
1// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
2pub use crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::_list_retirable_grants_output::ListRetirableGrantsOutputBuilder;
4pub use crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::_list_retirable_grants_input::ListRetirableGrantsInputBuilder;
6impl crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::builders::ListRetirableGrantsInputBuilder {
7    /// Sends a request with this input using the given client.
8    pub async fn send_with(
9        self,
10        client: &crate::Client,
11    ) -> ::std::result::Result<
12        crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::ListRetirableGrantsOutput,
13        ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::result::SdkError<
14            crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::ListRetirableGrantsError,
15            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::orchestrator::HttpResponse,
16        >,
17    > {
18        let mut fluent_builder = client.list_retirable_grants();
19        fluent_builder.inner = self;
20        fluent_builder.send().await
21    }
23/// Fluent builder constructing a request to `ListRetirableGrants`.
25/// <p>Returns information about all grants in the Amazon Web Services account and Region that have the specified retiring principal.</p>
26/// <p>You can specify any principal in your Amazon Web Services account. The grants that are returned include grants for KMS keys in your Amazon Web Services account and other Amazon Web Services accounts. You might use this operation to determine which grants you may retire. To retire a grant, use the <code>RetireGrant</code> operation.</p>
27/// <p>For detailed information about grants, including grant terminology, see <a href="">Grants in KMS</a> in the <i> <i>Key Management Service Developer Guide</i> </i>. For examples of working with grants in several programming languages, see <a href="">Programming grants</a>.</p>
28/// <p><b>Cross-account use</b>: You must specify a principal in your Amazon Web Services account. This operation returns a list of grants where the retiring principal specified in the <code>ListRetirableGrants</code> request is the same retiring principal on the grant. This can include grants on KMS keys owned by other Amazon Web Services accounts, but you do not need <code>kms:ListRetirableGrants</code> permission (or any other additional permission) in any Amazon Web Services account other than your own.</p>
29/// <p><b>Required permissions</b>: <a href="">kms:ListRetirableGrants</a> (IAM policy) in your Amazon Web Services account.</p><note>
30/// <p>KMS authorizes <code>ListRetirableGrants</code> requests by evaluating the caller account's kms:ListRetirableGrants permissions. The authorized resource in <code>ListRetirableGrants</code> calls is the retiring principal specified in the request. KMS does not evaluate the caller's permissions to verify their access to any KMS keys or grants that might be returned by the <code>ListRetirableGrants</code> call.</p>
31/// </note>
32/// <p><b>Related operations:</b></p>
33/// <ul>
34/// <li>
35/// <p><code>CreateGrant</code></p></li>
36/// <li>
37/// <p><code>ListGrants</code></p></li>
38/// <li>
39/// <p><code>RetireGrant</code></p></li>
40/// <li>
41/// <p><code>RevokeGrant</code></p></li>
42/// </ul>
43/// <p><b>Eventual consistency</b>: The KMS API follows an eventual consistency model. For more information, see <a href="">KMS eventual consistency</a>.</p>
44#[derive(::std::clone::Clone, ::std::fmt::Debug)]
45pub struct ListRetirableGrantsFluentBuilder {
46    handle: ::std::sync::Arc<crate::client::Handle>,
47    inner: crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::builders::ListRetirableGrantsInputBuilder,
48    config_override: ::std::option::Option<crate::config::Builder>,
51    crate::client::customize::internal::CustomizableSend<
52        crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::ListRetirableGrantsOutput,
53        crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::ListRetirableGrantsError,
54    > for ListRetirableGrantsFluentBuilder
56    fn send(
57        self,
58        config_override: crate::config::Builder,
59    ) -> crate::client::customize::internal::BoxFuture<
60        crate::client::customize::internal::SendResult<
61            crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::ListRetirableGrantsOutput,
62            crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::ListRetirableGrantsError,
63        >,
64    > {
65        ::std::boxed::Box::pin(async move { self.config_override(config_override).send().await })
66    }
68impl ListRetirableGrantsFluentBuilder {
69    /// Creates a new `ListRetirableGrantsFluentBuilder`.
70    pub(crate) fn new(handle: ::std::sync::Arc<crate::client::Handle>) -> Self {
71        Self {
72            handle,
73            inner: ::std::default::Default::default(),
74            config_override: ::std::option::Option::None,
75        }
76    }
77    /// Access the ListRetirableGrants as a reference.
78    pub fn as_input(&self) -> &crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::builders::ListRetirableGrantsInputBuilder {
79        &self.inner
80    }
81    /// Sends the request and returns the response.
82    ///
83    /// If an error occurs, an `SdkError` will be returned with additional details that
84    /// can be matched against.
85    ///
86    /// By default, any retryable failures will be retried twice. Retry behavior
87    /// is configurable with the [RetryConfig](aws_smithy_types::retry::RetryConfig), which can be
88    /// set when configuring the client.
89    pub async fn send(
90        self,
91    ) -> ::std::result::Result<
92        crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::ListRetirableGrantsOutput,
93        ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::result::SdkError<
94            crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::ListRetirableGrantsError,
95            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::orchestrator::HttpResponse,
96        >,
97    > {
98        let input = self
99            .inner
100            .build()
101            .map_err(::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::result::SdkError::construction_failure)?;
102        let runtime_plugins = crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::ListRetirableGrants::operation_runtime_plugins(
103            self.handle.runtime_plugins.clone(),
104            &self.handle.conf,
105            self.config_override,
106        );
107        crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::ListRetirableGrants::orchestrate(&runtime_plugins, input).await
108    }
110    /// Consumes this builder, creating a customizable operation that can be modified before being sent.
