1#![deny(clippy::all, clippy::pedantic, clippy::cargo, unsafe_code, rustdoc::all)]
7#[cfg(all(not(feature = "async-std"), not(feature = "tokio")))]
8compile_error!("You must specify at least one of the `async-std` or `tokio` features.");
10pub use atspi_common as common;
12pub mod accessible;
13pub mod action;
14pub mod application;
15pub mod bus;
16pub mod cache;
17pub mod collection;
18pub mod component;
19pub mod device_event_controller;
20pub mod device_event_listener;
21pub mod document;
22pub mod editable_text;
23pub mod proxy_ext;
24pub use common::{events, AtspiError, CoordType, Interface, InterfaceSet};
26pub mod hyperlink;
27pub mod hypertext;
28pub mod image;
29pub mod registry;
30pub mod selection;
31pub mod socket;
32pub mod table;
33pub mod table_cell;
34pub mod text;
35pub mod value;