1//! Types for conveniently constructing TorClients.
3#![allow(missing_docs, clippy::missing_docs_in_private_items)]
5use crate::{
6 err::ErrorDetail, BootstrapBehavior, InertTorClient, Result, TorClient, TorClientConfig,
8use std::{
9 result::Result as StdResult,
10 sync::Arc,
11 time::{Duration, Instant},
13use tor_dirmgr::{DirMgrConfig, DirMgrStore};
14use tor_error::{ErrorKind, HasKind as _};
15use tor_rtcompat::Runtime;
17/// An object that knows how to construct some kind of DirProvider.
19/// Note that this type is only actually exposed when the `experimental-api`
20/// feature is enabled.
22#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "experimental-api")))]
23pub trait DirProviderBuilder<R: Runtime>: Send + Sync {
24 fn build(
25 &self,
26 runtime: R,
27 store: DirMgrStore<R>,
28 circmgr: Arc<tor_circmgr::CircMgr<R>>,
29 config: DirMgrConfig,
30 ) -> Result<Arc<dyn tor_dirmgr::DirProvider + 'static>>;
33/// A DirProviderBuilder that constructs a regular DirMgr.
34#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
35struct DirMgrBuilder {}
37impl<R: Runtime> DirProviderBuilder<R> for DirMgrBuilder {
38 fn build(
39 &self,
40 runtime: R,
41 store: DirMgrStore<R>,
42 circmgr: Arc<tor_circmgr::CircMgr<R>>,
43 config: DirMgrConfig,
44 ) -> Result<Arc<dyn tor_dirmgr::DirProvider + 'static>> {
45 let dirmgr = tor_dirmgr::DirMgr::create_unbootstrapped(config, runtime, store, circmgr)
46 .map_err(ErrorDetail::DirMgrSetup)?;
47 Ok(Arc::new(dirmgr))
48 }
51/// An object for constructing a [`TorClient`].
53/// Returned by [`TorClient::builder()`].
56pub struct TorClientBuilder<R: Runtime> {
57 /// The runtime for the client to use
58 runtime: R,
59 /// The client's configuration.
60 config: TorClientConfig,
61 /// How the client should behave when it is asked to do something on the Tor
62 /// network before `bootstrap()` is called.
63 bootstrap_behavior: BootstrapBehavior,
64 /// Optional object to construct a DirProvider.
65 ///
66 /// Wrapped in an Arc so that we don't need to force DirProviderBuilder to
67 /// implement Clone.
68 dirmgr_builder: Arc<dyn DirProviderBuilder<R>>,
69 /// If present, an amount of time to wait when trying to acquire the filesystem locks for our
70 /// storage.
71 local_resource_timeout: Option<Duration>,
72 /// Optional directory filter to install for testing purposes.
73 ///
74 /// Only available when `arti-client` is built with the `dirfilter` and `experimental-api` features.
75 #[cfg(feature = "dirfilter")]
76 dirfilter: tor_dirmgr::filter::FilterConfig,
79/// Longest allowable duration to wait for local resources to be available
80/// when creating a TorClient.
82/// This value may change in future versions of Arti.
83/// It is an error to configure
84/// a [`local_resource_timeout`](TorClientBuilder)
85/// with a larger value than this.
87/// (Reducing this value would count as a breaking change.)
88pub const MAX_LOCAL_RESOURCE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::new(5, 0);
90impl<R: Runtime> TorClientBuilder<R> {
91 /// Construct a new TorClientBuilder with the given runtime.
92 pub(crate) fn new(runtime: R) -> Self {
93 Self {
94 runtime,
95 config: TorClientConfig::default(),
96 bootstrap_behavior: BootstrapBehavior::default(),
97 dirmgr_builder: Arc::new(DirMgrBuilder {}),
98 local_resource_timeout: None,
99 #[cfg(feature = "dirfilter")]
100 dirfilter: None,
101 }
102 }
104 /// Set the configuration for the `TorClient` under construction.
105 ///
106 /// If not called, then a compiled-in default configuration will be used.
107 pub fn config(mut self, config: TorClientConfig) -> Self {
108 self.config = config;
109 self
110 }
112 /// Set the bootstrap behavior for the `TorClient` under construction.
113 ///
114 /// If not called, then the default ([`BootstrapBehavior::OnDemand`]) will
115 /// be used.