111    pub fn customize(
112        self,
113    ) -> crate::client::customize::CustomizableOperation<
114        crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::ListRetirableGrantsOutput,
115        crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::ListRetirableGrantsError,
116        Self,
117    > {
118        crate::client::customize::CustomizableOperation::new(self)
119    }
120    pub(crate) fn config_override(mut self, config_override: impl ::std::convert::Into<crate::config::Builder>) -> Self {
121        self.set_config_override(::std::option::Option::Some(config_override.into()));
122        self
123    }
125    pub(crate) fn set_config_override(&mut self, config_override: ::std::option::Option<crate::config::Builder>) -> &mut Self {
126        self.config_override = config_override;
127        self
128    }
129    /// Create a paginator for this request
130    ///
131    /// Paginators are used by calling [`send().await`](crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::paginator::ListRetirableGrantsPaginator::send) which returns a [`PaginationStream`](aws_smithy_async::future::pagination_stream::PaginationStream).
132    pub fn into_paginator(self) -> crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::paginator::ListRetirableGrantsPaginator {
133        crate::operation::list_retirable_grants::paginator::ListRetirableGrantsPaginator::new(self.handle, self.inner)
134    }
135    /// <p>Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of items to return. When this value is present, KMS does not return more than the specified number of items, but it might return fewer.</p>
136    /// <p>This value is optional. If you include a value, it must be between 1 and 100, inclusive. If you do not include a value, it defaults to 50.</p>
137    pub fn limit(mut self, input: i32) -> Self {
138        self.inner = self.inner.limit(input);
139        self
140    }
141    /// <p>Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of items to return. When this value is present, KMS does not return more than the specified number of items, but it might return fewer.</p>
142    /// <p>This value is optional. If you include a value, it must be between 1 and 100, inclusive. If you do not include a value, it defaults to 50.</p>
143    pub fn set_limit(mut self, input: ::std::option::Option<i32>) -> Self {
144        self.inner = self.inner.set_limit(input);
145        self
146    }
147    /// <p>Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of items to return. When this value is present, KMS does not return more than the specified number of items, but it might return fewer.</p>
148    /// <p>This value is optional. If you include a value, it must be between 1 and 100, inclusive. If you do not include a value, it defaults to 50.</p>
149    pub fn get_limit(&self) -> &::std::option::Option<i32> {
150        self.inner.get_limit()
151    }
152    /// <p>Use this parameter in a subsequent request after you receive a response with truncated results. Set it to the value of <code>NextMarker</code> from the truncated response you just received.</p>
153    pub fn marker(mut self, input: impl ::std::convert::Into<::std::string::String>) -> Self {
154        self.inner = self.inner.marker(input.into());
155        self
156    }
157    /// <p>Use this parameter in a subsequent request after you receive a response with truncated results. Set it to the value of <code>NextMarker</code> from the truncated response you just received.</p>
158    pub fn set_marker(mut self, input: ::std::option::Option<::std::string::String>) -> Self {
159        self.inner = self.inner.set_marker(input);
160        self
161    }
162    /// <p>Use this parameter in a subsequent request after you receive a response with truncated results. Set it to the value of <code>NextMarker</code> from the truncated response you just received.</p>
163    pub fn get_marker(&self) -> &::std::option::Option<::std::string::String> {
164        self.inner.get_marker()
165    }
166    /// <p>The retiring principal for which to list grants. Enter a principal in your Amazon Web Services account.</p>
167    /// <p>To specify the retiring principal, use the <a href="">Amazon Resource Name (ARN)</a> of an Amazon Web Services principal. Valid principals include Amazon Web Services accounts, IAM users, IAM roles, federated users, and assumed role users. For help with the ARN syntax for a principal, see <a href="">IAM ARNs</a> in the <i> <i>Identity and Access Management User Guide</i> </i>.</p>
168    pub fn retiring_principal(mut self, input: impl ::std::convert::Into<::std::string::String>) -> Self {
169        self.inner = self.inner.retiring_principal(input.into());
170        self
171    }
172    /// <p>The retiring principal for which to list grants. Enter a principal in your Amazon Web Services account.</p>
173    /// <p>To specify the retiring principal, use the <a href="">Amazon Resource Name (ARN)</a> of an Amazon Web Services principal. Valid principals include Amazon Web Services accounts, IAM users, IAM roles, federated users, and assumed role users. For help with the ARN syntax for a principal, see <a href="">IAM ARNs</a> in the <i> <i>Identity and Access Management User Guide</i> </i>.</p>
174    pub fn set_retiring_principal(mut self, input: ::std::option::Option<::std::string::String>) -> Self {
175        self.inner = self.inner.set_retiring_principal(input);
176        self
177    }
178    /// <p>The retiring principal for which to list grants. Enter a principal in your Amazon Web Services account.</p>
179    /// <p>To specify the retiring principal, use the <a href="">Amazon Resource Name (ARN)</a> of an Amazon Web Services principal. Valid principals include Amazon Web Services accounts, IAM users, IAM roles, federated users, and assumed role users. For help with the ARN syntax for a principal, see <a href="">IAM ARNs</a> in the <i> <i>Identity and Access Management User Guide</i> </i>.</p>
180    pub fn get_retiring_principal(&self) -> &::std::option::Option<::std::string::String> {
181        self.inner.get_retiring_principal()
182    }