
1#[doc = r"Register block"]
3pub struct RegisterBlock {
4    #[doc = "0x00 - USART Control and Status Register A"]
5    pub ucsr0a: UCSR0A,
6    #[doc = "0x01 - USART Control and Status Register B"]
7    pub ucsr0b: UCSR0B,
8    #[doc = "0x02 - USART Control and Status Register C"]
9    pub ucsr0c: UCSR0C,
10    _reserved3: [u8; 0x01],
11    #[doc = "0x04 - USART Baud Rate Register Bytes"]
12    pub ubrr0: UBRR0,
13    #[doc = "0x06 - USART I/O Data Register"]
14    pub udr0: UDR0,
16#[doc = "UBRR0 (rw) register accessor: an alias for `Reg<UBRR0_SPEC>`"]
17pub type UBRR0 = crate::Reg<ubrr0::UBRR0_SPEC>;
18#[doc = "USART Baud Rate Register Bytes"]
19pub mod ubrr0;
20#[doc = "UCSR0A (rw) register accessor: an alias for `Reg<UCSR0A_SPEC>`"]
21pub type UCSR0A = crate::Reg<ucsr0a::UCSR0A_SPEC>;
22#[doc = "USART Control and Status Register A"]
23pub mod ucsr0a;
24#[doc = "UCSR0B (rw) register accessor: an alias for `Reg<UCSR0B_SPEC>`"]
25pub type UCSR0B = crate::Reg<ucsr0b::UCSR0B_SPEC>;
26#[doc = "USART Control and Status Register B"]
27pub mod ucsr0b;
28#[doc = "UCSR0C (rw) register accessor: an alias for `Reg<UCSR0C_SPEC>`"]
29pub type UCSR0C = crate::Reg<ucsr0c::UCSR0C_SPEC>;
30#[doc = "USART Control and Status Register C"]
31pub mod ucsr0c;
32#[doc = "UDR0 (rw) register accessor: an alias for `Reg<UDR0_SPEC>`"]
33pub type UDR0 = crate::Reg<udr0::UDR0_SPEC>;
34#[doc = "USART I/O Data Register"]
35pub mod udr0;