116 pub fn bootstrap_behavior(mut self, bootstrap_behavior: BootstrapBehavior) -> Self {
117 self.bootstrap_behavior = bootstrap_behavior;
118 self
119 }
121 /// Set a timeout that we should allow when trying to acquire our local resources
122 /// (including lock files.)
123 ///
124 /// If no timeout is set, we wait for a short while (currently 500 msec) when invoked with
125 /// [`create_bootstrapped`](Self::create_bootstrapped) or
126 /// [`create_unbootstrapped_async`](Self::create_unbootstrapped_async),
127 /// and we do not wait at all if invoked with
128 /// [`create_unbootstrapped`](Self::create_unbootstrapped).
129 ///
130 /// (This difference in default behavior is meant to avoid unintentional blocking.
131 /// If you call this method, subsequent calls to `create_bootstrapped` may block
132 /// the current thread.)
133 ///
134 /// The provided timeout value may not be larger than [`MAX_LOCAL_RESOURCE_TIMEOUT`].
135 pub fn local_resource_timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self {
136 self.local_resource_timeout = Some(timeout);
137 self
138 }
140 /// Override the default function used to construct the directory provider.
141 ///
142 /// Only available when compiled with the `experimental-api` feature: this
143 /// code is unstable.
144 #[cfg(all(feature = "experimental-api", feature = "error_detail"))]
145 pub fn dirmgr_builder<B>(mut self, builder: Arc<dyn DirProviderBuilder<R>>) -> Self
146 where
147 B: DirProviderBuilder<R> + 'static,
148 {
149 self.dirmgr_builder = builder;
150 self
151 }
153 /// Install a [`DirFilter`](tor_dirmgr::filter::DirFilter) to
154 ///
155 /// Only available when compiled with the `dirfilter` feature: this code
156 /// is unstable and not recommended for production use.
157 #[cfg(feature = "dirfilter")]
158 pub fn dirfilter<F>(mut self, filter: F) -> Self
159 where
160 F: Into<Arc<dyn tor_dirmgr::filter::DirFilter + 'static>>,
161 {
162 self.dirfilter = Some(filter.into());
163 self
164 }
166 /// Create a `TorClient` from this builder, without automatically launching
167 /// the bootstrap process.
168 ///
169 /// If you have left the default [`BootstrapBehavior`] in place, the client
170 /// will bootstrap itself as soon any attempt is made to use it. You can
171 /// also bootstrap the client yourself by running its
172 /// [`bootstrap()`](TorClient::bootstrap) method.
173 ///
174 /// If you have replaced the default behavior with [`BootstrapBehavior::Manual`],
175 /// any attempts to use the client will fail with an error of kind
176 /// [`ErrorKind::BootstrapRequired`],
177 /// until you have called [`TorClient::bootstrap`] yourself.
178 /// This option is useful if you wish to have control over the bootstrap
179 /// process (for example, you might wish to avoid initiating network
180 /// connections until explicit user confirmation is given).
181 ///
182 /// If a [local_resource_timeout](Self::local_resource_timeout) has been set, this function may
183 /// block the current thread.
184 /// Use [`create_unbootstrapped_async`](Self::create_unbootstrapped_async)
185 /// if that is not what you want.
186 pub fn create_unbootstrapped(&self) -> Result<TorClient<R>> {
187 let timeout = self.local_resource_timeout_or(Duration::from_millis(0))?;
188 let give_up_at = Instant::now() + timeout;
189 let mut first_attempt = true;
191 loop {
192 match self.create_unbootstrapped_inner(Instant::now, give_up_at, first_attempt) {
193 Err(delay) => {
194 first_attempt = false;
195 std::thread::sleep(delay);
196 }
197 Ok(other) => return other,
198 }
199 }
200 }
202 /// Like create_unbootstrapped, but does not block the thread while trying to acquire the lock.
203 ///
204 /// If no [`local_resource_timeout`](Self::local_resource_timeout) has been set, this function may
205 /// delay a short while (currently 500 msec) for local resources (such as lock files) to be available.
206 /// Set `local_resource_timeout` to 0 if you do not want this behavior.
