1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520
use basis_universal_sys as sys;
use std::ffi::CStr;
/// The type of data stored
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum BasisTextureType {
/// An arbitrary array of 2D RGB or RGBA images with optional mipmaps, array size = # images, each image may have a different resolution and # of mipmap levels
TextureType2D = sys::basist_basis_texture_type_cBASISTexType2D,
/// An array of 2D RGB or RGBA images with optional mipmaps, array size = # images, each image has the same resolution and mipmap levels
TextureType2DArray = sys::basist_basis_texture_type_cBASISTexType2DArray,
/// an array of cubemap levels, total # of images must be divisable by 6, in X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z- order, with optional mipmaps
TextureTypeCubemapArray = sys::basist_basis_texture_type_cBASISTexTypeCubemapArray,
/// An array of 2D video frames, with optional mipmaps, # frames = # images, each image has the same resolution and # of mipmap levels
TextureTypeVideoFrames = sys::basist_basis_texture_type_cBASISTexTypeVideoFrames,
/// A 3D texture with optional mipmaps, Z dimension = # images, each image has the same resolution and # of mipmap levels
TextureTypeVolume = sys::basist_basis_texture_type_cBASISTexTypeVolume,
impl Into<sys::basist_basis_texture_type> for BasisTextureType {
fn into(self) -> sys::basist_basis_texture_type {
self as sys::basist_basis_texture_type
impl From<sys::basist_basis_texture_type> for BasisTextureType {
fn from(value: sys::basist_basis_texture_type) -> Self {
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(value as u32) }
impl BasisTextureType {
/// Returns the texture type's name in ASCII.
pub fn texture_type_name(self) -> &'static str {
unsafe {
let value = sys::basis_get_texture_type_name(self.into());
/// The compression mode/format to use
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum BasisTextureFormat {
/// A lower quality mode which is based off a subset of ETC1 called "ETC1S". Includes built-in
/// data compression
ETC1S = sys::basist_basis_tex_format_cETC1S,
/// Enable UASTC compression mode instead of the default ETC1S mode. Significantly higher
/// texture quality, but larger files. UASTC supports an optional Rate Distortion Optimization
/// (RDO) post-process stage that conditions the encoded UASTC texture data in the .basis file
/// so it can be more effectively LZ compressed by the end user.
UASTC4x4 = sys::basist_basis_tex_format_cUASTC4x4,
impl Into<sys::basist_basis_tex_format> for BasisTextureFormat {
fn into(self) -> sys::basist_basis_tex_format {
self as sys::basist_basis_tex_format
impl From<sys::basist_basis_tex_format> for BasisTextureFormat {
fn from(value: sys::basist_basis_tex_format) -> Self {
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(value as i32) }
impl BasisTextureFormat {
/// Returns true if the specified format was enabled at compile time.
pub fn can_transcode_to_format(
transcoder_texture_format: TranscoderTextureFormat,
) -> bool {
unsafe { sys::basis_is_format_supported(transcoder_texture_format.into(), self.into()) }
/// The texture format to transcode basis-universal data into
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum TranscoderTextureFormat {
/// Opaque only, returns RGB or alpha data if cDecodeFlagsTranscodeAlphaDataToOpaqueFormats flag is specified
ETC1_RGB = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFETC1_RGB,
/// Opaque+alpha, ETC2_EAC_A8 block followed by a ETC1 block, alpha channel will be opaque for opaque .basis files
ETC2_RGBA = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFETC2_RGBA,
// BC1-5, BC7 (desktop, some mobile devices)
/// Opaque only, no punchthrough alpha support yet, transcodes alpha slice if cDecodeFlagsTranscodeAlphaDataToOpaqueFormats flag is specified
BC1_RGB = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFBC1_RGB,
/// Opaque+alpha, BC4 followed by a BC1 block, alpha channel will be opaque for opaque .basis files
BC3_RGBA = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFBC3_RGBA,
/// Red only, alpha slice is transcoded to output if cDecodeFlagsTranscodeAlphaDataToOpaqueFormats flag is specified
BC4_R = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFBC4_R,
/// XY: Two BC4 blocks, X=R and Y=Alpha, .basis file should have alpha data (if not Y will be all 255's)
BC5_RG = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFBC5_RG,
/// RGB or RGBA, mode 5 for ETC1S, modes (1,2,3,5,6,7) for UASTC
BC7_RGBA = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFBC7_RGBA,
// PVRTC1 4bpp (mobile, PowerVR devices)
/// Opaque only, RGB or alpha if cDecodeFlagsTranscodeAlphaDataToOpaqueFormats flag is specified, nearly lowest quality of any texture format.
