1//! The official Rust implementation of the [BLAKE3] cryptographic hash
2//! function.
4//! # Examples
6//! ```
7//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
8//! // Hash an input all at once.
9//! let hash1 = blake3::hash(b"foobarbaz");
11//! // Hash an input incrementally.
12//! let mut hasher = blake3::Hasher::new();
13//! hasher.update(b"foo");
14//! hasher.update(b"bar");
15//! hasher.update(b"baz");
16//! let hash2 = hasher.finalize();
17//! assert_eq!(hash1, hash2);
19//! // Extended output. OutputReader also implements Read and Seek.
20//! # #[cfg(feature = "std")] {
21//! let mut output = [0; 1000];
22//! let mut output_reader = hasher.finalize_xof();
23//! output_reader.fill(&mut output);
24//! assert_eq!(hash1, output[..32]);
25//! # }
27//! // Print a hash as hex.
28//! println!("{}", hash1);
29//! # Ok(())
30//! # }
31//! ```
33//! # Cargo Features
35//! The `std` feature (the only feature enabled by default) is required for
36//! implementations of the [`Write`] and [`Seek`] traits, the
37//! [`update_reader`](Hasher::update_reader) helper method, and runtime CPU
38//! feature detection on x86. If this feature is disabled, the only way to use
39//! the x86 SIMD implementations is to enable the corresponding instruction sets
40//! globally, with e.g. `RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native"`. The resulting binary
41//! will not be portable to other machines.
43//! The `rayon` feature (disabled by default, but enabled for []) adds
44//! the [`update_rayon`](Hasher::update_rayon) and (in combination with `mmap`
45//! below) [`update_mmap_rayon`](Hasher::update_mmap_rayon) methods, for
46//! multithreaded hashing. However, even if this feature is enabled, all other
47//! APIs remain single-threaded.
49//! The `mmap` feature (disabled by default, but enabled for []) adds the
50//! [`update_mmap`](Hasher::update_mmap) and (in combination with `rayon` above)
51//! [`update_mmap_rayon`](Hasher::update_mmap_rayon) helper methods for
52//! memory-mapped IO.
54//! The `zeroize` feature (disabled by default, but enabled for [])
55//! implements
56//! [`Zeroize`]( for
57//! this crate's types.
59//! The `serde` feature (disabled by default, but enabled for []) implements
60//! [`serde::Serialize`]( and
61//! [`serde::Deserialize`](
62//! for [`Hash`](struct@Hash).
64//! The NEON implementation is enabled by default for AArch64 but requires the
65//! `neon` feature for other ARM targets. Not all ARMv7 CPUs support NEON, and
66//! enabling this feature will produce a binary that's not portable to CPUs
67//! without NEON support.
69//! The `traits-preview` feature enables implementations of traits from the
70//! RustCrypto [`digest`] crate, and re-exports that crate as `traits::digest`.
71//! However, the traits aren't stable, and they're expected to change in
72//! incompatible ways before that crate reaches 1.0. For that reason, this crate
73//! makes no SemVer guarantees for this feature, and callers who use it should
74//! expect breaking changes between patch versions. (The "-preview" feature name
75//! follows the conventions of the RustCrypto [`signature`] crate.)
77//! [`Hasher::update_rayon`]: struct.Hasher.html#method.update_rayon
78//! [BLAKE3]:
79//! [Rayon]:
80//! []:
81//! [`Write`]:
82//! [`Seek`]:
83//! [`digest`]:
84//! [`signature`]:
86#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
89mod test;
91// The guts module is for incremental use cases like the `bao` crate that need
92// to explicitly compute chunk and parent chaining values. It is semi-stable
93// and likely to keep working, but largely undocumented and not intended for
94// widespread use.
96pub mod guts;
98/// Undocumented and unstable, for benchmarks only.
100pub mod platform;
102// Platform-specific implementations of the compression function. These
103// BLAKE3-specific cfg flags are set in
105#[path = ""]
106mod avx2;
108#[path = ""]
109mod avx2;
111#[path = ""]
112mod avx512;
114#[path = ""]
115mod neon;
116mod portable;
118#[path = ""]
119mod sse2;
121#[path = ""]
122mod sse2;
124#[path = ""]
125mod sse41;
127#[path = ""]
128mod sse41;
131#[path = ""]
132mod wasm32_simd;
134#[cfg(feature = "traits-preview")]
135pub mod traits;
137mod io;
138mod join;
140use arrayref::{array_mut_ref, array_ref};
141use arrayvec::{ArrayString, ArrayVec};
142use core::cmp;
143use core::fmt;
144use platform::{Platform, MAX_SIMD_DEGREE, MAX_SIMD_DEGREE_OR_2};
145#[cfg(feature = "zeroize")]
146use zeroize::Zeroize;
148/// The number of bytes in a [`Hash`](struct.Hash.html), 32.
149pub const OUT_LEN: usize = 32;
151/// The number of bytes in a key, 32.
152pub const KEY_LEN: usize = 32;
154const MAX_DEPTH: usize = 54; // 2^54 * CHUNK_LEN = 2^64
155use guts::{BLOCK_LEN, CHUNK_LEN};
157// While iterating the compression function within a chunk, the CV is
158// represented as words, to avoid doing two extra endianness conversions for
159// each compression in the portable implementation. But the hash_many interface
160// needs to hash both input bytes and parent nodes, so its better for its
161// output CVs to be represented as bytes.
162type CVWords = [u32; 8];
163type CVBytes = [u8; 32]; // little-endian
165const IV: &CVWords = &[
166 0x6A09E667, 0xBB67AE85, 0x3C6EF372, 0xA54FF53A, 0x510E527F, 0x9B05688C, 0x1F83D9AB, 0x5BE0CD19,
169const MSG_SCHEDULE: [[usize; 16]; 7] = [
170 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
171 [2, 6, 3, 10, 7, 0, 4, 13, 1, 11, 12, 5, 9, 14, 15, 8],
172 [3, 4, 10, 12, 13, 2, 7, 14, 6, 5, 9, 0, 11, 15, 8, 1],
173 [10, 7, 12, 9, 14, 3, 13, 15, 4, 0, 11, 2, 5, 8, 1, 6],
174 [12, 13, 9, 11, 15, 10, 14, 8, 7, 2, 5, 3, 0, 1, 6, 4],
175 [9, 14, 11, 5, 8, 12, 15, 1, 13, 3, 0, 10, 2, 6, 4, 7],
176 [11, 15, 5, 0, 1, 9, 8, 6, 14, 10, 2, 12, 3, 4, 7, 13],
179// These are the internal flags that we use to domain separate root/non-root,
180// chunk/parent, and chunk beginning/middle/end. These get set at the high end
181// of the block flags word in the compression function, so their values start
182// high and go down.
183const CHUNK_START: u8 = 1 << 0;
184const CHUNK_END: u8 = 1 << 1;
185const PARENT: u8 = 1 << 2;
186const ROOT: u8 = 1 << 3;
187const KEYED_HASH: u8 = 1 << 4;
188const DERIVE_KEY_CONTEXT: u8 = 1 << 5;
189const DERIVE_KEY_MATERIAL: u8 = 1 << 6;
192fn counter_low(counter: u64) -> u32 {
193 counter as u32
197fn counter_high(counter: u64) -> u32 {
198 (counter >> 32) as u32
201/// An output of the default size, 32 bytes, which provides constant-time
202/// equality checking.
204/// `Hash` implements [`From`] and [`Into`] for `[u8; 32]`, and it provides
205/// [`from_bytes`] and [`as_bytes`] for explicit conversions between itself and
206/// `[u8; 32]`. However, byte arrays and slices don't provide constant-time
207/// equality checking, which is often a security requirement in software that
208/// handles private data. `Hash` doesn't implement [`Deref`] or [`AsRef`], to
209/// avoid situations where a type conversion happens implicitly and the
210/// constant-time property is accidentally lost.
212/// `Hash` provides the [`to_hex`] and [`from_hex`] methods for converting to
213/// and from hexadecimal. It also implements [`Display`] and [`FromStr`].
