_frac(&self) -> f32 {
42        // Coefficients chosen arbitrarily.
43        self.conn_status.frac() * 0.15 + self.dir_status.frac_at(SystemTime::now()) * 0.85
44    }
46    /// Return true if the status indicates that the client is ready for
47    /// traffic.
48    ///
49    /// For the purposes of this function, the client is "ready for traffic" if,
50    /// as far as we know, we can start acting on a new client request immediately.
51    pub fn ready_for_traffic(&self) -> bool {
52        let now = SystemTime::now();
53        self.conn_status.usable() && self.dir_status.usable_at(now)
54    }
56    /// If the client is unable to make forward progress for some reason, return
57    /// that reason.
58    ///
59    /// (Returns None if the client doesn't seem to be stuck.)
60    ///
61    /// # Caveats
62    ///
63    /// This function provides a "best effort" diagnostic: there
64    /// will always be some blockage types that it can't diagnose
65    /// correctly.  It may declare that Arti is stuck for reasons that
66    /// are incorrect; or it may declare that the client is not stuck
67    /// when in fact no progress is being made.
68    ///
69    /// Therefore, the caller should always use a certain amount of
70    /// modesty when reporting these values to the user. For example,
71    /// it's probably better to say "Arti says it's stuck because it
72    /// can't make connections to the internet" rather than "You are
73    /// not on the internet."
74    pub fn blocked(&self) -> Option<Blockage> {
75        if let Some(b) = self.conn_status.blockage() {
76            let message = b.to_string().into();
77            let kind = b.into();
78            if matches!(kind, BlockageKind::ClockSkewed) && self.skew_is_noteworthy() {
79                Some(Blockage {
80                    kind,
81                    message: format!("Clock is {}", self.skew.as_ref().expect("logic error"))
82                        .into(),
83                })
84            } else {
85                Some(Blockage { kind, message })
86            }
87        } else if let Some(b) = self.dir_status.blockage(SystemTime::now()) {
88            let message = b.to_string().into();
89            let kind = b.into();
90            Some(Blockage { kind, message })
91        } else {
92            None
93        }
94    }
96    /// Adjust this status based on new connection-status information.
97    fn apply_conn_status(&mut self, status: ConnStatus) {
98        self.conn_status = status;
99    }
101    /// Adjust this status based on new directory-status information.
102    fn apply_dir_status(&mut self, status: DirBootstrapStatus) {
103        self.dir_status = status;
104    }
106    /// Adjust this status based on new estimated clock skew information.
107    fn apply_skew_estimate(&mut self, status: Option<SkewEstimate>) {
108        self.skew = status;
109    }
111    /// Return true if our current clock skew estimate is considered noteworthy.
112    fn skew_is_noteworthy(&self) -> bool {
113        matches!(&self.skew, Some(s) if s.noteworthy())
114    }
117/// A reason why a client believes it is stuck.
118#[derive(Clone, Debug, derive_more::Display)]
119#[display("{} ({})", kind, message)]
120pub struct Blockage {
121    /// Why do we think we're blocked?
122    kind: BlockageKind,
123    /// A human-readable message about the blockage.
124    message: Cow<'static, str>,
127impl Blockage {
128    /// Get a programmatic indication of the kind of blockage this is.
129    pub fn kind(&self) -> BlockageKind {
130        self.kind.clone()
131    }
133    /// Get a human-readable message about the blockage.
134    pub fn message(&self) -> impl Display + '_ {
135        &self.message
136    }
139/// A specific type of blockage that a client believes it is experiencing.
141/// Used to distinguish among instances of [`Blockage`].
142#[derive(Clone, Debug, derive_more::Display)]
144pub enum BlockageKind {
145    /// There is some kind of problem with connecting to the network.
146    #[display("We seem to be offline")]
147    Offline,
148    /// We can connect, but our connections seem to be filtered.
149    #[display("Our internet connection seems filtered")]
150    Filtering,
151    /// We have some other kind of problem connecting to Tor
152    #[display("Can't reach the Tor network")]
153    CantReachTor,
154    /// We believe our clock is set incorrectly, and that's preventing us from
155    /// successfully with relays and/or from finding a directory that we trust.