PVRTC1_4_RGB = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFPVRTC1_4_RGB,
/// Opaque+alpha, most useful for simple opacity maps. If .basis file doesn't have alpha cTFPVRTC1_4_RGB will be used instead. Lowest quality of any supported texture format.
PVRTC1_4_RGBA = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFPVRTC1_4_RGBA,
// ASTC (mobile, Intel devices, hopefully all desktop GPU's one day)
/// Opaque+alpha, ASTC 4x4, alpha channel will be opaque for opaque .basis files. Transcoder uses RGB/RGBA/L/LA modes, void extent, and up to two ([0,47] and [0,255]) endpoint precisions.
ASTC_4x4_RGBA = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFASTC_4x4_RGBA,
// ATC (mobile, Adreno devices, this is a niche format)
/// Opaque, RGB or alpha if cDecodeFlagsTranscodeAlphaDataToOpaqueFormats flag is specified. ATI ATC (GL_ATC_RGB_AMD)
ATC_RGB = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFATC_RGB,
/// Opaque+alpha, alpha channel will be opaque for opaque .basis files. ATI ATC (GL_ATC_RGBA_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA_AMD)
ATC_RGBA = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFATC_RGBA,
// FXT1 (desktop, Intel devices, this is a super obscure format)
/// Opaque only, uses exclusively CC_MIXED blocks. Notable for having a 8x4 block size. GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 is supported on Intel integrated GPU's (such as HD 630).
/// Punch-through alpha is relatively easy to support, but full alpha is harder. This format is only here for completeness so opaque-only is fine for now.
/// See the BASISU_USE_ORIGINAL_3DFX_FXT1_ENCODING macro in basisu_transcoder_internal.h.
FXT1_RGB = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFFXT1_RGB,
/// Opaque-only, almost BC1 quality, much faster to transcode and supports arbitrary texture dimensions (unlike PVRTC1 RGB).
PVRTC2_4_RGB = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFPVRTC2_4_RGB,
/// Opaque+alpha, slower to encode than cTFPVRTC2_4_RGB. Premultiplied alpha is highly recommended, otherwise the color channel can leak into the alpha channel on transparent blocks.
PVRTC2_4_RGBA = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFPVRTC2_4_RGBA,
/// R only (ETC2 EAC R11 unsigned)
ETC2_EAC_R11 = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFETC2_EAC_R11,
/// RG only (ETC2 EAC RG11 unsigned), R=opaque.r, G=alpha - for tangent space normal maps
ETC2_EAC_RG11 = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFETC2_EAC_RG11,
// Uncompressed (raw pixel) formats
/// 32bpp RGBA image stored in raster (not block) order in memory, R is first byte, A is last byte.
RGBA32 = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFRGBA32,
/// 16bpp RGB image stored in raster (not block) order in memory, R at bit position 11
RGB565 = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFRGB565,
/// 16bpp RGB image stored in raster (not block) order in memory, R at bit position 0
BGR565 = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFBGR565,
/// 16bpp RGBA image stored in raster (not block) order in memory, R at bit position 12, A at bit position 0
RGBA4444 = sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format_cTFRGBA4444,
impl Into<sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format> for TranscoderTextureFormat {
fn into(self) -> sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format {
self as sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format
impl From<sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format> for TranscoderTextureFormat {
fn from(value: sys::basist_transcoder_texture_format) -> Self {
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(value as i32) }
impl TranscoderTextureFormat {
/// For compressed texture formats, this returns the # of bytes per block. For uncompressed, it returns the # of bytes per pixel.
