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// Copyright 2017 Nicholas Ingolia
// Licensed under the MIT license (
// This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Trait shared across sequence locations -- spliced, contiguous, or
//! single-position.
use std::ops::Neg;
use crate::annot::contig::Contig;
use crate::annot::pos::Pos;
use crate::strand::*;
/// A trait for a sequence location -- a defined region on a named
/// chromosome (or other reference sequence), which may also have
/// defined strand information. The trait is generic over the type of
/// identifier for the reference sequence (allowing owned strings,
/// sequence IDs, and other options) and the strand information
/// (allowing type-level distinction between stranded and unstranded
/// annotations).
pub trait Loc {
type RefID;
type Strand;
/// Name of the reference sequence (chromosome name, etc.)
fn refid(&self) -> &Self::RefID;
/// Starting (lowest, left-most, 5'-most) position on the
/// reference sequence (0-based).
fn start(&self) -> isize;
/// Length of the region
fn length(&self) -> usize;
/// `Strand` of the position
fn strand(&self) -> Self::Strand
Self::Strand: Copy;
/// Map a sequence position on a reference sequence _into_ a
/// relative position within an annotated location on the
/// reference sequence.
/// The first position of the annotated location is mapped to a
/// position at 0, the next position of the annotated location is
/// mapped to a position at 1, and so forth. The annotated
/// location must have a known strandedness, which is taken into
/// account. For reverse-strand annotations, the 3'-most position
/// on the reference sequence is mapped to 0, and the strandedness
/// of the position is reversed. When the sequence position lies
/// on a different named reference sequence than the annotated
/// location, or doesn't fall within the annotated location, then
/// `None` is returned.
/// This function serves as an inverse of @pos_outof.
fn pos_into<T>(&self, pos: &Pos<Self::RefID, T>) -> Option<Pos<(), T>>
Self::RefID: Eq,
Self::Strand: Into<ReqStrand> + Copy,
T: Neg<Output = T> + Copy;
/// Map a relative position within an annotated location _out of_
/// that location onto the enclosing reference sequence.
/// Position 0 within the annotated location is mapped to the
/// first position of the annotated location, position 1 is mapped
/// to the subsequent position, and so forth. The annotated
/// location must have a known strandedness, which is taken into
/// account. For reverse-strand annotations, position 0 is mapped
/// to the 3'-most position of the reference sequence. When the
/// sequence position is either negative, or greater than the
/// length of the annotated location, then `None` is returned. The
/// reference name for the sequence position is discarded; the
/// mapped position receives a clone of the annotation's reference
/// sequence name.
/// This function serves as an inverse of @pos_into.
fn pos_outof<Q, T>(&self, pos: &Pos<Q, T>) -> Option<Pos<Self::RefID, T>>
Self::RefID: Clone,
Self::Strand: Into<ReqStrand> + Copy,
T: Neg<Output = T> + Copy;
fn contig_intersection<T>(&self, other: &Contig<Self::RefID, T>) -> Option<Self>
Self: ::std::marker::Sized,
Self::RefID: PartialEq + Clone,
Self::Strand: Copy;
/// Contiguous sequence location that fully covers the location.
fn contig(&self) -> Contig<Self::RefID, Self::Strand>
Self::RefID: Clone,
Self::Strand: Copy,
/// The first `Pos` in a location, on the annotated strand.
/// The first position in a zero-length annotation will be the
/// starting postion. This is the same as the first position in a
/// length-1 annotation, on either strand.
fn first_pos(&self) -> Pos<Self::RefID, Self::Strand>
Self::RefID: Clone,
Self::Strand: Into<ReqStrand> + Copy,
match self.strand().into() {
ReqStrand::Forward => Pos::new(self.refid().clone(), self.start(), self.strand()),
ReqStrand::Reverse => {
if self.length() == 0 {
Pos::new(self.refid().clone(), self.start(), self.strand())
} else {
self.start() + (self.length() as isize) - 1,
/// The last `Pos` in a location, on the annotated strand.
/// The last position in a zero-length annotation will be the
/// starting postion. This is the same as the last position in a
/// length-1 annotation, on either strand.
fn last_pos(&self) -> Pos<Self::RefID, Self::Strand>
Self::RefID: Clone,
Self::Strand: Into<ReqStrand> + Copy,
match self.strand().into() {
ReqStrand::Forward => {
if self.length() == 0 {
Pos::new(self.refid().clone(), self.start(), self.strand())
} else {
self.start() + (self.length() as isize) - 1,
ReqStrand::Reverse => Pos::new(self.refid().clone(), self.start(), self.strand()),