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//! Enables controlled spawning of non-`'static` futures
//! when using the [async-std] or [tokio]
//! executors. Note that this idea is similar to
//! `crossbeam::scope`, and `rayon::scope` but asynchronous.
//! ## Motivation
//! Executors like async_std, tokio, etc. support spawning
//! `'static` futures onto a thread-pool. However, it is
//! often useful to spawn futures that may not be `'static`.
//! While the future combinators such as
//! [`for_each_concurrent`][for_each_concurrent] offer
//! concurrency, they are bundled as a single [`Task`][Task]
//! structure by the executor, and hence are not driven
//! in parallel.
//! ## Scope API
//! We propose an API similar to
//! [`crossbeam::scope`](crossbeam::scope) to allow spawning
//! futures that are not `'static`. The key API is approximately:
//! ``` rust, ignore
//! pub unsafe fn scope<'a, T: Send + 'static,
//! F: FnOnce(&mut TokioScope<'a, T>)>(f: F)
//! -> impl Stream {
//! // ...
//! }
//! ```
//! See [`scope`][Scope::scope] for the exact definition, and
//! safety guidelines. The simplest and safest API is
//! [`scope_and_block`][Scope::scope_and_block], used as follows:
//! ``` rust, ignore
//! async fn scoped_futures() {
//! let not_copy = String::from("hello world!");
//! let not_copy_ref = ¬_copy;
//! let (foo, outputs) = async_scoped::AsyncStdScope::scope_and_block(|s| {
//! for _ in 0..10 {
//! let proc = || async {
//! assert_eq!(not_copy_ref, "hello world!");
//! eprintln!("Hello world!")
//! };
//! s.spawn(proc());
//! }
//! 42
//! });
//! assert_eq!(foo, 42);
//! assert_eq!(outputs.len(), 10);
//! }
//! ```
//! The [`scope_and_block`][Scope::scope_and_block] function above
//! blocks the current thread until all spawned futures are
//! driven in order to guarantee safety.
//! We also provide an unsafe
//! [`scope_and_collect`][Scope::scope_and_collect], which is
//! asynchronous, and does not block the current thread.
//! However, the user should ensure that the returned future
//! _is not forgetten_ before being driven to completion.
//! ## Executor Selection
//! Users may use "use-async-std", or the
//! "use-tokio" features to enable specific executor implementations.
//! Those are not necessary, you may freely implement traits `Spawner`, `Blocker`, etc for your own
//! runtime. Just ensure you follow the safety idea.
//! Some notes on default implementations:
//! 1. [`AsyncScope`] may run into a dead-lock if used in
//! deep recursions (depth > #num-cores / 2).
//! 2. [`TokioScope::scope_and_block`][Scope::scope_and_block] may only be used
//! within a multi-threaded. An incompletely driven
//! `TokioScope` also needs a multi-threaded context to be
//! dropped.
//! ## Cancellation
//! To support cancellation, `Scope` provides a
//! [`spawn_cancellable`][Scope::spawn_cancellable] which wraps a
//! future to make it cancellable. When a `Scope` is
//! dropped, (or if `cancel` method is invoked), all the
//! cancellable futures are scheduled for cancellation. In
//! the next poll of the futures, they are dropped and a
//! default value (provided by a closure during spawn) is
//! returned as the output of the future.
//! **Note:** this is an abrupt, hard cancellation. It also
//! requires a reasonable behaviour: futures that do not
//! return control to the executor cannot be cancelled once
//! it has started.
//! ## Safety Considerations
//! The [`scope`][Scope::scope] API provided in this crate is
//! unsafe as it is possible to `forget` the stream received
//! from the API without driving it to completion. The only
//! completely (without any additional assumptions) safe API
//! is the [`scope_and_block`][Scope::scope_and_block] function,
//! which _blocks the current thread_ until all spawned
//! futures complete.
//! The [`scope_and_block`][Scope::scope_and_block] may not be
//! convenient in an asynchronous setting. In this case, the
//! [`scope_and_collect`][Scope::scope_and_collect] API may be
//! used. Care must be taken to ensure the returned future
//! is not forgotten before being driven to completion.
//! Note that dropping this future will lead to it being
//! driven to completion, while blocking the current thread
//! to ensure safety. However, it is unsafe to forget this
//! future before it is fully driven.
//! ## Implementation
//! Our current implementation simply uses _unsafe_ glue to
//! `transmute` the lifetime, to actually spawn the futures
//! in the executor. The original lifetime is recorded in
//! the `Scope`. This allows the compiler to enforce the
//! necessary lifetime requirements as long as this returned
//! stream is not forgotten.
//! For soundness, we drive the stream to completion in the
//! [`Drop`][Drop] impl. The current thread is blocked until
//! the stream is fully driven.
//! Unfortunately, since the [`std::mem::forget`][forget]
//! method is allowed in safe Rust, the purely asynchronous
//! API here is _inherently unsafe_.
//! [async-std]: /async_std
//! [tokio]: /tokio
//! [poll]: std::futures::Future::poll
//! [Task]: std::task
//! [forget]: std::mem::forget
//! [Stream]: futures::Stream
//! [for_each_concurrent]: futures::StreamExt::for_each_concurrent
mod utils;
mod scoped;
pub use scoped::Scope;
#[cfg(feature = "use-tokio")]
pub type TokioScope<'a, T> = Scope<'a, T, spawner::use_tokio::Tokio>;
#[cfg(feature = "use-async-std")]
pub type AsyncStdScope<'a, T> = Scope<'a, T, spawner::use_async_std::AsyncStd>;
pub mod spawner;
mod usage;
mod tests;