macro_rules! copy_byte_array_from_slice {
($slice:expr, $len:expr) => {
if $len > $slice.len() {
} else {
let mut array = [0u8; $len];
let mut i = 0;
while i < $len {
array[i] = $slice[i];
i += 1;
pub use copy_byte_array_from_slice;
macro_rules! concat_bytes_to_arr {
($a:expr, $b:expr, $len:expr) => {{
let a = $a;
let b = $b;
let _ = [(); 1][($len != a.len() + b.len()) as usize];
let mut output = [0u8; $len];
let mut i = 0;
while i < a.len() {
output[i] = $a[i];
i += 1;
while i < a.len() + b.len() {
output[i] = b[i - a.len()];
i += 1;
pub use concat_bytes_to_arr;
macro_rules! cond_const {
($($(#[$attr:meta])* $vis:vis const(in $version:tt) fn $name:ident$(<$($gen:tt)*>)?($($args:tt)*) $(-> $ret:ty)? $body:block)+ ) => {
$crate::rust_version::rust_version! {
if >= $version {
#[doc = concat!("\nNote: the function is only `const` in Rust ", stringify!($version), ".")]
$vis const fn $name$(<$($gen)*>)?($($args)*) $(-> $ret)? $body
} else {
#[doc = concat!("\nNote: the function is `const` in Rust ", stringify!($version), ".")]
$vis fn $name$(<$($gen)*>)?($($args)*) $(-> $ret)? $body
($($(#[$attr:meta])* $vis:vis const(in $version:tt) unsafe fn $name:ident$(<$($gen:tt)*>)?($($args:tt)*) $(-> $ret:ty)? $body:block)+ ) => {
$crate::rust_version::rust_version! {
if >= $version {
#[doc = concat!("\nNote: the function is only `const` in Rust ", stringify!($version), ".")]
$vis const unsafe fn $name$(<$($gen)*>)?($($args)*) $(-> $ret)? $body
} else {
#[doc = concat!("\nNote: the function is `const` in Rust ", stringify!($version), ".")]
$vis unsafe fn $name$(<$($gen)*>)?($($args)*) $(-> $ret)? $body
pub use cond_const;