Derive Macro axum_macros::FromRequest

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    // Attributes available to this derive:
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Derive an implementation of FromRequest.

Supports generating two kinds of implementations:

  1. One that extracts each field individually.
  2. Another that extracts the whole type at once via another extractor.

§Each field individually

By default #[derive(FromRequest)] will call FromRequest::from_request for each field:

use axum_macros::FromRequest;
use axum::{
use axum_extra::{

struct MyExtractor {
    state: Extension<State>,
    content_type: TypedHeader<ContentType>,
    request_body: Bytes,

struct State {
    // ...

async fn handler(extractor: MyExtractor) {}

This requires that each field is an extractor (i.e. implements FromRequest).

Note that only the last field can consume the request body. Therefore this doesn’t compile:

use axum_macros::FromRequest;
use axum::body::Bytes;

struct MyExtractor {
    // only the last field can implement `FromRequest`
    // other fields must only implement `FromRequestParts`
    bytes: Bytes,
    string: String,

§Extracting via another extractor

You can use #[from_request(via(...))] to extract a field via another extractor, meaning the field itself doesn’t need to implement FromRequest:

use axum_macros::FromRequest;
use axum::{
use axum_extra::{

struct MyExtractor {
    // This will extracted via `Extension::<State>::from_request`
    state: State,
    // and this via `TypedHeader::<ContentType>::from_request`
    content_type: ContentType,
    // Can still be combined with other extractors
    request_body: Bytes,

struct State {
    // ...

async fn handler(extractor: MyExtractor) {}

Note this requires the via extractor to be a generic newtype struct (a tuple struct with exactly one public field) that implements FromRequest:

pub struct ViaExtractor<T>(pub T);

// impl<T, S> FromRequest<S> for ViaExtractor<T> { ... }

More complex via extractors are not supported and require writing a manual implementation.

§Optional fields

#[from_request(via(...))] supports Option<_> and Result<_, _> to make fields optional:

use axum_macros::FromRequest;
use axum_extra::{
    headers::{ContentType, UserAgent},

struct MyExtractor {
    // This will extracted via `Option::<TypedHeader<ContentType>>::from_request`
    content_type: Option<ContentType>,
    // This will extracted via
    // `Result::<TypedHeader<UserAgent>, TypedHeaderRejection>::from_request`
    user_agent: Result<UserAgent, TypedHeaderRejection>,

async fn handler(extractor: MyExtractor) {}

§The rejection

By default axum::response::Response will be used as the rejection. You can also use your own rejection type with #[from_request(rejection(YourType))]:

use axum::{
        rejection::{ExtensionRejection, StringRejection},
    response::{Response, IntoResponse},

struct MyExtractor {
    state: Extension<String>,
    body: String,

struct MyRejection(Response);

// This tells axum how to convert `Extension`'s rejections into `MyRejection`
impl From<ExtensionRejection> for MyRejection {
    fn from(rejection: ExtensionRejection) -> Self {
        // ...

// This tells axum how to convert `String`'s rejections into `MyRejection`
impl From<StringRejection> for MyRejection {
    fn from(rejection: StringRejection) -> Self {
        // ...

// All rejections must implement `IntoResponse`
impl IntoResponse for MyRejection {
    fn into_response(self) -> Response {

§Concrete state

If the extraction can be done only for a concrete state, that type can be specified with #[from_request(state(YourState))]:

use axum::extract::{FromRequest, FromRequestParts};

struct CustomState;

struct MyInnerType;

impl FromRequestParts<CustomState> for MyInnerType {
    // ...


struct MyExtractor {
    custom: MyInnerType,
    body: String,

This is not needed for a State<T> as the type is inferred in that case.

use axum::extract::{FromRequest, FromRequestParts, State};

struct CustomState;

struct MyExtractor {
    custom: State<CustomState>,
    body: String,

§The whole type at once

By using #[from_request(via(...))] on the container you can extract the whole type at once, instead of each field individually:

use axum_macros::FromRequest;
use axum::extract::Extension;

// This will extracted via `Extension::<State>::from_request`
#[derive(Clone, FromRequest)]
struct State {
    // ...

async fn handler(state: State) {}

The rejection will be the “via extractors”’s rejection. For the previous example that would be axum::extract::rejection::ExtensionRejection.

You can use a different rejection type with #[from_request(rejection(YourType))]:

use axum_macros::FromRequest;
use axum::{
    extract::{Extension, rejection::ExtensionRejection},
    response::{IntoResponse, Response},
use serde_json::json;

// This will extracted via `Extension::<State>::from_request`
#[derive(Clone, FromRequest)]
    // Use your own rejection type
struct State {
    // ...

struct MyRejection(Response);

// This tells axum how to convert `Extension`'s rejections into `MyRejection`
impl From<ExtensionRejection> for MyRejection {
    fn from(rejection: ExtensionRejection) -> Self {
        let response = (
            Json(json!({ "error": "Something went wrong..." })),


// All rejections must implement `IntoResponse`
impl IntoResponse for MyRejection {
    fn into_response(self) -> Response {

async fn handler(state: State) {}

This allows you to wrap other extractors and easily customize the rejection:

use axum_macros::FromRequest;
use axum::{
    extract::{Extension, rejection::JsonRejection},
    response::{IntoResponse, Response},
use serde_json::json;
use serde::Deserialize;

// create an extractor that internally uses `axum::Json` but has a custom rejection
#[from_request(via(axum::Json), rejection(MyRejection))]
struct MyJson<T>(T);

struct MyRejection(Response);

impl From<JsonRejection> for MyRejection {
    fn from(rejection: JsonRejection) -> Self {
        let response = (
            axum::Json(json!({ "error": rejection.to_string() })),


impl IntoResponse for MyRejection {
    fn into_response(self) -> Response {

struct Payload {}

async fn handler(
    // make sure to use `MyJson` and not `axum::Json`
    MyJson(payload): MyJson<Payload>,
) {}

§Known limitations

Generics are only supported on tuple structs with exactly one field. Thus this doesn’t work

struct MyExtractor<T> {
    thing: Option<T>,