Module aws_sdk_s3::operation

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All operations that this crate can perform.


Operation customization and supporting types


Operation shape for AbortMultipartUpload.
Operation shape for CompleteMultipartUpload.
Operation shape for CopyObject.
Operation shape for CreateBucket.
Operation shape for CreateMultipartUpload.
Operation shape for DeleteBucket.
Operation shape for DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfiguration.
Operation shape for DeleteBucketCors.
Operation shape for DeleteBucketEncryption.
Operation shape for DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration.
Operation shape for DeleteBucketInventoryConfiguration.
Operation shape for DeleteBucketLifecycle.
Operation shape for DeleteBucketMetricsConfiguration.
Operation shape for DeleteBucketOwnershipControls.
Operation shape for DeleteBucketPolicy.
Operation shape for DeleteBucketReplication.
Operation shape for DeleteBucketTagging.
Operation shape for DeleteBucketWebsite.
Operation shape for DeleteObject.
Operation shape for DeleteObjectTagging.
Operation shape for DeleteObjects.
Operation shape for DeletePublicAccessBlock.
Operation shape for GetBucketAccelerateConfiguration.
Operation shape for GetBucketAcl.
Operation shape for GetBucketAnalyticsConfiguration.
Operation shape for GetBucketCors.
Operation shape for GetBucketEncryption.
Operation shape for GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration.
Operation shape for GetBucketInventoryConfiguration.
Operation shape for GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration.
Operation shape for GetBucketLocation.
Operation shape for GetBucketLogging.
Operation shape for GetBucketMetricsConfiguration.
Operation shape for GetBucketNotificationConfiguration.
Operation shape for GetBucketOwnershipControls.
Operation shape for GetBucketPolicy.
Operation shape for GetBucketPolicyStatus.
Operation shape for GetBucketReplication.
Operation shape for GetBucketRequestPayment.
Operation shape for GetBucketTagging.
Operation shape for GetBucketVersioning.
Operation shape for GetBucketWebsite.
Operation shape for GetObject.
Operation shape for GetObjectAcl.
Operation shape for GetObjectAttributes.
Operation shape for GetObjectLegalHold.
Operation shape for GetObjectLockConfiguration.
Operation shape for GetObjectRetention.
Operation shape for GetObjectTagging.
Operation shape for GetObjectTorrent.
Operation shape for GetPublicAccessBlock.
Operation shape for HeadBucket.
Operation shape for HeadObject.
Operation shape for ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurations.
Operation shape for ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurations.
Operation shape for ListBucketInventoryConfigurations.
Operation shape for ListBucketMetricsConfigurations.
Operation shape for ListBuckets.
Operation shape for ListMultipartUploads.
Operation shape for ListObjectVersions.
Operation shape for ListObjects.
Operation shape for ListObjectsV2.
Operation shape for ListParts.
Operation shape for PutBucketAccelerateConfiguration.
Operation shape for PutBucketAcl.
Operation shape for PutBucketAnalyticsConfiguration.
Operation shape for PutBucketCors.
Operation shape for PutBucketEncryption.
Operation shape for PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration.
Operation shape for PutBucketInventoryConfiguration.
Operation shape for PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration.
Operation shape for PutBucketLogging.
Operation shape for PutBucketMetricsConfiguration.
Operation shape for PutBucketNotificationConfiguration.
Operation shape for PutBucketOwnershipControls.
Operation shape for PutBucketPolicy.
Operation shape for PutBucketReplication.
Operation shape for PutBucketRequestPayment.
Operation shape for PutBucketTagging.
Operation shape for PutBucketVersioning.
Operation shape for PutBucketWebsite.
Operation shape for PutObject.
Operation shape for PutObjectAcl.
Operation shape for PutObjectLegalHold.
Operation shape for PutObjectLockConfiguration.
Operation shape for PutObjectRetention.
Operation shape for PutObjectTagging.
Operation shape for PutPublicAccessBlock.
Operation shape for RestoreObject.
Operation shape for SelectObjectContent.
Operation shape for UploadPart.
Operation shape for UploadPartCopy.
Operation shape for WriteGetObjectResponse.