1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188
use std::collections::HashMap;
use derive_builder::Builder;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::error::OpenAIError;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Default, Clone, Builder, PartialEq, Deserialize)]
#[builder(name = "BatchRequestArgs")]
#[builder(pattern = "mutable")]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
#[builder(build_fn(error = "OpenAIError"))]
pub struct BatchRequest {
/// The ID of an uploaded file that contains requests for the new batch.
/// See [upload file]( for how to upload a file.
/// Your input file must be formatted as a [JSONL file](, and must be uploaded with the purpose `batch`. The file can contain up to 50,000 requests, and can be up to 100 MB in size.
pub input_file_id: String,
/// The endpoint to be used for all requests in the batch. Currently `/v1/chat/completions`, `/v1/embeddings`, and `/v1/completions` are supported. Note that `/v1/embeddings` batches are also restricted to a maximum of 50,000 embedding inputs across all requests in the batch.
pub endpoint: BatchEndpoint,
/// The time frame within which the batch should be processed. Currently only `24h` is supported.
pub completion_window: BatchCompletionWindow,
/// Optional custom metadata for the batch.
pub metadata: Option<HashMap<String, serde_json::Value>>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize, Default)]
pub enum BatchEndpoint {
#[serde(rename = "/v1/chat/completions")]
#[serde(rename = "/v1/embeddings")]
#[serde(rename = "/v1/completions")]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize, Default, Deserialize)]
pub enum BatchCompletionWindow {
#[serde(rename = "24h")]
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct Batch {
pub id: String,
/// The object type, which is always `batch`.
pub object: String,
/// The OpenAI API endpoint used by the batch.
pub endpoint: String,
pub errors: Option<BatchErrors>,
/// The ID of the input file for the batch.
pub input_file_id: String,
/// The time frame within which the batch should be processed.
pub completion_window: String,
/// The current status of the batch.
pub status: BatchStatus,
/// The ID of the file containing the outputs of successfully executed requests.
pub output_file_id: Option<String>,
/// The ID of the file containing the outputs of requests with errors.
pub error_file_id: Option<String>,
/// The Unix timestamp (in seconds) for when the batch was created.
pub created_at: u32,
/// The Unix timestamp (in seconds) for when the batch started processing.
pub in_progress_at: Option<u32>,
/// The Unix timestamp (in seconds) for when the batch will expire.
pub expires_at: Option<u32>,
/// The Unix timestamp (in seconds) for when the batch started finalizing.
pub finalizing_at: Option<u32>,
/// The Unix timestamp (in seconds) for when the batch was completed.
pub completed_at: Option<u32>,
/// The Unix timestamp (in seconds) for when the batch failed.
pub failed_at: Option<u32>,
/// he Unix timestamp (in seconds) for when the batch expired.
pub expired_at: Option<u32>,
/// The Unix timestamp (in seconds) for when the batch started cancelling.
pub cancelling_at: Option<u32>,
/// The Unix timestamp (in seconds) for when the batch was cancelled.
pub cancelled_at: Option<u32>,
/// The request counts for different statuses within the batch.
pub request_counts: Option<BatchRequestCounts>,
/// Set of 16 key-value pairs that can be attached to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Keys can be a maximum of 64 characters long and values can be a maximum of 512 characters long.
pub metadata: Option<HashMap<String, serde_json::Value>>,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct BatchErrors {
/// The object type, which is always `list`.
pub object: String,
pub data: Vec<BatchError>,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct BatchError {
/// An error code identifying the error type.
pub code: String,
/// A human-readable message providing more details about the error.
pub message: String,
/// The name of the parameter that caused the error, if applicable.
pub param: Option<String>,
/// The line number of the input file where the error occurred, if applicable.
pub line: Option<u32>,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum BatchStatus {
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct BatchRequestCounts {
/// Total number of requests in the batch.
pub total: u32,
/// Number of requests that have been completed successfully.
pub completed: u32,
/// Number of requests that have failed.
pub failed: u32,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct ListBatchesResponse {
pub data: Vec<Batch>,
pub first_id: Option<String>,
pub last_id: Option<String>,
pub has_more: bool,
pub object: String,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "UPPERCASE")]
pub enum BatchRequestInputMethod {
/// The per-line object of the batch input file
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct BatchRequestInput {
/// A developer-provided per-request id that will be used to match outputs to inputs. Must be unique for each request in a batch.
pub custom_id: String,
/// The HTTP method to be used for the request. Currently only `POST` is supported.
pub method: BatchRequestInputMethod,
/// The OpenAI API relative URL to be used for the request. Currently `/v1/chat/completions`, `/v1/embeddings`, and `/v1/completions` are supported.
pub url: BatchEndpoint,
pub body: Option<serde_json::Value>,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct BatchRequestOutputResponse {
/// The HTTP status code of the response
pub status_code: u16,
/// An unique identifier for the OpenAI API request. Please include this request ID when contacting support.
pub request_id: String,
/// The JSON body of the response
pub body: serde_json::Value,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct BatchRequestOutputError {
/// A machine-readable error code.
pub code: String,
/// A human-readable error message.
pub message: String,
/// The per-line object of the batch output and error files
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct BatchRequestOutput {
pub id: String,
/// A developer-provided per-request id that will be used to match outputs to inputs.
pub custom_id: String,
pub response: Option<BatchRequestOutputResponse>,
/// For requests that failed with a non-HTTP error, this will contain more information on the cause of the failure.
pub error: Option<BatchRequestOutputError>,