[][src]Attribute Macro async_graphql::Subscription


Define a GraphQL subscription

The field function is a synchronization function that performs filtering. When true is returned, the message is pushed to the client. The second parameter is the type of the field. Starting with the third parameter is one or more filtering conditions, The filter condition is the parameter of the field. The filter function should be synchronous.

Macro parameters

nameObject namestringY
descObject descriptionstringY

Field parameters

nameField namestringY
descField descriptionstringY
deprecationField deprecation reasonstringY

Field argument parameters

nameArgument namestringY
descArgument descriptionstringY
defaultArgument default valuestringY
validatorsInput value validatorsInputValueValidatorY


This example is not tested
use async_graphql::*;

struct Event {
    value: i32,

struct SubscriptionRoot;

impl SubscriptionRoot {
    async fn value(&self, event: &Event, condition: i32) -> bool {
        // Push when value is greater than condition
        event.value > condition