/// NOTE: Previously, this function was called basis_get_bytes_per_block(), and it always returned 16*bytes_per_pixel for uncompressed formats which was confusing.
pub fn bytes_per_block_or_pixel(self) -> u32 {
unsafe { sys::basis_get_bytes_per_block_or_pixel(self.into()) }
/// Returns format's name in ASCII
pub fn format_name(self) -> &'static str {
unsafe {
let value = sys::basis_get_format_name(self.into());
/// Returns true if the format supports an alpha channel.
pub fn has_alpha(self) -> bool {
unsafe { sys::basis_transcoder_format_has_alpha(self.into()) }
/// Returns true if the transcoder texture type is a compressed format.
pub fn is_compressed(self) -> bool {
unsafe { !sys::basis_transcoder_format_is_uncompressed(self.into()) }
/// Returns the # of bytes per pixel for uncompressed formats, or 0 for block texture formats.
pub fn uncompressed_bytes_per_pixel(self) -> u32 {
unsafe { sys::basis_get_uncompressed_bytes_per_pixel(self.into()) }
/// Returns the block width for the specified texture format, which is currently either 4 or 8 for FXT1.
pub fn block_width(self) -> u32 {
unsafe { sys::basis_get_block_width(self.into()) }
/// Returns the block height for the specified texture format, which is currently always 4.
pub fn block_height(self) -> u32 {
unsafe { sys::basis_get_block_height(self.into()) }
/// Returns true if the specified format was enabled at compile time.
pub fn can_transcode_from_format(
basis_texture_format: BasisTextureFormat,
) -> bool {
/// Calculate the minimum output buffer required to store transcoded data in blocks for
/// compressed formats and pixels for uncompressed formats
pub fn calculate_minimum_output_buffer_blocks_or_pixels(
original_width: u32,
original_height: u32,
total_slice_blocks: u32,
output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels: Option<u32>,
output_rows_in_pixels: Option<u32>,
) -> u32 {
// Default of 0 is fine for these values
let mut output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels =
let mut output_rows_in_pixels = output_rows_in_pixels.unwrap_or(0);
// Derived from implementation of basis_validate_output_buffer_size
let minimum_output_buffer_blocks_or_pixels = if !self.is_compressed() {
// Assume the output buffer is orig_width by orig_height
if output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels == 0 {
output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels = original_width;
if output_rows_in_pixels == 0 {
output_rows_in_pixels = original_height;
output_rows_in_pixels * output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels
} else if self == TranscoderTextureFormat::FXT1_RGB {
let num_blocks_fxt1_x = (original_width + 7) / 8;
let num_blocks_fxt1_y = (original_height + 3) / 4;
num_blocks_fxt1_x * num_blocks_fxt1_y
} else {
/// Calculate the minimum output buffer required to store transcoded data in bytes
pub fn calculate_minimum_output_buffer_bytes(
original_width: u32,
original_height: u32,
total_slice_blocks: u32,
output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels: Option<u32>,
output_rows_in_pixels: Option<u32>,
) -> u32 {
) * self.bytes_per_block_or_pixel()
/// Verify that the buffer size is large enough for the transcoded data
pub fn validate_output_buffer_size(
output_blocks_buf_size_in_blocks_or_pixels: u32,
original_width: u32,
original_height: u32,
total_slice_blocks: u32,
output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels: Option<u32>,
output_rows_in_pixels: Option<u32>,
) -> bool {
unsafe {
bitflags::bitflags! {
/// Flags that affect transcoding
pub struct DecodeFlags: i32 {
/// PVRTC1: decode non-pow2 ETC1S texture level to the next larger power of 2 (not implemented yet, but we're going to support it). Ignored if the slice's dimensions are already a power of 2.
const PVRTC_DECODE_TO_NEXT_POW_2 = sys::basist_basisu_decode_flags_cDecodeFlagsPVRTCDecodeToNextPow2;
/// When decoding to an opaque texture format, if the basis file has alpha, decode the alpha slice instead of the color slice to the output texture format.
/// This is primarily to allow decoding of textures with alpha to multiple ETC1 textures (one for color, another for alpha).
const TRANSCODE_ALPHA_DATA_TO_OPAQUE_FORMATS = sys::basist_basisu_decode_flags_cDecodeFlagsTranscodeAlphaDataToOpaqueFormats;
/// Forbid usage of BC1 3 color blocks (we don't support BC1 punchthrough alpha yet).
/// This flag is used internally when decoding to BC3.
const BC1_FORBID_THREE_COLOR_BLOCKS = sys::basist_basisu_decode_flags_cDecodeFlagsBC1ForbidThreeColorBlocks;
/// The output buffer contains alpha endpoint/selector indices.