156    #[display("Clock is skewed.")]
157    ClockSkewed,
158    /// We've encountered some kind of problem downloading directory
159    /// information, and it doesn't seem to be caused by any particular
160    /// connection problem.
161    #[display("Can't bootstrap a Tor directory.")]
162    CantBootstrap,
165impl From<ConnBlockage> for BlockageKind {
166    fn from(b: ConnBlockage) -> BlockageKind {
167        match b {
168            ConnBlockage::NoTcp => BlockageKind::Offline,
169            ConnBlockage::NoHandshake => BlockageKind::Filtering,
170            ConnBlockage::CertsExpired => BlockageKind::ClockSkewed,
171            _ => BlockageKind::CantReachTor,
172        }
173    }
176impl From<DirBlockage> for BlockageKind {
177    fn from(_: DirBlockage) -> Self {
178        BlockageKind::CantBootstrap
179    }
182impl fmt::Display for BootstrapStatus {
183    /// Format this [`BootstrapStatus`].
184    ///
185    /// Note that the string returned by this function is designed for human
186    /// readability, not for machine parsing.  Other code *should not* depend
187    /// on particular elements of this string.
188    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
189        let percent = (self.as_frac() * 100.0).round() as u32;
190        if let Some(problem) = self.blocked() {
191            write!(f, "Stuck at {}%: {}", percent, problem)?;
192        } else {
193            write!(
194                f,
195                "{}%: {}; {}",
196                percent, &self.conn_status, &self.dir_status
197            )?;
198        }
199        if let Some(skew) = &self.skew {
200            if skew.noteworthy() {
201                write!(f, ". Clock is {}", skew)?;
202            }
203        }
204        Ok(())
205    }
208/// Task that runs forever, updating a client's status via the provided
209/// `sender`.
211/// TODO(nickm): Eventually this will use real stream of events to see when we
212/// are bootstrapped or not.  For now, it just says that we're not-ready until
213/// the given Receiver fires.
215/// TODO(nickm): This should eventually close the stream when the client is
216/// dropped.
217pub(crate) async fn report_status(
218    mut sender: postage::watch::Sender<BootstrapStatus>,
219    conn_status: ConnStatusEvents,
220    dir_status: impl Stream<Item = DirBootstrapStatus> + Send + Unpin,
221    skew_status: ClockSkewEvents,
222) {
223    /// Internal enumeration to combine incoming status changes.
224    #[allow(clippy::large_enum_variant)]
225    enum Event {
226        /// A connection status change
227        Conn(ConnStatus),
228        /// A directory status change
229        Dir(DirBootstrapStatus),
230        /// A clock skew change
231        Skew(Option<SkewEstimate>),
232    }
233    let mut stream = futures::stream::select_all(vec![
237    ]);
239    while let Some(event) = {
240        let mut b = sender.borrow_mut();
241        match event {
242            Event::Conn(e) => b.apply_conn_status(e),
243            Event::Dir(e) => b.apply_dir_status(e),
244            Event::Skew(e) => b.apply_skew_estimate(e),
245        }
246        debug!("{}", *b);
247    }
250/// A [`Stream`] of [`BootstrapStatus`] events.
252/// This stream isn't guaranteed to receive every change in bootstrap status; if
253/// changes happen more frequently than the receiver can observe, some of them
254/// will be dropped.
256// Note: We use a wrapper type around watch::Receiver here, in order to hide its
257// implementation type.  We do that because we might want to change the type in
258// the future, and because some of the functionality exposed by Receiver (like
259// `borrow()` and the postage::Stream trait) are extraneous to the API we want.
260#[derive(Clone, Educe)]
262pub struct BootstrapEvents {
263    /// The receiver that implements this stream.
264    #[educe(Debug(method = "skip_fmt"))]
265    pub(crate) inner: postage::watch::Receiver<BootstrapStatus>,
268impl Stream for BootstrapEvents {
269    type Item = BootstrapStatus;
271    fn poll_next(
272        mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
273        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
274    ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
275        self.inner.poll_next_unpin(cx)
276    }