215/// [`From`]:
216/// [`Into`]:
217/// [`as_bytes`]: #method.as_bytes
218/// [`from_bytes`]: #method.from_bytes
219/// [`Deref`]:
220/// [`AsRef`]:
221/// [`to_hex`]: #method.to_hex
222/// [`from_hex`]: #method.from_hex
223/// [`Display`]:
224/// [`FromStr`]:
225#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize))]
226#[derive(Clone, Copy, Hash)]
227pub struct Hash([u8; OUT_LEN]);
229impl Hash {
230 /// The raw bytes of the `Hash`. Note that byte arrays don't provide
231 /// constant-time equality checking, so if you need to compare hashes,
232 /// prefer the `Hash` type.
233 #[inline]
234 pub const fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8; OUT_LEN] {
235 &self.0
236 }
238 /// Create a `Hash` from its raw bytes representation.
239 pub const fn from_bytes(bytes: [u8; OUT_LEN]) -> Self {
240 Self(bytes)
241 }
243 /// Create a `Hash` from its raw bytes representation as a slice.
244 ///
245 /// Returns an error if the slice is not exactly 32 bytes long.
246 pub fn from_slice(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, core::array::TryFromSliceError> {
247 Ok(Self::from_bytes(bytes.try_into()?))
248 }
250 /// Encode a `Hash` in lowercase hexadecimal.
251 ///
252 /// The returned [`ArrayString`] is a fixed size and doesn't allocate memory
253 /// on the heap. Note that [`ArrayString`] doesn't provide constant-time
254 /// equality checking, so if you need to compare hashes, prefer the `Hash`
255 /// type.
256 ///
257 /// [`ArrayString`]:
258 pub fn to_hex(&self) -> ArrayString<{ 2 * OUT_LEN }> {
259 let mut s = ArrayString::new();
260 let table = b"0123456789abcdef";
261 for &b in self.0.iter() {
262 s.push(table[(b >> 4) as usize] as char);
263 s.push(table[(b & 0xf) as usize] as char);
264 }
265 s
266 }
268 /// Decode a `Hash` from hexadecimal. Both uppercase and lowercase ASCII
269 /// bytes are supported.
270 ///
271 /// Any byte outside the ranges `'0'...'9'`, `'a'...'f'`, and `'A'...'F'`
272 /// results in an error. An input length other than 64 also results in an
273 /// error.
274 ///
275 /// Note that `Hash` also implements `FromStr`, so `Hash::from_hex("...")`
276 /// is equivalent to `"...".parse()`.
277 pub fn from_hex(hex: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Result<Self, HexError> {
278 fn hex_val(byte: u8) -> Result<u8, HexError> {
279 match byte {
280 b'A'..=b'F' => Ok(byte - b'A' + 10),
281 b'a'..=b'f' => Ok(byte - b'a' + 10),
282 b'0'..=b'9' => Ok(byte - b'0'),
283 _ => Err(HexError(HexErrorInner::InvalidByte(byte))),
284 }
285 }
286 let hex_bytes: &[u8] = hex.as_ref();
287 if hex_bytes.len() != OUT_LEN * 2 {
288 return Err(HexError(HexErrorInner::InvalidLen(hex_bytes.len())));
289 }
290 let mut hash_bytes: [u8; OUT_LEN] = [0; OUT_LEN];
291 for i in 0..OUT_LEN {
292 hash_bytes[i] = 16 * hex_val(hex_bytes[2 * i])? + hex_val(hex_bytes[2 * i + 1])?;
293 }
294 Ok(Hash::from(hash_bytes))
295 }
298impl From<[u8; OUT_LEN]> for Hash {
299 #[inline]
300 fn from(bytes: [u8; OUT_LEN]) -> Self {
301 Self::from_bytes(bytes)
302 }
305impl From<Hash> for [u8; OUT_LEN] {
306 #[inline]
307 fn from(hash: Hash) -> Self {
308 hash.0
309 }
312impl core::str::FromStr for Hash {
313 type Err = HexError;
315 fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
316 Hash::from_hex(s)
317 }
320#[cfg(feature = "zeroize")]
321impl Zeroize for Hash {
322 fn zeroize(&mut self) {
323 // Destructuring to trigger compile error as a reminder to update this impl.
324 let Self(bytes) = self;
325 bytes.zeroize();
326 }
329/// This implementation is constant-time.
330impl PartialEq for Hash {
331 #[inline]
332 fn eq(&self, other: &Hash) -> bool {
333 constant_time_eq::constant_time_eq_32(&self.0, &other.0)
334 }
337/// This implementation is constant-time.
338impl PartialEq<[u8; OUT_LEN]> for Hash {
339 #[inline]
340 fn eq(&self, other: &[u8; OUT_LEN]) -> bool {
341 constant_time_eq::constant_time_eq_32(&self.0, other)
342 }
345/// This implementation is constant-time if the target is 32 bytes long.
346impl PartialEq<[u8]> for Hash {
347 #[inline]
348 fn eq(&self, other: &[u8]) -> bool {
349 constant_time_eq::constant_time_eq(&self.0, other)
350 }
353impl Eq for Hash {}
355impl fmt::Display for Hash {
356 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
357 // Formatting field as `&str` to reduce code size since the `Debug`
358 // dynamic dispatch table for `&str` is likely needed elsewhere already,
359 // but that for `ArrayString<[u8; 64]>` is not.
360 let hex = self.to_hex();
361 let hex: &str = hex.as_str();
363 f.write_str(hex)
364 }
367impl fmt::Debug for Hash {
368 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
369 // Formatting field as `&str` to reduce code size since the `Debug`
370 // dynamic dispatch table for `&str` is likely needed elsewhere already,
371 // but that for `ArrayString<[u8; 64]>` is not.
372 let hex = self.to_hex();
373 let hex: &str = hex.as_str();
375 f.debug_tuple("Hash").field(&hex).finish()
376 }
379/// The error type for [`Hash::from_hex`].
381/// The `.to_string()` representation of this error currently distinguishes between bad length
382/// errors and bad character errors. This is to help with logging and debugging, but it isn't a
383/// stable API detail, and it may change at any time.
384#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
385pub struct HexError(HexErrorInner);
387#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
388enum HexErrorInner {
389 InvalidByte(u8),
390 InvalidLen(usize),
393impl fmt::Display for HexError {
394 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
395 match self.0 {
396 HexErrorInner::InvalidByte(byte) => {
397 if byte < 128 {
398 write!(f, "invalid hex character: {:?}", byte as char)
399 } else {
400 write!(f, "invalid hex character: 0x{:x}", byte)
401 }
402 }
403 HexErrorInner::InvalidLen(len) => {
404 write!(f, "expected 64 hex bytes, received {}", len)
405 }
406 }
407 }
410#[cfg(feature = "std")]
411impl std::error::Error for HexError {}
413// Each chunk or parent node can produce either a 32-byte chaining value or, by
414// setting the ROOT flag, any number of final output bytes. The Output struct
415// captures the state just prior to choosing between those two possibilities.
417struct Output {
418 input_chaining_value: CVWords,
419 block: [u8; 64],
420 block_len: u8,
421 counter: u64,
422 flags: u8,
423 platform: Platform,
426impl Output {
427 fn chaining_value(&self) -> CVBytes {
428 let mut cv = self.input_chaining_value;
429 self.platform.compress_in_place(
430 &mut cv,
431 &self.block,
432 self.block_len,
433 self.counter,
434 self.flags,
435 );
436 platform::le_bytes_from_words_32(&cv)
437 }
439 fn root_hash(&self) -> Hash {
440 debug_assert_eq!(self.counter, 0);
441 let mut cv = self.input_chaining_value;
442 self.platform
443 .compress_in_place(&mut cv, &self.block, self.block_len, 0, self.flags | ROOT);
444 Hash(platform::le_bytes_from_words_32(&cv))
445 }
447 fn root_output_block(&self) -> [u8; 2 * OUT_LEN] {
448 self.platform.compress_xof(
449 &self.input_chaining_value,
450 &self.block,
451 self.block_len,
452 self.counter,
453 self.flags | ROOT,
454 )
455 }
458#[cfg(feature = "zeroize")]
459impl Zeroize for Output {
460 fn zeroize(&mut self) {
461 // Destructuring to trigger compile error as a reminder to update this impl.
