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use warp::{http::StatusCode, Reply}; use crate::database::Database; use crate::models::{NewHistory, User}; use atuin_common::api::*; pub async fn count( user: User, db: impl Database + Clone + Send + Sync, ) -> JSONResult<ErrorResponseStatus<'static>> { db.count_history(&user).await.map_or( reply_error( ErrorResponse::reply("failed to query history count") .with_status(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), ), |count| reply_json(CountResponse { count }), ) } pub async fn list( req: SyncHistoryRequest<'_>, user: User, db: impl Database + Clone + Send + Sync, ) -> JSONResult<ErrorResponseStatus<'static>> { let history = db .list_history( &user, req.sync_ts.naive_utc(), req.history_ts.naive_utc(), &req.host, ) .await; if let Err(e) = history { error!("failed to load history: {}", e); return reply_error( ErrorResponse::reply("failed to load history") .with_status(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), ); } let history: Vec<String> = history .unwrap() .iter() .map(|i| i.data.to_string()) .collect(); debug!( "loaded {} items of history for user {}", history.len(), user.id ); reply_json(SyncHistoryResponse { history }) } pub async fn add( req: Vec<AddHistoryRequest<'_, String>>, user: User, db: impl Database + Clone + Send + Sync, ) -> ReplyResult<impl Reply, ErrorResponseStatus<'_>> { debug!("request to add {} history items", req.len()); let history: Vec<NewHistory> = req .into_iter() .map(|h| NewHistory { client_id: h.id, user_id: user.id, hostname: h.hostname, timestamp: h.timestamp.naive_utc(), data: h.data.into(), }) .collect(); if let Err(e) = db.add_history(&history).await { error!("failed to add history: {}", e); return reply_error( ErrorResponse::reply("failed to add history") .with_status(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), ); }; reply(warp::reply()) }