/// Used internally when decoding formats like ASTC that require both color and alpha data to be available when transcoding to the output format.
const OUTPUT_HAS_ALPHA_INDICES = sys::basist_basisu_decode_flags_cDecodeFlagsOutputHasAlphaIndices;
const HIGH_QUALITY = sys::basist_basisu_decode_flags_cDecodeFlagsHighQuality;
/// The block format to transcode universal texture data into
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum TranscoderBlockFormat {
ETC1 = sys::basist_block_format_cETC1,
/// full ETC2 EAC RGBA8 block
ETC2_RGBA = sys::basist_block_format_cETC2_RGBA,
/// DXT1 RGB
BC1 = sys::basist_block_format_cBC1,
/// BC4 block followed by a four color BC1 block
BC3 = sys::basist_block_format_cBC3,
/// DXT5A (alpha block only)
BC4 = sys::basist_block_format_cBC4,
/// two BC4 blocks
BC5 = sys::basist_block_format_cBC5,
/// opaque-only PVRTC1 4bpp
PVRTC1_4_RGB = sys::basist_block_format_cPVRTC1_4_RGB,
/// PVRTC1 4bpp RGBA
PVRTC1_4_RGBA = sys::basist_block_format_cPVRTC1_4_RGBA,
/// Full BC7 block, any mode
BC7 = sys::basist_block_format_cBC7,
/// RGB BC7 mode 5 color (writes an opaque mode 5 block)
BC7_M5_COLOR = sys::basist_block_format_cBC7_M5_COLOR,
/// alpha portion of BC7 mode 5 (cBC7_M5_COLOR output data must have been written to the output buffer first to set the mode/rot fields etc.)
BC7_M5_ALPHA = sys::basist_block_format_cBC7_M5_ALPHA,
/// alpha block of ETC2 EAC (first 8 bytes of the 16-bit ETC2 EAC RGBA format)
ETC2_EAC_A8 = sys::basist_block_format_cETC2_EAC_A8,
/// ASTC 4x4 (either color-only or color+alpha). Note that the transcoder always currently assumes sRGB is not enabled when outputting ASTC
/// data. If you use a sRGB ASTC format you'll get ~1 LSB of additional error, because of the different way ASTC decoders scale 8-bit endpoints to 16-bits during unpacking.
ASTC_4x4 = sys::basist_block_format_cASTC_4x4,
ATC_RGB = sys::basist_block_format_cATC_RGB,
/// Opaque-only, has oddball 8x4 pixel block size
FXT1_RGB = sys::basist_block_format_cFXT1_RGB,
PVRTC2_4_RGB = sys::basist_block_format_cPVRTC2_4_RGB,
PVRTC2_4_RGBA = sys::basist_block_format_cPVRTC2_4_RGBA,
ETC2_EAC_R11 = sys::basist_block_format_cETC2_EAC_R11,
ETC2_EAC_RG11 = sys::basist_block_format_cETC2_EAC_RG11,
/// Used internally: Write 16-bit endpoint and selector indices directly to output (output block must be at least 32-bits)
Indices = sys::basist_block_format_cIndices,
/// Writes RGB components to 32bpp output pixels
RGB32 = sys::basist_block_format_cRGB32,
/// Writes RGB255 components to 32bpp output pixels
RGBA32 = sys::basist_block_format_cRGBA32,
/// Writes alpha component to 32bpp output pixels
A32 = sys::basist_block_format_cA32,
RGB565 = sys::basist_block_format_cRGB565,
BGR565 = sys::basist_block_format_cBGR565,
RGBA4444_COLOR = sys::basist_block_format_cRGBA4444_COLOR,
RGBA4444_ALPHA = sys::basist_block_format_cRGBA4444_ALPHA,
RGBA4444_COLOR_OPAQUE = sys::basist_block_format_cRGBA4444_COLOR_OPAQUE,
RGBA4444 = sys::basist_block_format_cRGBA4444,
impl Into<sys::basist_block_format> for TranscoderBlockFormat {
fn into(self) -> sys::basist_block_format {
self as sys::basist_block_format
impl From<sys::basist_block_format> for TranscoderBlockFormat {
fn from(value: sys::basist_block_format) -> Self {
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(value as i32) }
impl TranscoderBlockFormat {
/// For compressed texture formats, this returns the # of bytes per block. For uncompressed, it returns the # of bytes per pixel.