462 let Self {
463 input_chaining_value,
464 block,
465 block_len,
466 counter,
467 flags,
468 platform: _,
469 } = self;
471 input_chaining_value.zeroize();
472 block.zeroize();
473 block_len.zeroize();
474 counter.zeroize();
475 flags.zeroize();
476 }
480struct ChunkState {
481 cv: CVWords,
482 chunk_counter: u64,
483 buf: [u8; BLOCK_LEN],
484 buf_len: u8,
485 blocks_compressed: u8,
486 flags: u8,
487 platform: Platform,
490impl ChunkState {
491 fn new(key: &CVWords, chunk_counter: u64, flags: u8, platform: Platform) -> Self {
492 Self {
493 cv: *key,
494 chunk_counter,
495 buf: [0; BLOCK_LEN],
496 buf_len: 0,
497 blocks_compressed: 0,
498 flags,
499 platform,
500 }
501 }
503 fn len(&self) -> usize {
504 BLOCK_LEN * self.blocks_compressed as usize + self.buf_len as usize
505 }
507 fn fill_buf(&mut self, input: &mut &[u8]) {
508 let want = BLOCK_LEN - self.buf_len as usize;
509 let take = cmp::min(want, input.len());
510 self.buf[self.buf_len as usize..][..take].copy_from_slice(&input[..take]);
511 self.buf_len += take as u8;
512 *input = &input[take..];
513 }
515 fn start_flag(&self) -> u8 {
516 if self.blocks_compressed == 0 {
518 } else {
519 0
520 }
521 }
523 // Try to avoid buffering as much as possible, by compressing directly from
524 // the input slice when full blocks are available.
525 fn update(&mut self, mut input: &[u8]) -> &mut Self {
526 if self.buf_len > 0 {
527 self.fill_buf(&mut input);
528 if !input.is_empty() {
529 debug_assert_eq!(self.buf_len as usize, BLOCK_LEN);
530 let block_flags = self.flags | self.start_flag(); // borrowck
531 self.platform.compress_in_place(
532 &mut,
533 &self.buf,
534 BLOCK_LEN as u8,
535 self.chunk_counter,
536 block_flags,
537 );
538 self.buf_len = 0;
539 self.buf = [0; BLOCK_LEN];
540 self.blocks_compressed += 1;
541 }
542 }
544 while input.len() > BLOCK_LEN {
545 debug_assert_eq!(self.buf_len, 0);
546 let block_flags = self.flags | self.start_flag(); // borrowck
547 self.platform.compress_in_place(
548 &mut,
549 array_ref!(input, 0, BLOCK_LEN),
550 BLOCK_LEN as u8,
551 self.chunk_counter,
552 block_flags,
553 );
554 self.blocks_compressed += 1;
555 input = &input[BLOCK_LEN..];
556 }
558 self.fill_buf(&mut input);
559 debug_assert!(input.is_empty());
560 debug_assert!(self.len() <= CHUNK_LEN);
561 self
562 }
564 fn output(&self) -> Output {
565 let block_flags = self.flags | self.start_flag() | CHUNK_END;
566 Output {
567 input_chaining_value:,
568 block: self.buf,
569 block_len: self.buf_len,
570 counter: self.chunk_counter,
571 flags: block_flags,
572 platform: self.platform,
573 }
574 }
577// Don't derive(Debug), because the state may be secret.
578impl fmt::Debug for ChunkState {
579 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
580 f.debug_struct("ChunkState")
581 .field("len", &self.len())
582 .field("chunk_counter", &self.chunk_counter)
583 .field("flags", &self.flags)
584 .field("platform", &self.platform)
585 .finish()
586 }
589#[cfg(feature = "zeroize")]
590impl Zeroize for ChunkState {
591 fn zeroize(&mut self) {
592 // Destructuring to trigger compile error as a reminder to update this impl.
593 let Self {
594 cv,
595 chunk_counter,
596 buf,
597 buf_len,
598 blocks_compressed,
599 flags,
600 platform: _,
601 } = self;
603 cv.zeroize();
604 chunk_counter.zeroize();
605 buf.zeroize();
606 buf_len.zeroize();
607 blocks_compressed.zeroize();
608 flags.zeroize();
609 }
613// ===================
614// The recursive function compress_subtree_wide(), implemented below, is the
615// basis of high-performance BLAKE3. We use it both for all-at-once hashing,
616// and for the incremental input with Hasher (though we have to be careful with
617// subtree boundaries in the incremental case). compress_subtree_wide() applies
618// several optimizations at the same time:
619// - Multithreading with Rayon.
620// - Parallel chunk hashing with SIMD.
621// - Parallel parent hashing with SIMD. Note that while SIMD chunk hashing
622// maxes out at MAX_SIMD_DEGREE*CHUNK_LEN, parallel parent hashing continues
623// to benefit from larger inputs, because more levels of the tree benefit can
624// use full-width SIMD vectors for parent hashing. Without parallel parent
625// hashing, we lose about 10% of overall throughput on AVX2 and AVX-512.
627/// Undocumented and unstable, for benchmarks only.
629#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
630pub enum IncrementCounter {
631 Yes,
632 No,
635impl IncrementCounter {
636 #[inline]
637 fn yes(&self) -> bool {
638 match self {
639 IncrementCounter::Yes => true,
640 IncrementCounter::No => false,
641 }
642 }
645// The largest power of two less than or equal to `n`, used for left_len()
646// immediately below, and also directly in Hasher::update().
647fn largest_power_of_two_leq(n: usize) -> usize {
648 ((n / 2) + 1).next_power_of_two()
651// Given some input larger than one chunk, return the number of bytes that
652// should go in the left subtree. This is the largest power-of-2 number of
653// chunks that leaves at least 1 byte for the right subtree.
654fn left_len(content_len: usize) -> usize {
655 debug_assert!(content_len > CHUNK_LEN);
656 // Subtract 1 to reserve at least one byte for the right side.
657 let full_chunks = (content_len - 1) / CHUNK_LEN;
658 largest_power_of_two_leq(full_chunks) * CHUNK_LEN
661// Use SIMD parallelism to hash up to MAX_SIMD_DEGREE chunks at the same time
662// on a single thread. Write out the chunk chaining values and return the
663// number of chunks hashed. These chunks are never the root and never empty;
664// those cases use a different codepath.
665fn compress_chunks_parallel(
666 input: &[u8],
667 key: &CVWords,
668 chunk_counter: u64,
669 flags: u8,
670 platform: Platform,
671 out: &mut [u8],
672) -> usize {
673 debug_assert!(!input.is_empty(), "empty chunks below the root");
674 debug_assert!(input.len() <= MAX_SIMD_DEGREE * CHUNK_LEN);
676 let mut chunks_exact = input.chunks_exact(CHUNK_LEN);
677 let mut chunks_array = ArrayVec::<&[u8; CHUNK_LEN], MAX_SIMD_DEGREE>::new();
678 for chunk in &mut chunks_exact {
679 chunks_array.push(array_ref!(chunk, 0, CHUNK_LEN));
680 }
681 platform.hash_many(
682 &chunks_array,
683 key,
684 chunk_counter,
685 IncrementCounter::Yes,
686 flags,
689 out,
690 );
692 // Hash the remaining partial chunk, if there is one. Note that the empty
693 // chunk (meaning the empty message) is a different codepath.
694 let chunks_so_far = chunks_array.len();
695 if !chunks_exact.remainder().is_empty() {
696 let counter = chunk_counter + chunks_so_far as u64;
697 let mut chunk_state = ChunkState::new(key, counter, flags, platform);
698 chunk_state.update(chunks_exact.remainder());
699 *array_mut_ref!(out, chunks_so_far * OUT_LEN, OUT_LEN) =
700 chunk_state.output().chaining_value();
701 chunks_so_far + 1
702 } else {
703 chunks_so_far
704 }
707// Use SIMD parallelism to hash up to MAX_SIMD_DEGREE parents at the same time
708// on a single thread. Write out the parent chaining values and return the
709// number of parents hashed. (If there's an odd input chaining value left over,
710// return it as an additional output.) These parents are never the root and
711// never empty; those cases use a different codepath.