207 pub async fn create_unbootstrapped_async(&self) -> Result<TorClient<R>> {
208 // TODO: This code is largely duplicated from create_unbootstrapped above. It might be good
209 // to have a single shared implementation to handle both the sync and async cases, but I am
210 // concerned that doing so would just add a lot of complexity.
211 let timeout = self.local_resource_timeout_or(Duration::from_millis(500))?;
212 let give_up_at = + timeout;
213 let mut first_attempt = true;
215 loop {
216 match self.create_unbootstrapped_inner(||, give_up_at, first_attempt)
217 {
218 Err(delay) => {
219 first_attempt = false;
220 self.runtime.sleep(delay).await;
221 }
222 Ok(other) => return other,
223 }
224 }
225 }
227 /// Helper for create_bootstrapped and create_bootstrapped_async.
228 ///
229 /// Does not retry on `LocalResourceAlreadyInUse`; instead, returns a time that we should wait,
230 /// and log a message if `first_attempt` is true.
231 fn create_unbootstrapped_inner<F>(
232 &self,
233 now: F,
234 give_up_at: Instant,
235 first_attempt: bool,
236 ) -> StdResult<Result<TorClient<R>>, Duration>
237 where
238 F: FnOnce() -> Instant,
239 {
240 #[allow(unused_mut)]
241 let mut dirmgr_extensions = tor_dirmgr::config::DirMgrExtensions::default();
242 #[cfg(feature = "dirfilter")]
243 {
244 dirmgr_extensions.filter.clone_from(&self.dirfilter);
245 }
247 let result: Result<TorClient<R>> = TorClient::create_inner(
248 self.runtime.clone(),
249 &self.config,
250 self.bootstrap_behavior,
251 self.dirmgr_builder.as_ref(),
252 dirmgr_extensions,
253 )
254 .map_err(ErrorDetail::into);
256 match result {
257 Err(e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::LocalResourceAlreadyInUse => {
258 let now = now();
259 if now >= give_up_at {
260 // no time remaining; return the error that we got.
261 Ok(Err(e))
262 } else {
263 let remaining = give_up_at.saturating_duration_since(now);
264 if first_attempt {
265 tracing::info!(
266 "Looks like another TorClient may be running; retrying for up to {}",
267 humantime::Duration::from(remaining),
268 );
269 }
270 // We'll retry at least once.
271 // TODO: Maybe use a smarter backoff strategy here?
272 Err(Duration::from_millis(50).min(remaining))
273 }
274 }
275 // We either succeeded, or failed for a reason other than LocalResourceAlreadyInUse
276 other => Ok(other),
277 }
278 }
280 /// Create a TorClient from this builder, and try to bootstrap it.
281 pub async fn create_bootstrapped(&self) -> Result<TorClient<R>> {
282 let r = self.create_unbootstrapped_async().await?;
283 r.bootstrap().await?;
284 Ok(r)
285 }
287 /// Return the local_resource_timeout, or `dflt` if none is defined.
288 ///
289 /// Give an error if the value is above MAX_LOCAL_RESOURCE_TIMEOUT
290 fn local_resource_timeout_or(&self, dflt: Duration) -> Result<Duration> {
291 let timeout = self.local_resource_timeout.unwrap_or(dflt);
293 return Err(
294 ErrorDetail::Configuration(tor_config::ConfigBuildError::Invalid {
295 field: "local_resource_timeout".into(),
296 problem: "local resource timeout too large".into(),
297 })
298 .into(),
299 );
300 }
301 Ok(timeout)
302 }
304 /// Create an `InertTorClient` from this builder, without launching
305 /// the bootstrap process, or connecting to the network.
306 ///
307 /// It is currently unspecified whether constructing an `InertTorClient`
308 /// will hold any locks that prevent opening a `TorClient` with the same
309 /// directories.
310 //
311 // TODO(#1576): reach a decision here.
312 #[allow(clippy::unnecessary_wraps)]
313 pub fn create_inert(&self) -> Result<InertTorClient> {
314 Ok(InertTorClient::new(&self.config)?)
315 }
319mod test {
320 use tor_rtcompat::PreferredRuntime;
322 use super::*;
324 fn must_be_send_and_sync<S: Send + Sync>() {}
326 #[test]
327 fn builder_is_send() {
328 must_be_send_and_sync::<TorClientBuilder<PreferredRuntime>>();
329 }