Expand description
Define a complex GraphQL object for SimpleObject’s complex field resolver.
Sometimes most of the fields of a GraphQL object simply return the value of the structure member, but a few
fields are calculated. Usually we use the Object
macro to define such a GraphQL object.
But this can be done more beautifully with the ComplexObject
macro. We can use the SimpleObject
macro to define
some simple fields, and use the ComplexObject
macro to define some other fields that need to be calculated.
§Macro attributes
Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
rename_fields | Rename all the fields according to the given case convention. The possible values are “lowercase”, “UPPERCASE”, “PascalCase”, “camelCase”, “snake_case”, “SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE”. | string | Y |
rename_args | Rename all the arguments according to the given case convention. The possible values are “lowercase”, “UPPERCASE”, “PascalCase”, “camelCase”, “snake_case”, “SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE”. | string | Y |
guard | Field of guard See also the Book | string | Y |
inaccessible | Indicate that an object is not accessible from a supergraph when using Apollo Federation | bool | Y |
tag | Arbitrary string metadata that will be propagated to the supergraph when using Apollo Federation. This attribute is repeatable | string | Y |
§Field attributes
Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
skip | Skip this field | bool | Y |
name | Field name | string | Y |
desc | Field description | string | Y |
deprecation | Field deprecated | bool | Y |
deprecation | Field deprecation reason | string | Y |
cache_control | Field cache control | CacheControl | Y |
external | Mark a field as owned by another service. This allows service A to use fields from service B while also knowing at runtime the types of that field. | bool | Y |
provides | Annotate the expected returned fieldset from a field on a base type that is guaranteed to be selectable by the gateway. | string | Y |
requires | Annotate the required input fieldset from a base type for a resolver. It is used to develop a query plan where the required fields may not be needed by the client, but the service may need additional information from other services. | string | Y |
shareable | Indicate that a field is allowed to be resolved by multiple subgraphs | bool | Y |
inaccessible | Indicate that a field is not accessible from a supergraph when using Apollo Federation | bool | Y |
tag | Arbitrary string metadata that will be propagated to the supergraph when using Apollo Federation. This attribute is repeatable | string | Y |
override_from | Mark the field as overriding a field currently present on another subgraph. It is used to migrate fields between subgraphs. | string | Y |
guard | Field of guard See also the Book | string | Y |
visible | If false , it will not be displayed in introspection. See also the Book. | bool | Y |
visible | Call the specified function. If the return value is false , it will not be displayed in introspection. | string | Y |
complexity | Custom field complexity. See also the Book. | bool | Y |
complexity | Custom field complexity. | string | Y |
derived | Generate derived fields See also the Book. | object | Y |
flatten | Similar to serde (flatten) | boolean | Y |
directives | Directives | expr | Y |
§Field argument attributes
Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
name | Argument name | string | Y |
desc | Argument description | string | Y |
default | Use Default::default for default value | none | Y |
default | Argument default value | literal | Y |
default_with | Expression to generate default value | code string | Y |
validator | Input value validator See also the Book | object | Y |
inaccessible | Indicate that a field argument is not accessible from a supergraph when using Apollo Federation | bool | Y |
tag | Arbitrary string metadata that will be propagated to the supergraph when using Apollo Federation. This attribute is repeatable | string | Y |
visible | If false , it will not be displayed in introspection. See also the Book. | bool | Y |
visible | Call the specified function. If the return value is false , it will not be displayed in introspection. | string | Y |
secret | Mark this field as a secret, it will not output the actual value in the log. | bool | Y |
process_with | Upon successful parsing, invokes specified function. Its signature must be fn(&mut T) . | code path | Y |
use async_graphql::*;
#[graphql(complex)] // NOTE: If you want the `ComplexObject` macro to take effect, this `complex` attribute is required.
struct MyObj {
a: i32,
b: i32,
impl MyObj {
async fn c(&self) -> i32 {
self.a + self.b
struct Query;
impl Query {
async fn obj(&self) -> MyObj {
MyObj { a: 10, b: 20 }
let schema = Schema::new(Query, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription);
let res = schema.execute("{ obj { a b c } }").await.into_result().unwrap().data;
assert_eq!(res, value!({
"obj": {
"a": 10,
"b": 20,
"c": 30,