712fn compress_parents_parallel(
713 child_chaining_values: &[u8],
714 key: &CVWords,
715 flags: u8,
716 platform: Platform,
717 out: &mut [u8],
718) -> usize {
719 debug_assert_eq!(child_chaining_values.len() % OUT_LEN, 0, "wacky hash bytes");
720 let num_children = child_chaining_values.len() / OUT_LEN;
721 debug_assert!(num_children >= 2, "not enough children");
722 debug_assert!(num_children <= 2 * MAX_SIMD_DEGREE_OR_2, "too many");
724 let mut parents_exact = child_chaining_values.chunks_exact(BLOCK_LEN);
725 // Use MAX_SIMD_DEGREE_OR_2 rather than MAX_SIMD_DEGREE here, because of
726 // the requirements of compress_subtree_wide().
727 let mut parents_array = ArrayVec::<&[u8; BLOCK_LEN], MAX_SIMD_DEGREE_OR_2>::new();
728 for parent in &mut parents_exact {
729 parents_array.push(array_ref!(parent, 0, BLOCK_LEN));
730 }
731 platform.hash_many(
732 &parents_array,
733 key,
734 0, // Parents always use counter 0.
735 IncrementCounter::No,
736 flags | PARENT,
737 0, // Parents have no start flags.
738 0, // Parents have no end flags.
739 out,
740 );
742 // If there's an odd child left over, it becomes an output.
743 let parents_so_far = parents_array.len();
744 if !parents_exact.remainder().is_empty() {
745 out[parents_so_far * OUT_LEN..][..OUT_LEN].copy_from_slice(parents_exact.remainder());
746 parents_so_far + 1
747 } else {
748 parents_so_far
749 }
752// The wide helper function returns (writes out) an array of chaining values
753// and returns the length of that array. The number of chaining values returned
754// is the dynamically detected SIMD degree, at most MAX_SIMD_DEGREE. Or fewer,
755// if the input is shorter than that many chunks. The reason for maintaining a
756// wide array of chaining values going back up the tree, is to allow the
757// implementation to hash as many parents in parallel as possible.
759// As a special case when the SIMD degree is 1, this function will still return
760// at least 2 outputs. This guarantees that this function doesn't perform the
761// root compression. (If it did, it would use the wrong flags, and also we
762// wouldn't be able to implement extendable output.) Note that this function is
763// not used when the whole input is only 1 chunk long; that's a different
764// codepath.
766// Why not just have the caller split the input on the first update(), instead
767// of implementing this special rule? Because we don't want to limit SIMD or
768// multithreading parallelism for that update().
769fn compress_subtree_wide<J: join::Join>(
770 input: &[u8],
771 key: &CVWords,
772 chunk_counter: u64,
773 flags: u8,
774 platform: Platform,
775 out: &mut [u8],
776) -> usize {
777 // Note that the single chunk case does *not* bump the SIMD degree up to 2
778 // when it is 1. This allows Rayon the option of multithreading even the
779 // 2-chunk case, which can help performance on smaller platforms.
780 if input.len() <= platform.simd_degree() * CHUNK_LEN {
781 return compress_chunks_parallel(input, key, chunk_counter, flags, platform, out);
782 }
784 // With more than simd_degree chunks, we need to recurse. Start by dividing
785 // the input into left and right subtrees. (Note that this is only optimal
786 // as long as the SIMD degree is a power of 2. If we ever get a SIMD degree
787 // of 3 or something, we'll need a more complicated strategy.)
788 debug_assert_eq!(platform.simd_degree().count_ones(), 1, "power of 2");
789 let (left, right) = input.split_at(left_len(input.len()));
790 let right_chunk_counter = chunk_counter + (left.len() / CHUNK_LEN) as u64;
792 // Make space for the child outputs. Here we use MAX_SIMD_DEGREE_OR_2 to
793 // account for the special case of returning 2 outputs when the SIMD degree
794 // is 1.
795 let mut cv_array = [0; 2 * MAX_SIMD_DEGREE_OR_2 * OUT_LEN];
796 let degree = if left.len() == CHUNK_LEN {
797 // The "simd_degree=1 and we're at the leaf nodes" case.
798 debug_assert_eq!(platform.simd_degree(), 1);
799 1
800 } else {
801 cmp::max(platform.simd_degree(), 2)
802 };
803 let (left_out, right_out) = cv_array.split_at_mut(degree * OUT_LEN);
805 // Recurse! For update_rayon(), this is where we take advantage of RayonJoin and use multiple
806 // threads.
807 let (left_n, right_n) = J::join(
808 || compress_subtree_wide::<J>(left, key, chunk_counter, flags, platform, left_out),
809 || compress_subtree_wide::<J>(right, key, right_chunk_counter, flags, platform, right_out),
810 );
812 // The special case again. If simd_degree=1, then we'll have left_n=1 and
813 // right_n=1. Rather than compressing them into a single output, return
814 // them directly, to make sure we always have at least two outputs.
815 debug_assert_eq!(left_n, degree);
816 debug_assert!(right_n >= 1 && right_n <= left_n);
817 if left_n == 1 {
818 out[..2 * OUT_LEN].copy_from_slice(&cv_array[..2 * OUT_LEN]);
819 return 2;
820 }
822 // Otherwise, do one layer of parent node compression.
823 let num_children = left_n + right_n;
824 compress_parents_parallel(
825 &cv_array[..num_children * OUT_LEN],
826 key,
827 flags,
828 platform,
829 out,
830 )
833// Hash a subtree with compress_subtree_wide(), and then condense the resulting
834// list of chaining values down to a single parent node. Don't compress that
835// last parent node, however. Instead, return its message bytes (the
836// concatenated chaining values of its children). This is necessary when the
837// first call to update() supplies a complete subtree, because the topmost
838// parent node of that subtree could end up being the root. It's also necessary
839// for extended output in the general case.
841// As with compress_subtree_wide(), this function is not used on inputs of 1
842// chunk or less. That's a different codepath.
843fn compress_subtree_to_parent_node<J: join::Join>(
844 input: &[u8],
845 key: &CVWords,
846 chunk_counter: u64,
847 flags: u8,
848 platform: Platform,
849) -> [u8; BLOCK_LEN] {
850 debug_assert!(input.len() > CHUNK_LEN);
851 let mut cv_array = [0; MAX_SIMD_DEGREE_OR_2 * OUT_LEN];
852 let mut num_cvs =
853 compress_subtree_wide::<J>(input, &key, chunk_counter, flags, platform, &mut cv_array);
854 debug_assert!(num_cvs >= 2);
856 // If MAX_SIMD_DEGREE is greater than 2 and there's enough input,
857 // compress_subtree_wide() returns more than 2 chaining values. Condense
858 // them into 2 by forming parent nodes repeatedly.
859 let mut out_array = [0; MAX_SIMD_DEGREE_OR_2 * OUT_LEN / 2];
860 while num_cvs > 2 {
861 let cv_slice = &cv_array[..num_cvs * OUT_LEN];
862 num_cvs = compress_parents_parallel(cv_slice, key, flags, platform, &mut out_array);
863 cv_array[..num_cvs * OUT_LEN].copy_from_slice(&out_array[..num_cvs * OUT_LEN]);
864 }
865 *array_ref!(cv_array, 0, 2 * OUT_LEN)
868// Hash a complete input all at once. Unlike compress_subtree_wide() and
869// compress_subtree_to_parent_node(), this function handles the 1 chunk case.
870fn hash_all_at_once<J: join::Join>(input: &[u8], key: &CVWords, flags: u8) -> Output {
871 let platform = Platform::detect();
873 // If the whole subtree is one chunk, hash it directly with a ChunkState.
874 if input.len() <= CHUNK_LEN {
875 return ChunkState::new(key, 0, flags, platform)
876 .update(input)
877 .output();
878 }
880 // Otherwise construct an Output object from the parent node returned by
881 // compress_subtree_to_parent_node().
882 Output {
883 input_chaining_value: *key,
884 block: compress_subtree_to_parent_node::<J>(input, key, 0, flags, platform),
885 block_len: BLOCK_LEN as u8,
886 counter: 0,
887 flags: flags | PARENT,
888 platform,
889 }
892/// The default hash function.