pub fn bytes_per_block_or_pixel(self) -> u32 {
match self {
TranscoderBlockFormat::ETC1 => 8,
TranscoderBlockFormat::ETC2_RGBA => 16,
TranscoderBlockFormat::BC1 => 8,
TranscoderBlockFormat::BC3 => 16,
TranscoderBlockFormat::BC4 => 8,
TranscoderBlockFormat::BC5 => 16,
TranscoderBlockFormat::PVRTC1_4_RGB => 8,
TranscoderBlockFormat::PVRTC1_4_RGBA => 8,
TranscoderBlockFormat::BC7 => 16,
TranscoderBlockFormat::BC7_M5_COLOR => 16,
TranscoderBlockFormat::BC7_M5_ALPHA => 16,
TranscoderBlockFormat::ETC2_EAC_A8 => 8,
TranscoderBlockFormat::ASTC_4x4 => 16,
TranscoderBlockFormat::ATC_RGB => 8,
TranscoderBlockFormat::ATC_RGBA_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA => 16,
TranscoderBlockFormat::FXT1_RGB => 8,
TranscoderBlockFormat::PVRTC2_4_RGB => 8,
TranscoderBlockFormat::PVRTC2_4_RGBA => 8,
TranscoderBlockFormat::ETC2_EAC_R11 => 8,
TranscoderBlockFormat::ETC2_EAC_RG11 => 16,
TranscoderBlockFormat::Indices => 2,
TranscoderBlockFormat::RGB32 => 4,
TranscoderBlockFormat::RGBA32 => 4,
TranscoderBlockFormat::A32 => 4,
TranscoderBlockFormat::RGB565 => 2,
TranscoderBlockFormat::BGR565 => 2,
TranscoderBlockFormat::RGBA4444_COLOR => 2,
TranscoderBlockFormat::RGBA4444_ALPHA => 2,
TranscoderBlockFormat::RGBA4444_COLOR_OPAQUE => 2,
TranscoderBlockFormat::RGBA4444 => 2,
/// Returns format's name in ASCII
pub fn format_name(self) -> &'static str {
unsafe {
let value = sys::basis_get_block_format_name(self.into());
/// Returns true if the block format is a compressed format.
pub fn is_compressed(self) -> bool {
unsafe { !sys::basis_block_format_is_uncompressed(self.into()) }
/// Returns the block width for the specified texture format, which is currently either 4 or 8 for FXT1.
pub fn block_width(self) -> u32 {
match self {
TranscoderBlockFormat::FXT1_RGB => 8,
_ => 4,
/// Returns the block height for the specified texture format, which is currently always 4.
pub fn block_height(self) -> u32 {
/// Calculate the minimum output buffer required to store transcoded data in blocks for
/// compressed formats and pixels for uncompressed formats
pub fn calculate_minimum_output_buffer_blocks_or_pixels(
original_width: u32,
original_height: u32,
total_slice_blocks: u32,
output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels: Option<u32>,
output_rows_in_pixels: Option<u32>,
) -> u32 {
// Default of 0 is fine for these values
let mut output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels =
let mut output_rows_in_pixels = output_rows_in_pixels.unwrap_or(0);
// Derived from implementation of basis_validate_output_buffer_size
if !self.is_compressed() {
// Assume the output buffer is orig_width by orig_height
if output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels == 0 {
output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels = original_width;
if output_rows_in_pixels == 0 {
output_rows_in_pixels = original_height;
output_rows_in_pixels * output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels
} else if self == TranscoderBlockFormat::FXT1_RGB {
let num_blocks_fxt1_x = (original_width + 7) / 8;
let num_blocks_fxt1_y = (original_height + 3) / 4;
num_blocks_fxt1_x * num_blocks_fxt1_y
} else {
/// Calculate the minimum output buffer required to store transcoded data in bytes
pub fn calculate_minimum_output_buffer_bytes(
original_width: u32,
original_height: u32,
total_slice_blocks: u32,
output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels: Option<u32>,
output_rows_in_pixels: Option<u32>,
) -> u32 {
) * self.bytes_per_block_or_pixel()