Function async_graphql::types::connection::query [−][src]
pub async fn query<Cursor, Node, ConnectionFields, EdgeFields, F, R>(
after: Option<String>,
before: Option<String>,
first: Option<i32>,
last: Option<i32>,
f: F
) -> Result<Connection<Cursor, Node, ConnectionFields, EdgeFields>> where
Cursor: CursorType + Send + Sync,
<Cursor as CursorType>::Error: Display + Send + Sync + 'static,
F: FnOnce(Option<Cursor>, Option<Cursor>, Option<usize>, Option<usize>) -> R,
R: Future<Output = Result<Connection<Cursor, Node, ConnectionFields, EdgeFields>>>,
Parses the parameters and executes the query.
use async_graphql::*; use async_graphql::connection::*; struct QueryRoot; struct Numbers; #[derive(SimpleObject)] struct Diff { diff: i32, } #[Object] impl QueryRoot { async fn numbers(&self, after: Option<String>, before: Option<String>, first: Option<i32>, last: Option<i32> ) -> Result<Connection<usize, i32, EmptyFields, Diff>> { query(after, before, first, last, |after, before, first, last| async move { let mut start =|after| after + 1).unwrap_or(0); let mut end = before.unwrap_or(10000); if let Some(first) = first { end = (start + first).min(end); } if let Some(last) = last { start = if last > end - start { end } else { end - last }; } let mut connection = Connection::new(start > 0, end < 10000); connection.append( (start..end).into_iter().map(|n| Edge::with_additional_fields(n, n as i32, Diff{ diff: (10000 - n) as i32 })), ); Ok(connection) }).await } } tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(async { let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); assert_eq!(schema.execute("{ numbers(first: 2) { edges { node diff } } }").await.into_result().unwrap().data, value!({ "numbers": { "edges": [ {"node": 0, "diff": 10000}, {"node": 1, "diff": 9999}, ] }, })); assert_eq!(schema.execute("{ numbers(last: 2) { edges { node diff } } }").await.into_result().unwrap().data, value!({ "numbers": { "edges": [ {"node": 9998, "diff": 2}, {"node": 9999, "diff": 1}, ] }, })); });