894/// For an incremental version that accepts multiple writes, see [`Hasher::new`],
895/// [`Hasher::update`], and [`Hasher::finalize`]. These two lines are equivalent:
897/// ```
898/// let hash = blake3::hash(b"foo");
899/// # let hash1 = hash;
901/// let hash = blake3::Hasher::new().update(b"foo").finalize();
902/// # let hash2 = hash;
903/// # assert_eq!(hash1, hash2);
904/// ```
906/// For output sizes other than 32 bytes, see [`Hasher::finalize_xof`] and
907/// [`OutputReader`].
909/// This function is always single-threaded. For multithreading support, see
910/// [`Hasher::update_rayon`](struct.Hasher.html#method.update_rayon).
911pub fn hash(input: &[u8]) -> Hash {
912 hash_all_at_once::<join::SerialJoin>(input, IV, 0).root_hash()
915/// The keyed hash function.
917/// This is suitable for use as a message authentication code, for example to
918/// replace an HMAC instance. In that use case, the constant-time equality
919/// checking provided by [`Hash`](struct.Hash.html) is almost always a security
920/// requirement, and callers need to be careful not to compare MACs as raw
921/// bytes.
923/// For an incremental version that accepts multiple writes, see [`Hasher::new_keyed`],
924/// [`Hasher::update`], and [`Hasher::finalize`]. These two lines are equivalent:
926/// ```
927/// # const KEY: &[u8; 32] = &[0; 32];
928/// let mac = blake3::keyed_hash(KEY, b"foo");
929/// # let mac1 = mac;
931/// let mac = blake3::Hasher::new_keyed(KEY).update(b"foo").finalize();
932/// # let mac2 = mac;
933/// # assert_eq!(mac1, mac2);
934/// ```
936/// For output sizes other than 32 bytes, see [`Hasher::finalize_xof`], and [`OutputReader`].
938/// This function is always single-threaded. For multithreading support, see
939/// [`Hasher::update_rayon`](struct.Hasher.html#method.update_rayon).
940pub fn keyed_hash(key: &[u8; KEY_LEN], input: &[u8]) -> Hash {
941 let key_words = platform::words_from_le_bytes_32(key);
942 hash_all_at_once::<join::SerialJoin>(input, &key_words, KEYED_HASH).root_hash()
945/// The key derivation function.
947/// Given cryptographic key material of any length and a context string of any
948/// length, this function outputs a 32-byte derived subkey. **The context string
949/// should be hardcoded, globally unique, and application-specific.** A good
950/// default format for such strings is `"[application] [commit timestamp]
951/// [purpose]"`, e.g., `" 2019-12-25 16:18:03 session tokens v1"`.
953/// Key derivation is important when you want to use the same key in multiple
954/// algorithms or use cases. Using the same key with different cryptographic
955/// algorithms is generally forbidden, and deriving a separate subkey for each
956/// use case protects you from bad interactions. Derived keys also mitigate the
957/// damage from one part of your application accidentally leaking its key.
959/// As a rare exception to that general rule, however, it is possible to use
960/// `derive_key` itself with key material that you are already using with
961/// another algorithm. You might need to do this if you're adding features to
962/// an existing application, which does not yet use key derivation internally.
963/// However, you still must not share key material with algorithms that forbid
964/// key reuse entirely, like a one-time pad. For more on this, see sections 6.2
965/// and 7.8 of the [BLAKE3 paper](
967/// Note that BLAKE3 is not a password hash, and **`derive_key` should never be
968/// used with passwords.** Instead, use a dedicated password hash like
969/// [Argon2]. Password hashes are entirely different from generic hash
970/// functions, with opposite design requirements.
972/// For an incremental version that accepts multiple writes, see [`Hasher::new_derive_key`],
973/// [`Hasher::update`], and [`Hasher::finalize`]. These two statements are equivalent:
975/// ```
976/// # const CONTEXT: &str = " 2019-12-25 16:18:03 session tokens v1";
977/// let key = blake3::derive_key(CONTEXT, b"key material, not a password");
978/// # let key1 = key;
980/// let key: [u8; 32] = blake3::Hasher::new_derive_key(CONTEXT)
981/// .update(b"key material, not a password")
982/// .finalize()
983/// .into();
984/// # let key2 = key;
985/// # assert_eq!(key1, key2);
986/// ```
988/// For output sizes other than 32 bytes, see [`Hasher::finalize_xof`], and [`OutputReader`].
990/// This function is always single-threaded. For multithreading support, see
991/// [`Hasher::update_rayon`](struct.Hasher.html#method.update_rayon).
993/// [Argon2]:
994pub fn derive_key(context: &str, key_material: &[u8]) -> [u8; OUT_LEN] {
995 let context_key =
996 hash_all_at_once::<join::SerialJoin>(context.as_bytes(), IV, DERIVE_KEY_CONTEXT)
997 .root_hash();
998 let context_key_words = platform::words_from_le_bytes_32(context_key.as_bytes());
999 hash_all_at_once::<join::SerialJoin>(key_material, &context_key_words, DERIVE_KEY_MATERIAL)
1000 .root_hash()
1001 .0
1004fn parent_node_output(
1005 left_child: &CVBytes,
1006 right_child: &CVBytes,
1007 key: &CVWords,
1008 flags: u8,
1009 platform: Platform,
1010) -> Output {
1011 let mut block = [0; BLOCK_LEN];
1012 block[..32].copy_from_slice(left_child);
1013 block[32..].copy_from_slice(right_child);
1014 Output {
1015 input_chaining_value: *key,
1016 block,
1017 block_len: BLOCK_LEN as u8,
1018 counter: 0,
1019 flags: flags | PARENT,
1020 platform,
1021 }
1024/// An incremental hash state that can accept any number of writes.
1026/// The `rayon` and `mmap` Cargo features enable additional methods on this
1027/// type related to multithreading and memory-mapped IO.
1029/// When the `traits-preview` Cargo feature is enabled, this type implements
1030/// several commonly used traits from the
1031/// [`digest`]( crate. However, those
1032/// traits aren't stable, and they're expected to change in incompatible ways
1033/// before that crate reaches 1.0. For that reason, this crate makes no SemVer
1034/// guarantees for this feature, and callers who use it should expect breaking
1035/// changes between patch versions.
1037/// # Examples
1039/// ```
1040/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
1041/// // Hash an input incrementally.
1042/// let mut hasher = blake3::Hasher::new();
1043/// hasher.update(b"foo");
1044/// hasher.update(b"bar");
1045/// hasher.update(b"baz");
1046/// assert_eq!(hasher.finalize(), blake3::hash(b"foobarbaz"));
1048/// // Extended output. OutputReader also implements Read and Seek.
1049/// # #[cfg(feature = "std")] {
1050/// let mut output = [0; 1000];
1051/// let mut output_reader = hasher.finalize_xof();
1052/// output_reader.fill(&mut output);
1053/// assert_eq!(&output[..32], blake3::hash(b"foobarbaz").as_bytes());
1054/// # }
1055/// # Ok(())
1056/// # }
1057/// ```
1059pub struct Hasher {
1060 key: CVWords,
1061 chunk_state: ChunkState,
1062 // The stack size is MAX_DEPTH + 1 because we do lazy merging. For example,
1063 // with 7 chunks, we have 3 entries in the stack. Adding an 8th chunk
1064 // requires a 4th entry, rather than merging everything down to 1, because
1065 // we don't know whether more input is coming. This is different from how
1066 // the reference implementation does things.
1067 cv_stack: ArrayVec<CVBytes, { MAX_DEPTH + 1 }>,
1070impl Hasher {
1071 fn new_internal(key: &CVWords, flags: u8) -> Self {
1072 Self {
1073 key: *key,
1074 chunk_state: ChunkState::new(key, 0, flags, Platform::detect()),
1075 cv_stack: ArrayVec::new(),
1076 }
1077 }
1079 /// Construct a new `Hasher` for the regular hash function.
1080 pub fn new() -> Self {
1081 Self::new_internal(IV, 0)
1082 }
1084 /// Construct a new `Hasher` for the keyed hash function. See
1085 /// [`keyed_hash`].
