Macro define_list_builder_accessors

macro_rules! define_list_builder_accessors {
        struct $OuterBuilder:ty {
                $vis:vis $things:ident: [$EntryBuilder:ty],
    } => { ... };
Expand description

Define accessor methods for a configuration item which is a list

See the list_builder module documentation for an overview.

Generates the following methods for each specified field:

impl $OuterBuilder {
    pub fn $things(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<$EntryBuilder> { .. }
    pub fn set_$things(&mut self, list: Vec<$EntryBuilder>) { .. }
    pub fn opt_$things(&self) -> &Option<Vec<$EntryBuilder>> { .. }
    pub fn opt_$things_mut>](&mut self) -> &mut Option<Vec<$EntryBuilder>> { .. }

Each $EntryBuilder should have been defined by define_list_builder_helper; the method bodies from this macro rely on facilities which will beprovided by that macro.

You can call define_list_builder_accessors once for a particular $OuterBuilder, with any number of fields with possibly different entry ($EntryBuilder) types.