// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
impl super::Client {
/// Constructs a fluent builder for the [`DescribeTaskExecution`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::builders::DescribeTaskExecutionFluentBuilder) operation.
/// - The fluent builder is configurable:
/// - [`task_execution_arn(impl Into<String>)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::builders::DescribeTaskExecutionFluentBuilder::task_execution_arn) / [`set_task_execution_arn(Option<String>)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::builders::DescribeTaskExecutionFluentBuilder::set_task_execution_arn):<br>required: **true**<br><p>Specifies the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task execution that you want information about.</p><br>
/// - On success, responds with [`DescribeTaskExecutionOutput`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput) with field(s):
/// - [`task_execution_arn(Option<String>)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::task_execution_arn): <p>The ARN of the task execution that you wanted information about. <code>TaskExecutionArn</code> is hierarchical and includes <code>TaskArn</code> for the task that was executed.</p> <p>For example, a <code>TaskExecution</code> value with the ARN <code>arn:aws:datasync:us-east-1:111222333444:task/task-0208075f79cedf4a2/execution/exec-08ef1e88ec491019b</code> executed the task with the ARN <code>arn:aws:datasync:us-east-1:111222333444:task/task-0208075f79cedf4a2</code>.</p>
/// - [`status(Option<TaskExecutionStatus>)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::status): <p>The status of the task execution.</p>
/// - [`options(Option<Options>)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::options): <p>Indicates how your transfer task is configured. These options include how DataSync handles files, objects, and their associated metadata during your transfer. You also can specify how to verify data integrity, set bandwidth limits for your task, among other options.</p> <p>Each option has a default value. Unless you need to, you don't have to configure any option before calling <a href="">StartTaskExecution</a>.</p> <p>You also can override your task options for each task execution. For example, you might want to adjust the <code>LogLevel</code> for an individual execution.</p>
/// - [`excludes(Option<Vec::<FilterRule>>)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::excludes): <p>A list of filter rules that exclude specific data during your transfer. For more information and examples, see <a href="">Filtering data transferred by DataSync</a>.</p>
/// - [`includes(Option<Vec::<FilterRule>>)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::includes): <p>A list of filter rules that include specific data during your transfer. For more information and examples, see <a href="">Filtering data transferred by DataSync</a>.</p>
/// - [`manifest_config(Option<ManifestConfig>)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::manifest_config): <p>The configuration of the manifest that lists the files or objects to transfer. For more information, see <a href="">Specifying what DataSync transfers by using a manifest</a>.</p>
/// - [`start_time(Option<DateTime>)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::start_time): <p>The time when the task execution started.</p>
/// - [`estimated_files_to_transfer(i64)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::estimated_files_to_transfer): <p>The number of files, objects, and directories that DataSync expects to transfer over the network. This value is calculated while DataSync <a href="">prepares</a> the transfer.</p> <p>How this gets calculated depends primarily on your task’s <a href="">transfer mode</a> configuration:</p> <ul> <li> <p>If <code>TranserMode</code> is set to <code>CHANGED</code> - The calculation is based on comparing the content of the source and destination locations and determining the difference that needs to be transferred. The difference can include:</p> <ul> <li> <p>Anything that's added or modified at the source location.</p></li> <li> <p>Anything that's in both locations and modified at the destination after an initial transfer (unless <a href="">OverwriteMode</a> is set to <code>NEVER</code>).</p></li> <li> <p><b>(Basic task mode only)</b> The number of items that DataSync expects to delete (if <a href="">PreserveDeletedFiles</a> is set to <code>REMOVE</code>).</p></li> </ul></li> <li> <p>If <code>TranserMode</code> is set to <code>ALL</code> - The calculation is based only on the items that DataSync finds at the source location.</p></li> </ul>
/// - [`estimated_bytes_to_transfer(i64)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::estimated_bytes_to_transfer): <p>The number of logical bytes that DataSync expects to write to the destination location.</p>