1086 ///
1087 /// [`keyed_hash`]: fn.keyed_hash.html
1088 pub fn new_keyed(key: &[u8; KEY_LEN]) -> Self {
1089 let key_words = platform::words_from_le_bytes_32(key);
1090 Self::new_internal(&key_words, KEYED_HASH)
1091 }
1093 /// Construct a new `Hasher` for the key derivation function. See
1094 /// [`derive_key`]. The context string should be hardcoded, globally
1095 /// unique, and application-specific.
1096 ///
1097 /// [`derive_key`]: fn.derive_key.html
1098 pub fn new_derive_key(context: &str) -> Self {
1099 let context_key =
1100 hash_all_at_once::<join::SerialJoin>(context.as_bytes(), IV, DERIVE_KEY_CONTEXT)
1101 .root_hash();
1102 let context_key_words = platform::words_from_le_bytes_32(context_key.as_bytes());
1103 Self::new_internal(&context_key_words, DERIVE_KEY_MATERIAL)
1104 }
1106 /// Reset the `Hasher` to its initial state.
1107 ///
1108 /// This is functionally the same as overwriting the `Hasher` with a new
1109 /// one, using the same key or context string if any.
1110 pub fn reset(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
1111 self.chunk_state = ChunkState::new(
1112 &self.key,
1113 0,
1114 self.chunk_state.flags,
1115 self.chunk_state.platform,
1116 );
1117 self.cv_stack.clear();
1118 self
1119 }
1121 // As described in push_cv() below, we do "lazy merging", delaying merges
1122 // until right before the next CV is about to be added. This is different
1123 // from the reference implementation. Another difference is that we aren't
1124 // always merging 1 chunk at a time. Instead, each CV might represent any
1125 // power-of-two number of chunks, as long as the smaller-above-larger stack
1126 // order is maintained. Instead of the "count the trailing 0-bits"
1127 // algorithm described in the spec, we use a "count the total number of
1128 // 1-bits" variant that doesn't require us to retain the subtree size of
1129 // the CV on top of the stack. The principle is the same: each CV that
1130 // should remain in the stack is represented by a 1-bit in the total number
1131 // of chunks (or bytes) so far.
1132 fn merge_cv_stack(&mut self, total_len: u64) {
1133 let post_merge_stack_len = total_len.count_ones() as usize;
1134 while self.cv_stack.len() > post_merge_stack_len {
1135 let right_child = self.cv_stack.pop().unwrap();
1136 let left_child = self.cv_stack.pop().unwrap();
1137 let parent_output = parent_node_output(
1138 &left_child,
1139 &right_child,
1140 &self.key,
1141 self.chunk_state.flags,
1142 self.chunk_state.platform,
1143 );
1144 self.cv_stack.push(parent_output.chaining_value());
1145 }
1146 }
1148 // In, we merge the new CV with existing CVs from the
1149 // stack before pushing it. We can do that because we know more input is
1150 // coming, so we know none of the merges are root.
1151 //
1152 // This setting is different. We want to feed as much input as possible to
1153 // compress_subtree_wide(), without setting aside anything for the
1154 // chunk_state. If the user gives us 64 KiB, we want to parallelize over
1155 // all 64 KiB at once as a single subtree, if at all possible.
1156 //
1157 // This leads to two problems:
1158 // 1) This 64 KiB input might be the only call that ever gets made to
1159 // update. In this case, the root node of the 64 KiB subtree would be
1160 // the root node of the whole tree, and it would need to be ROOT
1161 // finalized. We can't compress it until we know.
1162 // 2) This 64 KiB input might complete a larger tree, whose root node is
1163 // similarly going to be the root of the whole tree. For example,
1164 // maybe we have 196 KiB (that is, 128 + 64) hashed so far. We can't
1165 // compress the node at the root of the 256 KiB subtree until we know
1166 // how to finalize it.
1167 //
1168 // The second problem is solved with "lazy merging". That is, when we're
1169 // about to add a CV to the stack, we don't merge it with anything first,
1170 // as the reference impl does. Instead we do merges using the *previous* CV
1171 // that was added, which is sitting on top of the stack, and we put the new
1172 // CV (unmerged) on top of the stack afterwards. This guarantees that we
1173 // never merge the root node until finalize().
1174 //
1175 // Solving the first problem requires an additional tool,
1176 // compress_subtree_to_parent_node(). That function always returns the top
1177 // *two* chaining values of the subtree it's compressing. We then do lazy
1178 // merging with each of them separately, so that the second CV will always
1179 // remain unmerged. (That also helps us support extendable output when
1180 // we're hashing an input all-at-once.)
1181 fn push_cv(&mut self, new_cv: &CVBytes, chunk_counter: u64) {
1182 self.merge_cv_stack(chunk_counter);
1183 self.cv_stack.push(*new_cv);
1184 }
1186 /// Add input bytes to the hash state. You can call this any number of times.
1187 ///
1188 /// This method is always single-threaded. For multithreading support, see
1189 /// [`update_rayon`](#method.update_rayon) (enabled with the `rayon` Cargo feature).
1190 ///
1191 /// Note that the degree of SIMD parallelism that `update` can use is limited by the size of
1192 /// this input buffer. See [`update_reader`](#method.update_reader).
1193 pub fn update(&mut self, input: &[u8]) -> &mut Self {
1194 self.update_with_join::<join::SerialJoin>(input)
1195 }
1197 fn update_with_join<J: join::Join>(&mut self, mut input: &[u8]) -> &mut Self {
1198 // If we have some partial chunk bytes in the internal chunk_state, we
1199 // need to finish that chunk first.
1200 if self.chunk_state.len() > 0 {
1201 let want = CHUNK_LEN - self.chunk_state.len();
1202 let take = cmp::min(want, input.len());
1203 self.chunk_state.update(&input[..take]);
1204 input = &input[take..];
1205 if !input.is_empty() {
1206 // We've filled the current chunk, and there's more input
1207 // coming, so we know it's not the root and we can finalize it.
1208 // Then we'll proceed to hashing whole chunks below.
1209 debug_assert_eq!(self.chunk_state.len(), CHUNK_LEN);
1210 let chunk_cv = self.chunk_state.output().chaining_value();
1211 self.push_cv(&chunk_cv, self.chunk_state.chunk_counter);
1212 self.chunk_state = ChunkState::new(
1213 &self.key,
1214 self.chunk_state.chunk_counter + 1,
1215 self.chunk_state.flags,
1216 self.chunk_state.platform,
1217 );
1218 } else {
1219 return self;
1220 }
1221 }
1223 // Now the chunk_state is clear, and we have more input. If there's
1224 // more than a single chunk (so, definitely not the root chunk), hash
1225 // the largest whole subtree we can, with the full benefits of SIMD and
1226 // multithreading parallelism. Two restrictions:
1227 // - The subtree has to be a power-of-2 number of chunks. Only subtrees
1228 // along the right edge can be incomplete, and we don't know where
1229 // the right edge is going to be until we get to finalize().
1230 // - The subtree must evenly divide the total number of chunks up until
1231 // this point (if total is not 0). If the current incomplete subtree
1232 // is only waiting for 1 more chunk, we can't hash a subtree of 4
1233 // chunks. We have to complete the current subtree first.
1234 // Because we might need to break up the input to form powers of 2, or
1235 // to evenly divide what we already have, this part runs in a loop.
1236 while input.len() > CHUNK_LEN {
1237 debug_assert_eq!(self.chunk_state.len(), 0, "no partial chunk data");
1238 debug_assert_eq!(CHUNK_LEN.count_ones(), 1, "power of 2 chunk len");
1239 let mut subtree_len = largest_power_of_two_leq(input.len());
1240 let count_so_far = self.chunk_state.chunk_counter * CHUNK_LEN as u64;
1241 // Shrink the subtree_len until it evenly divides the count so far.
1242 // We know that subtree_len itself is a power of 2, so we can use a
1243 // bitmasking trick instead of an actual remainder operation. (Note
1244 // that if the caller consistently passes power-of-2 inputs of the
1245 // same size, as is hopefully typical, this loop condition will
1246 // always fail, and subtree_len will always be the full length of
1247 // the input.)
1248 //
1249 // An aside: We don't have to shrink subtree_len quite this much.
