Macro sha256t_tag

macro_rules! sha256t_tag {
    ($(#[$($tag_attr:tt)*])* $tag_vis:vis struct $tag:ident = $constructor:tt($($tag_value:tt)+);) => { ... };
Expand description

Macro used to define a tag.

Defines new struct and implements Tag for it.

The syntax is:

sha256t_tag! {
    /// Optional documentation details here.
    /// Summary is always generated.
    pub struct FooTag = hash_str("foo");

The hash_str marker says the midstate should be generated by hashing the supplied string in a way described in BIP-341. Alternatively, you can supply hash_bytes to hash raw bytes. If you have the midstate already pre-computed and prefer compiler performance to readability you may use raw(MIDSTATE_BYTES, HASHED_BYTES_LENGTH) instead, note that HASHED_BYTES_LENGTH must be a multiple of 64.