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#![deny(missing_docs)] //! Utilities for encoding and decoding frames using `async/await`. //! //! Contains adapters to go from streams of bytes, [`AsyncRead`](futures::io::AsyncRead) //! and [`AsyncWrite`](futures::io::AsyncWrite), to framed streams implementing [`Sink`](futures::Sink) and [`Stream`](futures::Stream). //! Framed streams are also known as `transports`. //! //! ``` //! # futures::executor::block_on(async move { //! use futures::TryStreamExt; //! use futures::io::Cursor; //! use asynchronous_codec::{LinesCodec, Framed}; //! //! let io = Cursor::new(Vec::new()); //! let mut framed = Framed::new(io, LinesCodec); //! //! while let Some(line) = framed.try_next().await? { //! dbg!(line); //! } //! # Ok::<_, std::io::Error>(()) //! # }).unwrap(); //! ``` mod codec; pub use bytes::{Bytes, BytesMut}; pub use codec::{BytesCodec, LengthCodec, LinesCodec}; #[cfg(feature = "cbor")] pub use codec::{CborCodec, CborCodecError}; #[cfg(feature = "json")] pub use codec::{JsonCodec, JsonCodecError}; mod decoder; pub use decoder::Decoder; mod encoder; pub use encoder::Encoder; mod framed; pub use framed::Framed; mod framed_read; pub use framed_read::FramedRead; mod framed_write; pub use framed_write::FramedWrite; mod fuse;