1250 // For example, if count_so_far is 1, we could pass 2 chunks to
1251 // compress_subtree_to_parent_node. Since we'll get 2 CVs back,
1252 // we'll still get the right answer in the end, and we might get to
1253 // use 2-way SIMD parallelism. The problem with this optimization,
1254 // is that it gets us stuck always hashing 2 chunks. The total
1255 // number of chunks will remain odd, and we'll never graduate to
1256 // higher degrees of parallelism. See
1257 //
1258 while (subtree_len - 1) as u64 & count_so_far != 0 {
1259 subtree_len /= 2;
1260 }
1261 // The shrunken subtree_len might now be 1 chunk long. If so, hash
1262 // that one chunk by itself. Otherwise, compress the subtree into a
1263 // pair of CVs.
1264 let subtree_chunks = (subtree_len / CHUNK_LEN) as u64;
1265 if subtree_len <= CHUNK_LEN {
1266 debug_assert_eq!(subtree_len, CHUNK_LEN);
1267 self.push_cv(
1268 &ChunkState::new(
1269 &self.key,
1270 self.chunk_state.chunk_counter,
1271 self.chunk_state.flags,
1272 self.chunk_state.platform,
1273 )
1274 .update(&input[..subtree_len])
1275 .output()
1276 .chaining_value(),
1277 self.chunk_state.chunk_counter,
1278 );
1279 } else {
1280 // This is the high-performance happy path, though getting here
1281 // depends on the caller giving us a long enough input.
1282 let cv_pair = compress_subtree_to_parent_node::<J>(
1283 &input[..subtree_len],
1284 &self.key,
1285 self.chunk_state.chunk_counter,
1286 self.chunk_state.flags,
1287 self.chunk_state.platform,
1288 );
1289 let left_cv = array_ref!(cv_pair, 0, 32);
1290 let right_cv = array_ref!(cv_pair, 32, 32);
1291 // Push the two CVs we received into the CV stack in order. Because
1292 // the stack merges lazily, this guarantees we aren't merging the
1293 // root.
1294 self.push_cv(left_cv, self.chunk_state.chunk_counter);
1295 self.push_cv(
1296 right_cv,
1297 self.chunk_state.chunk_counter + (subtree_chunks / 2),
1298 );
1299 }
1300 self.chunk_state.chunk_counter += subtree_chunks;
1301 input = &input[subtree_len..];
1302 }
1304 // What remains is 1 chunk or less. Add it to the chunk state.
1305 debug_assert!(input.len() <= CHUNK_LEN);
1306 if !input.is_empty() {
1307 self.chunk_state.update(input);
1308 // Having added some input to the chunk_state, we know what's in
1309 // the CV stack won't become the root node, and we can do an extra
1310 // merge. This simplifies finalize().
1311 self.merge_cv_stack(self.chunk_state.chunk_counter);
1312 }
1314 self
1315 }
1317 fn final_output(&self) -> Output {
1318 // If the current chunk is the only chunk, that makes it the root node
1319 // also. Convert it directly into an Output. Otherwise, we need to
1320 // merge subtrees below.
1321 if self.cv_stack.is_empty() {
1322 debug_assert_eq!(self.chunk_state.chunk_counter, 0);
1323 return self.chunk_state.output();
1324 }
1326 // If there are any bytes in the ChunkState, finalize that chunk and
1327 // merge its CV with everything in the CV stack. In that case, the work
1328 // we did at the end of update() above guarantees that the stack
1329 // doesn't contain any unmerged subtrees that need to be merged first.
1330 // (This is important, because if there were two chunk hashes sitting
1331 // on top of the stack, they would need to merge with each other, and
1332 // merging a new chunk hash into them would be incorrect.)
1333 //
1334 // If there are no bytes in the ChunkState, we'll merge what's already
1335 // in the stack. In this case it's fine if there are unmerged chunks on
1336 // top, because we'll merge them with each other. Note that the case of
1337 // the empty chunk is taken care of above.
1338 let mut output: Output;
1339 let mut num_cvs_remaining = self.cv_stack.len();
1340 if self.chunk_state.len() > 0 {
1341 debug_assert_eq!(
1342 self.cv_stack.len(),
1343 self.chunk_state.chunk_counter.count_ones() as usize,
1344 "cv stack does not need a merge"
1345 );
1346 output = self.chunk_state.output();
1347 } else {
1348 debug_assert!(self.cv_stack.len() >= 2);
1349 output = parent_node_output(
1350 &self.cv_stack[num_cvs_remaining - 2],
1351 &self.cv_stack[num_cvs_remaining - 1],
1352 &self.key,
1353 self.chunk_state.flags,
1354 self.chunk_state.platform,
1355 );
1356 num_cvs_remaining -= 2;
1357 }
1358 while num_cvs_remaining > 0 {
1359 output = parent_node_output(
1360 &self.cv_stack[num_cvs_remaining - 1],
1361 &output.chaining_value(),
1362 &self.key,
1363 self.chunk_state.flags,
1364 self.chunk_state.platform,
1365 );
1366 num_cvs_remaining -= 1;
1367 }
1368 output
1369 }
1371 /// Finalize the hash state and return the [`Hash`](struct.Hash.html) of
1372 /// the input.
1373 ///
1374 /// This method is idempotent. Calling it twice will give the same result.
1375 /// You can also add more input and finalize again.
1376 pub fn finalize(&self) -> Hash {
1377 self.final_output().root_hash()
1378 }
1380 /// Finalize the hash state and return an [`OutputReader`], which can
1381 /// supply any number of output bytes.
1382 ///
1383 /// This method is idempotent. Calling it twice will give the same result.
1384 /// You can also add more input and finalize again.
1385 ///
1386 /// [`OutputReader`]: struct.OutputReader.html
1387 pub fn finalize_xof(&self) -> OutputReader {
1388 OutputReader::new(self.final_output())
1389 }
1391 /// Return the total number of bytes hashed so far.
1392 pub fn count(&self) -> u64 {
1393 self.chunk_state.chunk_counter * CHUNK_LEN as u64 + self.chunk_state.len() as u64
1394 }
1396 /// As [`update`](Hasher::update), but reading from a
1397 /// [`std::io::Read`]( implementation.
1398 ///
1399 /// [`Hasher`] implements
1400 /// [`std::io::Write`](, so it's possible to
1401 /// use [`std::io::copy`]( to update a [`Hasher`]
1402 /// from any reader. Unfortunately, this standard approach can limit performance, because
1403 /// `copy` currently uses an internal 8 KiB buffer that isn't big enough to take advantage of
1404 /// all SIMD instruction sets. (In particular, [AVX-512](
1405 /// needs a 16 KiB buffer.) `update_reader` avoids this performance problem and is slightly
1406 /// more convenient.
1407 ///
1408 /// The internal buffer size this method uses may change at any time, and it may be different
1409 /// for different targets. The only guarantee is that it will be large enough for all of this
1410 /// crate's SIMD implementations on the current platform.
1411 ///
1412 /// The most common implementer of
1413 /// [`std::io::Read`]( might be
1414 /// [`std::fs::File`](, but note that memory
1415 /// mapping can be faster than this method for hashing large files. See
1416 /// [`update_mmap`](Hasher::update_mmap) and [`update_mmap_rayon`](Hasher::update_mmap_rayon),
1417 /// which require the `mmap` and (for the latter) `rayon` Cargo features.
1418 ///
1419 /// This method requires the `std` Cargo feature, which is enabled by default.
1420 ///
1421 /// # Example
1422 ///
1423 /// ```no_run
1424 /// # use std::fs::File;
1425 /// # use std::io;
1426 /// # fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
1427 /// // Hash standard input.
1428 /// let mut hasher = blake3::Hasher::new();
1429 /// hasher.update_reader(std::io::stdin().lock())?;
1430 /// println!("{}", hasher.finalize());
1431 /// # Ok(())
1432 /// # }
1433 /// ```
1434 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
1435 pub fn update_reader(&mut self, reader: impl std::io::Read) -> std::io::Result<&mut Self> {
1436 io::copy_wide(reader, self)?;
1437 Ok(self)
1438 }
1440 /// As [`update`](Hasher::update), but using Rayon-based multithreading
1441 /// internally.
