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Welcome to avro-schema’s documentation. Thanks for checking it out!
This is a library containing declarations of the
Avro specification
in Rust’s struct and enums together with serialization and deserialization
implementations based on serde_json
It also contains basic functionality to read and deserialize Avro’s file’s metadata and blocks.
Example of reading a file:
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufReader;
use avro_schema::error::Error;
use avro_schema::read::fallible_streaming_iterator::FallibleStreamingIterator;
fn read_avro(path: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
let file = &mut BufReader::new(File::open(path)?);
let metadata = avro_schema::read::read_metadata(file)?;
println!("{:#?}", metadata);
let mut blocks =
avro_schema::read::BlockStreamingIterator::new(file, metadata.compression, metadata.marker);
while let Some(block) = blocks.next()? {
let _fields = &metadata.record.fields;
let length = block.number_of_rows;
let mut block: &[u8] = block.data.as_ref();
// at this point you can deserialize the block based on `_fields` according
// to avro's specification. Note that `Block` is already decompressed.
// for example, if there was a single field with f32, we would use
for _ in 0..length {
let (item, remaining) = block.split_at(4);
block = remaining;
let _value = f32::from_le_bytes(item.try_into().unwrap());
// if there were more fields, we would need to consume (or skip) the remaining
// here. You can use `avro_schema::read::decode::zigzag_i64` for integers :D
Example of writing a file
use std::fs::File;
use avro_schema::error::Error;
use avro_schema::file::Block;
use avro_schema::schema::{Field, Record, Schema};
fn write_avro(compression: Option<avro_schema::file::Compression>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut file = File::create("test.avro")?;
let record = Record::new("", vec![Field::new("value", Schema::Float)]);
avro_schema::write::write_metadata(&mut file, record, compression)?;
// given some data:
let array = vec![1.0f32, 2.0];
// we need to create a `Block`
let mut data: Vec<u8> = vec![];
for item in array.iter() {
let bytes = item.to_le_bytes();
let mut block = Block::new(array.len(), data);
// once completed, we compress it
let mut compressed_block = avro_schema::file::CompressedBlock::default();
let _ = avro_schema::write::compress(&mut block, &mut compressed_block, compression)?;
// and finally write it to the file
avro_schema::write::write_block(&mut file, &compressed_block)?;
- Contains
- Contains structs found in Avro files
- Functions to read and decompress Files’ metadata and blocks
- Contains structs defining Avro’s logical types
- Functions to compress and write Files’ metadata and blocks