1// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
2pub use crate::operation::enable_key_rotation::_enable_key_rotation_output::EnableKeyRotationOutputBuilder;
4pub use crate::operation::enable_key_rotation::_enable_key_rotation_input::EnableKeyRotationInputBuilder;
6impl crate::operation::enable_key_rotation::builders::EnableKeyRotationInputBuilder {
7 /// Sends a request with this input using the given client.
8 pub async fn send_with(
9 self,
10 client: &crate::Client,
11 ) -> ::std::result::Result<
12 crate::operation::enable_key_rotation::EnableKeyRotationOutput,
13 ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::result::SdkError<
14 crate::operation::enable_key_rotation::EnableKeyRotationError,
15 ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::orchestrator::HttpResponse,
16 >,
17 > {
18 let mut fluent_builder = client.enable_key_rotation();
19 fluent_builder.inner = self;
20 fluent_builder.send().await
21 }
23/// Fluent builder constructing a request to `EnableKeyRotation`.
25/// <p>Enables <a href="">automatic rotation of the key material</a> of the specified symmetric encryption KMS key.</p>
26/// <p>By default, when you enable automatic rotation of a <a href="">customer managed KMS key</a>, KMS rotates the key material of the KMS key one year (approximately 365 days) from the enable date and every year thereafter. You can use the optional <code>RotationPeriodInDays</code> parameter to specify a custom rotation period when you enable key rotation, or you can use <code>RotationPeriodInDays</code> to modify the rotation period of a key that you previously enabled automatic key rotation on.</p>
27/// <p>You can monitor rotation of the key material for your KMS keys in CloudTrail and Amazon CloudWatch. To disable rotation of the key material in a customer managed KMS key, use the <code>DisableKeyRotation</code> operation. You can use the <code>GetKeyRotationStatus</code> operation to identify any in progress rotations. You can use the <code>ListKeyRotations</code> operation to view the details of completed rotations.</p>
28/// <p>Automatic key rotation is supported only on <a href="">symmetric encryption KMS keys</a>. You cannot enable automatic rotation of <a href="">asymmetric KMS keys</a>, <a href="">HMAC KMS keys</a>, KMS keys with <a href="">imported key material</a>, or KMS keys in a <a href="">custom key store</a>. To enable or disable automatic rotation of a set of related <a href="">multi-Region keys</a>, set the property on the primary key.</p>
29/// <p>You cannot enable or disable automatic rotation of <a href="">Amazon Web Services managed KMS keys</a>. KMS always rotates the key material of Amazon Web Services managed keys every year. Rotation of <a href="">Amazon Web Services owned KMS keys</a> is managed by the Amazon Web Services service that owns the key.</p><note>
30/// <p>In May 2022, KMS changed the rotation schedule for Amazon Web Services managed keys from every three years (approximately 1,095 days) to every year (approximately 365 days).</p>
31/// <p>New Amazon Web Services managed keys are automatically rotated one year after they are created, and approximately every year thereafter.</p>
32/// <p>Existing Amazon Web Services managed keys are automatically rotated one year after their most recent rotation, and every year thereafter.</p>
33/// </note>
34/// <p>The KMS key that you use for this operation must be in a compatible key state. For details, see <a href="">Key states of KMS keys</a> in the <i>Key Management Service Developer Guide</i>.</p>
35/// <p><b>Cross-account use</b>: No. You cannot perform this operation on a KMS key in a different Amazon Web Services account.</p>
36/// <p><b>Required permissions</b>: <a href="">kms:EnableKeyRotation</a> (key policy)</p>
37/// <p><b>Related operations:</b></p>
38/// <ul>
39/// <li>
40/// <p><code>DisableKeyRotation</code></p></li>
41/// <li>
42/// <p><code>GetKeyRotationStatus</code></p></li>
43/// <li>
44/// <p><code>ListKeyRotations</code></p></li>
45/// <li>
46/// <p><code>RotateKeyOnDemand</code></p><note>
47/// <p>You can perform on-demand (<code>RotateKeyOnDemand</code>) rotation of the key material in customer managed KMS keys, regardless of whether or not automatic key rotation is enabled.</p>
48/// </note></li>
49/// </ul>
50/// <p><b>Eventual consistency</b>: The KMS API follows an eventual consistency model. For more information, see <a href="">KMS eventual consistency</a>.</p>
51#[derive(::std::clone::Clone, ::std::fmt::Debug)]
52pub struct EnableKeyRotationFluentBuilder {
53 handle: ::std::sync::Arc<crate::client::Handle>,
54 inner: crate::operation::enable_key_rotation::builders::EnableKeyRotationInputBuilder,
55 config_override: ::std::option::Option<crate::config::Builder>,
58 crate::client::customize::internal::CustomizableSend<
59 crate::operation::enable_key_rotation::EnableKeyRotationOutput,
60 crate::operation::enable_key_rotation::EnableKeyRotationError,
61 > for EnableKeyRotationFluentBuilder
63 fn send(
64 self,
65 config_override: crate::config::Builder,
66 ) -> crate::client::customize::internal::BoxFuture<
67 crate::client::customize::internal::SendResult<
68 crate::operation::enable_key_rotation::EnableKeyRotationOutput,
69 crate::operation::enable_key_rotation::EnableKeyRotationError,
70 >,
71 > {
72 ::std::boxed::Box::pin(async move { self.config_override(config_override).send().await })
73 }
75impl EnableKeyRotationFluentBuilder {
76 /// Creates a new `EnableKeyRotationFluentBuilder`.