/// - [`files_transferred(i64)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::files_transferred): <p>The number of files, objects, and directories that DataSync actually transfers over the network. This value is updated periodically during your task execution when something is read from the source and sent over the network.</p> <p>If DataSync fails to transfer something, this value can be less than <code>EstimatedFilesToTransfer</code>. In some cases, this value can also be greater than <code>EstimatedFilesToTransfer</code>. This element is implementation-specific for some location types, so don't use it as an exact indication of what's transferring or to monitor your task execution.</p>
/// - [`bytes_written(i64)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::bytes_written): <p>The number of logical bytes that DataSync actually writes to the destination location.</p>
/// - [`bytes_transferred(i64)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::bytes_transferred): <p>The number of bytes that DataSync sends to the network before compression (if compression is possible). For the number of bytes transferred over the network, see <a href="">BytesCompressed</a>.</p>
/// - [`bytes_compressed(i64)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::bytes_compressed): <p>The number of physical bytes that DataSync transfers over the network after compression (if compression is possible). This number is typically less than <a href="">BytesTransferred</a> unless the data isn't compressible.</p>
/// - [`result(Option<TaskExecutionResultDetail>)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::result): <p>The result of the task execution.</p>
/// - [`task_report_config(Option<TaskReportConfig>)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::task_report_config): <p>The configuration of your task report, which provides detailed information about for your DataSync transfer. For more information, see <a href="">Creating a task report</a>.</p>
/// - [`files_deleted(i64)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::files_deleted): <p>The number of files, objects, and directories that DataSync actually deletes in your destination location. If you don't configure your task to <a href="">delete data in the destination that isn't in the source</a>, the value is always <code>0</code>.</p>
/// - [`files_skipped(i64)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::files_skipped): <p>The number of files, objects, and directories that DataSync skips during your transfer.</p>
/// - [`files_verified(i64)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::files_verified): <p>The number of files, objects, and directories that DataSync verifies during your transfer.</p><note> <p>When you configure your task to <a href="">verify only the data that's transferred</a>, DataSync doesn't verify directories in some situations or files that fail to transfer.</p> </note>
/// - [`report_result(Option<ReportResult>)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::report_result): <p>Indicates whether DataSync generated a complete <a href="">task report</a> for your transfer.</p>
/// - [`estimated_files_to_delete(i64)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::estimated_files_to_delete): <p>The number of files, objects, and directories that DataSync expects to delete in your destination location. If you don't configure your task to <a href="">delete data in the destination that isn't in the source</a>, the value is always <code>0</code>.</p>
/// - [`task_mode(Option<TaskMode>)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::task_mode): <p>The task mode that you're using. For more information, see <a href="">Choosing a task mode for your data transfer</a>.</p>
/// - [`files_prepared(i64)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::files_prepared): <p>The number of objects that DataSync will attempt to transfer after comparing your source and destination locations.</p><note> <p>Applies only to <a href="">Enhanced mode tasks</a>.</p> </note> <p>This counter isn't applicable if you configure your task to <a href="">transfer all data</a>. In that scenario, DataSync copies everything from the source to the destination without comparing differences between the locations.</p>
/// - [`files_listed(Option<TaskExecutionFilesListedDetail>)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::files_listed): <p>The number of objects that DataSync finds at your locations.</p><note> <p>Applies only to <a href="">Enhanced mode tasks</a>.</p> </note>
/// - [`files_failed(Option<TaskExecutionFilesFailedDetail>)`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionOutput::files_failed): <p>The number of objects that DataSync fails to prepare, transfer, verify, and delete during your task execution.</p><note> <p>Applies only to <a href="">Enhanced mode tasks</a>.</p> </note>
/// - On failure, responds with [`SdkError<DescribeTaskExecutionError>`](crate::operation::describe_task_execution::DescribeTaskExecutionError)
pub fn describe_task_execution(&self) -> crate::operation::describe_task_execution::builders::DescribeTaskExecutionFluentBuilder {