
1// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
2/// Paginator for [`ListParts`](crate::operation::list_parts::ListParts)
3pub struct ListPartsPaginator {
4    handle: std::sync::Arc<crate::client::Handle>,
5    builder: crate::operation::list_parts::builders::ListPartsInputBuilder,
6    stop_on_duplicate_token: bool,
9impl ListPartsPaginator {
10    /// Create a new paginator-wrapper
11    pub(crate) fn new(handle: std::sync::Arc<crate::client::Handle>, builder: crate::operation::list_parts::builders::ListPartsInputBuilder) -> Self {
12        Self {
13            handle,
14            builder,
15            stop_on_duplicate_token: true,
16        }
17    }
19    /// Set the page size
20    ///
21    /// _Note: this method will override any previously set value for `max_parts`_
22    pub fn page_size(mut self, limit: i32) -> Self {
23        self.builder.max_parts = ::std::option::Option::Some(limit);
24        self
25    }
27    /// Create a flattened paginator
28    ///
29    /// This paginator automatically flattens results using `parts`. Queries to the underlying service
30    /// are dispatched lazily.
31    pub fn items(self) -> crate::operation::list_parts::paginator::ListPartsPaginatorItems {
32        crate::operation::list_parts::paginator::ListPartsPaginatorItems(self)
33    }
35    /// Stop paginating when the service returns the same pagination token twice in a row.
36    ///
37    /// Defaults to true.
38    ///
39    /// For certain operations, it may be useful to continue on duplicate token. For example,
40    /// if an operation is for tailing a log file in real-time, then continuing may be desired.
41    /// This option can be set to `false` to accommodate these use cases.
42    pub fn stop_on_duplicate_token(mut self, stop_on_duplicate_token: bool) -> Self {
43        self.stop_on_duplicate_token = stop_on_duplicate_token;
44        self
45    }
47    /// Create the pagination stream
48    ///
49    /// _Note:_ No requests will be dispatched until the stream is used
50    /// (e.g. with the [`.next().await`](aws_smithy_async::future::pagination_stream::PaginationStream::next) method).
51    pub fn send(
52        self,
53    ) -> ::aws_smithy_async::future::pagination_stream::PaginationStream<
54        ::std::result::Result<
55            crate::operation::list_parts::ListPartsOutput,
56            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::result::SdkError<
57                crate::operation::list_parts::ListPartsError,
58                ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::orchestrator::HttpResponse,
59            >,
60        >,
61    > {
62        // Move individual fields out of self for the borrow checker
63        let builder = self.builder;
64        let handle = self.handle;
65        let runtime_plugins = crate::operation::list_parts::ListParts::operation_runtime_plugins(
66            handle.runtime_plugins.clone(),
67            &handle.conf,
68            ::std::option::Option::None,
69        )
70        .with_operation_plugin(crate::sdk_feature_tracker::paginator::PaginatorFeatureTrackerRuntimePlugin::new());
71        ::aws_smithy_async::future::pagination_stream::PaginationStream::new(::aws_smithy_async::future::pagination_stream::fn_stream::FnStream::new(
72            move |tx| {
73                ::std::boxed::Box::pin(async move {
74                    // Build the input for the first time. If required fields are missing, this is where we'll produce an early error.
75                    let mut input = match builder
76                        .build()
77                        .map_err(::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::result::SdkError::construction_failure)
78                    {
79                        ::std::result::Result::Ok(input) => input,
80                        ::std::result::Result::Err(e) => {
81                            let _ = tx.send(::std::result::Result::Err(e)).await;
82                            return;
83                        }
84                    };
85                    loop {
86                        let resp = crate::operation::list_parts::ListParts::orchestrate(&runtime_plugins, input.clone()).await;
87                        // If the input member is None or it was an error
88                        let done = match resp {
89                            ::std::result::Result::Ok(ref resp) => {
90                                let new_token = crate::lens::reflens_list_parts_output_output_next_part_number_marker(resp);
91                                // Pagination is exhausted when `is_truncated` is false
92                                let is_empty = !resp.is_truncated.unwrap_or(false);
93                                if !is_empty && new_token == input.part_number_marker.as_ref() && self.stop_on_duplicate_token {
94                                    true
95                                } else {
96                                    input.part_number_marker = new_token.cloned();
97                                    is_empty
98                                }
99                            }
100                            ::std::result::Result::Err(_) => true,
101                        };
102                        if tx.send(resp).await.is_err() {
103                            // receiving end was dropped
104                            return;
105                        }
106                        if done {
107                            return;
108                        }
109                    }
110                })
111            },
112        ))
113    }
116/// Flattened paginator for `ListPartsPaginator`
118/// This is created with [`.items()`](ListPartsPaginator::items)
119pub struct ListPartsPaginatorItems(ListPartsPaginator);
121impl ListPartsPaginatorItems {
122    /// Create the pagination stream
123    ///
124    /// _Note_: No requests will be dispatched until the stream is used
125    /// (e.g. with the [`.next().await`](aws_smithy_async::future::pagination_stream::PaginationStream::next) method).
126    ///
127    /// To read the entirety of the paginator, use [`.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>()`](aws_smithy_async::future::pagination_stream::PaginationStream::collect).
128    pub fn send(
129        self,
130    ) -> ::aws_smithy_async::future::pagination_stream::PaginationStream<
131        ::std::result::Result<
132            crate::types::Part,
133            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::result::SdkError<
134                crate::operation::list_parts::ListPartsError,
135                ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::orchestrator::HttpResponse,
136            >,
137        >,
138    > {
139        ::aws_smithy_async::future::pagination_stream::TryFlatMap::new(self.0.send())
140            .flat_map(|page| crate::lens::lens_list_parts_output_output_parts(page).unwrap_or_default().into_iter())
141    }