77 pub(crate) fn new(handle: ::std::sync::Arc<crate::client::Handle>) -> Self {
78 Self {
79 handle,
80 inner: ::std::default::Default::default(),
81 config_override: ::std::option::Option::None,
82 }
83 }
84 /// Access the EnableKeyRotation as a reference.
85 pub fn as_input(&self) -> &crate::operation::enable_key_rotation::builders::EnableKeyRotationInputBuilder {
86 &self.inner
87 }
88 /// Sends the request and returns the response.
89 ///
90 /// If an error occurs, an `SdkError` will be returned with additional details that
91 /// can be matched against.
92 ///
93 /// By default, any retryable failures will be retried twice. Retry behavior
94 /// is configurable with the [RetryConfig](aws_smithy_types::retry::RetryConfig), which can be
95 /// set when configuring the client.
96 pub async fn send(
97 self,
98 ) -> ::std::result::Result<
99 crate::operation::enable_key_rotation::EnableKeyRotationOutput,
100 ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::result::SdkError<
101 crate::operation::enable_key_rotation::EnableKeyRotationError,
102 ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::orchestrator::HttpResponse,
103 >,
104 > {
105 let input = self
106 .inner
107 .build()
108 .map_err(::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::result::SdkError::construction_failure)?;
109 let runtime_plugins = crate::operation::enable_key_rotation::EnableKeyRotation::operation_runtime_plugins(
110 self.handle.runtime_plugins.clone(),
111 &self.handle.conf,
112 self.config_override,
113 );
114 crate::operation::enable_key_rotation::EnableKeyRotation::orchestrate(&runtime_plugins, input).await
115 }
117 /// Consumes this builder, creating a customizable operation that can be modified before being sent.
118 pub fn customize(
119 self,
120 ) -> crate::client::customize::CustomizableOperation<
121 crate::operation::enable_key_rotation::EnableKeyRotationOutput,
122 crate::operation::enable_key_rotation::EnableKeyRotationError,
123 Self,
124 > {
125 crate::client::customize::CustomizableOperation::new(self)
126 }
127 pub(crate) fn config_override(mut self, config_override: impl ::std::convert::Into<crate::config::Builder>) -> Self {
128 self.set_config_override(::std::option::Option::Some(config_override.into()));
129 self
130 }
132 pub(crate) fn set_config_override(&mut self, config_override: ::std::option::Option<crate::config::Builder>) -> &mut Self {
133 self.config_override = config_override;
134 self
135 }
136 /// <p>Identifies a symmetric encryption KMS key. You cannot enable automatic rotation of <a href="">asymmetric KMS keys</a>, <a href="">HMAC KMS keys</a>, KMS keys with <a href="">imported key material</a>, or KMS keys in a <a href="">custom key store</a>. To enable or disable automatic rotation of a set of related <a href="">multi-Region keys</a>, set the property on the primary key.</p>
137 /// <p>Specify the key ID or key ARN of the KMS key.</p>
138 /// <p>For example:</p>
139 /// <ul>
140 /// <li>
141 /// <p>Key ID: <code>1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab</code></p></li>
142 /// <li>
143 /// <p>Key ARN: <code>arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab</code></p></li>
144 /// </ul>
145 /// <p>To get the key ID and key ARN for a KMS key, use <code>ListKeys</code> or <code>DescribeKey</code>.</p>
146 pub fn key_id(mut self, input: impl ::std::convert::Into<::std::string::String>) -> Self {
147 self.inner = self.inner.key_id(input.into());
148 self
149 }
150 /// <p>Identifies a symmetric encryption KMS key. You cannot enable automatic rotation of <a href="">asymmetric KMS keys</a>, <a href="">HMAC KMS keys</a>, KMS keys with <a href="">imported key material</a>, or KMS keys in a <a href="">custom key store</a>. To enable or disable automatic rotation of a set of related <a href="">multi-Region keys</a>, set the property on the primary key.</p>
