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//! Async HTTP sessions.
//! This crate provides a generic interface between cookie values and
//! storage backends to create a concept of sessions. It provides an
//! interface that can be used to encode and store sessions, and
//! decode and load sessions generating cookies in the process.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! use async_session::{Session, SessionStore, MemoryStore};
//! # fn main() -> async_session::Result {
//! # async_std::task::block_on(async {
//! #
//! // Init a new session store we can persist sessions to.
//! let mut store = MemoryStore::new();
//! // Create a new session.
//! let mut session = Session::new();
//! session.insert("user_id", 1)?;
//! assert!(session.data_changed());
//! // retrieve the cookie value to store in a session cookie
//! let cookie_value = store.store_session(session).await?.unwrap();
//! // Retrieve the session using the cookie.
//! let session = store.load_session(cookie_value).await?.unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(session.get::<usize>("user_id").unwrap(), 1);
//! assert!(!session.data_changed());
//! #
//! # Ok(()) }) }
//! ```
// #![forbid(unsafe_code, future_incompatible)]
// #![deny(missing_debug_implementations, nonstandard_style)]
// #![warn(missing_docs, missing_doc_code_examples, unreachable_pub)]
pub use anyhow::Error;
/// An anyhow::Result with default return type of ()
pub type Result<T = ()> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
mod cookie_store;
mod memory_store;
mod session;
mod session_store;
pub use cookie_store::CookieStore;
pub use memory_store::MemoryStore;
pub use session::Session;
pub use session_store::SessionStore;
pub use async_trait::async_trait;
pub use base64;
pub use blake3;
pub use chrono;
pub use hmac;
pub use log;
pub use serde;
pub use serde_json;
pub use sha2;