151 /// <p>Specify the key ID or key ARN of the KMS key.</p>
152 /// <p>For example:</p>
153 /// <ul>
154 /// <li>
155 /// <p>Key ID: <code>1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab</code></p></li>
156 /// <li>
157 /// <p>Key ARN: <code>arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab</code></p></li>
158 /// </ul>
159 /// <p>To get the key ID and key ARN for a KMS key, use <code>ListKeys</code> or <code>DescribeKey</code>.</p>
160 pub fn set_key_id(mut self, input: ::std::option::Option<::std::string::String>) -> Self {
161 self.inner = self.inner.set_key_id(input);
162 self
163 }
164 /// <p>Identifies a symmetric encryption KMS key. You cannot enable automatic rotation of <a href="">asymmetric KMS keys</a>, <a href="">HMAC KMS keys</a>, KMS keys with <a href="">imported key material</a>, or KMS keys in a <a href="">custom key store</a>. To enable or disable automatic rotation of a set of related <a href="">multi-Region keys</a>, set the property on the primary key.</p>
165 /// <p>Specify the key ID or key ARN of the KMS key.</p>
166 /// <p>For example:</p>
167 /// <ul>
168 /// <li>
169 /// <p>Key ID: <code>1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab</code></p></li>
170 /// <li>
171 /// <p>Key ARN: <code>arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab</code></p></li>
172 /// </ul>
173 /// <p>To get the key ID and key ARN for a KMS key, use <code>ListKeys</code> or <code>DescribeKey</code>.</p>
174 pub fn get_key_id(&self) -> &::std::option::Option<::std::string::String> {
175 self.inner.get_key_id()
176 }
177 /// <p>Use this parameter to specify a custom period of time between each rotation date. If no value is specified, the default value is 365 days.</p>
178 /// <p>The rotation period defines the number of days after you enable automatic key rotation that KMS will rotate your key material, and the number of days between each automatic rotation thereafter.</p>
179 /// <p>You can use the <a href=""> <code>kms:RotationPeriodInDays</code> </a> condition key to further constrain the values that principals can specify in the <code>RotationPeriodInDays</code> parameter.</p>
180 /// <p></p>
181 pub fn rotation_period_in_days(mut self, input: i32) -> Self {
182 self.inner = self.inner.rotation_period_in_days(input);
183 self
184 }
185 /// <p>Use this parameter to specify a custom period of time between each rotation date. If no value is specified, the default value is 365 days.</p>
186 /// <p>The rotation period defines the number of days after you enable automatic key rotation that KMS will rotate your key material, and the number of days between each automatic rotation thereafter.</p>
187 /// <p>You can use the <a href=""> <code>kms:RotationPeriodInDays</code> </a> condition key to further constrain the values that principals can specify in the <code>RotationPeriodInDays</code> parameter.</p>
188 /// <p></p>
189 pub fn set_rotation_period_in_days(mut self, input: ::std::option::Option<i32>) -> Self {
190 self.inner = self.inner.set_rotation_period_in_days(input);
191 self
192 }
193 /// <p>Use this parameter to specify a custom period of time between each rotation date. If no value is specified, the default value is 365 days.</p>
194 /// <p>The rotation period defines the number of days after you enable automatic key rotation that KMS will rotate your key material, and the number of days between each automatic rotation thereafter.</p>
195 /// <p>You can use the <a href=""> <code>kms:RotationPeriodInDays</code> </a> condition key to further constrain the values that principals can specify in the <code>RotationPeriodInDays</code> parameter.</p>
196 /// <p></p>
197 pub fn get_rotation_period_in_days(&self) -> &::std::option::Option<i32> {
198 self.inner.get_rotation_period_in_days()
199 }