1442 ///
1443 /// This method is gated by the `rayon` Cargo feature, which is disabled by
1444 /// default but enabled on [](
1445 ///
1446 /// To get any performance benefit from multithreading, the input buffer
1447 /// needs to be large. As a rule of thumb on x86_64, `update_rayon` is
1448 /// _slower_ than `update` for inputs under 128 KiB. That threshold varies
1449 /// quite a lot across different processors, and it's important to benchmark
1450 /// your specific use case. See also the performance warning associated with
1451 /// [`update_mmap_rayon`](Hasher::update_mmap_rayon).
1452 ///
1453 /// If you already have a large buffer in memory, and you want to hash it
1454 /// with multiple threads, this method is a good option. However, reading a
1455 /// file into memory just to call this method can be a performance mistake,
1456 /// both because it requires lots of memory and because single-threaded
1457 /// reads can be slow. For hashing whole files, see
1458 /// [`update_mmap_rayon`](Hasher::update_mmap_rayon), which is gated by both
1459 /// the `rayon` and `mmap` Cargo features.
1460 #[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
1461 pub fn update_rayon(&mut self, input: &[u8]) -> &mut Self {
1462 self.update_with_join::<join::RayonJoin>(input)
1463 }
1465 /// As [`update`](Hasher::update), but reading the contents of a file using memory mapping.
1466 ///
1467 /// Not all files can be memory mapped, and memory mapping small files can be slower than
1468 /// reading them the usual way. In those cases, this method will fall back to standard file IO.
1469 /// The heuristic for whether to use memory mapping is currently very simple (file size >=
1470 /// 16 KiB), and it might change at any time.
1471 ///
1472 /// Like [`update`](Hasher::update), this method is single-threaded. In this author's
1473 /// experience, memory mapping improves single-threaded performance by ~10% for large files
1474 /// that are already in cache. This probably varies between platforms, and as always it's a
1475 /// good idea to benchmark your own use case. In comparison, the multithreaded
1476 /// [`update_mmap_rayon`](Hasher::update_mmap_rayon) method can have a much larger impact on
1477 /// performance.
1478 ///
1479 /// There's a correctness reason that this method takes
1480 /// [`Path`]( instead of
1481 /// [`File`]( reading from a memory-mapped
1482 /// file ignores the seek position of the original file handle (it neither respects the current
1483 /// position nor updates the position). This difference in behavior would've caused
1484 /// `update_mmap` and [`update_reader`](Hasher::update_reader) to give different answers and
1485 /// have different side effects in some cases. Taking a
1486 /// [`Path`]( avoids this problem by
1487 /// making it clear that a new [`File`]( is
1488 /// opened internally.
1489 ///
1490 /// This method requires the `mmap` Cargo feature, which is disabled by default but enabled on
1491 /// [](
1492 ///
1493 /// # Example
1494 ///
1495 /// ```no_run
1496 /// # use std::io;
1497 /// # use std::path::Path;
1498 /// # fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
1499 /// let path = Path::new("file.dat");
1500 /// let mut hasher = blake3::Hasher::new();
1501 /// hasher.update_mmap(path)?;
1502 /// println!("{}", hasher.finalize());
1503 /// # Ok(())
1504 /// # }
1505 /// ```
1506 #[cfg(feature = "mmap")]
1507 pub fn update_mmap(&mut self, path: impl AsRef<std::path::Path>) -> std::io::Result<&mut Self> {
1508 let file = std::fs::File::open(path.as_ref())?;
1509 if let Some(mmap) = io::maybe_mmap_file(&file)? {
1510 self.update(&mmap);
1511 } else {
1512 io::copy_wide(&file, self)?;
1513 }
1514 Ok(self)
1515 }
1517 /// As [`update_rayon`](Hasher::update_rayon), but reading the contents of a file using
1518 /// memory mapping. This is the default behavior of `b3sum`.
1519 ///
1520 /// For large files that are likely to be in cache, this can be much faster than
1521 /// single-threaded hashing. When benchmarks report that BLAKE3 is 10x or 20x faster than other
1522 /// cryptographic hashes, this is usually what they're measuring. However...
1523 ///
1524 /// **Performance Warning:** There are cases where multithreading hurts performance. The worst
1525 /// case is [a large file on a spinning disk](,
1526 /// where simultaneous reads from multiple threads can cause "thrashing" (i.e. the disk spends
1527 /// more time seeking around than reading data). Windows tends to be somewhat worse about this,
1528 /// in part because it's less likely than Linux to keep very large files in cache. More
1529 /// generally, if your CPU cores are already busy, then multithreading will add overhead
1530 /// without improving performance. If your code runs in different environments that you don't
1531 /// control and can't measure, then unfortunately there's no one-size-fits-all answer for
1532 /// whether multithreading is a good idea.
1533 ///
1534 /// The memory mapping behavior of this function is the same as
1535 /// [`update_mmap`](Hasher::update_mmap), and the heuristic for when to fall back to standard
1536 /// file IO might change at any time.
1537 ///
1538 /// This method requires both the `mmap` and `rayon` Cargo features, which are disabled by
1539 /// default but enabled on [](
1540 ///
1541 /// # Example
1542 ///
1543 /// ```no_run
1544 /// # use std::io;
1545 /// # use std::path::Path;
1546 /// # fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
1547 /// # #[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
1548 /// # {
1549 /// let path = Path::new("big_file.dat");
1550 /// let mut hasher = blake3::Hasher::new();
1551 /// hasher.update_mmap_rayon(path)?;
1552 /// println!("{}", hasher.finalize());
1553 /// # }
1554 /// # Ok(())
1555 /// # }
1556 /// ```
1557 #[cfg(feature = "mmap")]
1558 #[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
1559 pub fn update_mmap_rayon(
1560 &mut self,
1561 path: impl AsRef<std::path::Path>,
1562 ) -> std::io::Result<&mut Self> {
1563 let file = std::fs::File::open(path.as_ref())?;
1564 if let Some(mmap) = io::maybe_mmap_file(&file)? {
1565 self.update_rayon(&mmap);
1566 } else {
1567 io::copy_wide(&file, self)?;
1568 }
1569 Ok(self)
1570 }
1573// Don't derive(Debug), because the state may be secret.
1574impl fmt::Debug for Hasher {
1575 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
1576 f.debug_struct("Hasher")
1577 .field("flags", &self.chunk_state.flags)
1578 .field("platform", &self.chunk_state.platform)
1579 .finish()
1580 }
1583impl Default for Hasher {
1584 #[inline]
1585 fn default() -> Self {
1586 Self::new()
1587 }
1590#[cfg(feature = "std")]
1591impl std::io::Write for Hasher {
1592 /// This is equivalent to [`update`](#method.update).
1593 #[inline]
1594 fn write(&mut self, input: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
1595 self.update(input);
1596 Ok(input.len())
1597 }
1599 #[inline]
1600 fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
1601 Ok(())
1602 }
1605#[cfg(feature = "zeroize")]
1606impl Zeroize for Hasher {
1607 fn zeroize(&mut self) {
1608 // Destructuring to trigger compile error as a reminder to update this impl.
1609 let Self {
1610 key,
1611 chunk_state,
1612 cv_stack,
1613 } = self;
1615 key.zeroize();
1616 chunk_state.zeroize();
1617 cv_stack.zeroize();
1618 }
1621/// An incremental reader for extended output, returned by
1622/// [`Hasher::finalize_xof`](struct.Hasher.html#method.finalize_xof).
1624/// Shorter BLAKE3 outputs are prefixes of longer ones, and explicitly requesting a short output is
1625/// equivalent to truncating the default-length output. Note that this is a difference between
1626/// BLAKE2 and BLAKE3.
1628/// # Security notes
1630/// Outputs shorter than the default length of 32 bytes (256 bits) provide less security. An N-bit
1631/// BLAKE3 output is intended to provide N bits of first and second preimage resistance and N/2
1632/// bits of collision resistance, for any N up to 256. Longer outputs don't provide any additional
1633/// security.
1635/// Avoid relying on the secrecy of the output offset, that is, the number of output bytes read or
1636/// the arguments to [`seek`]( or
1637/// [`set_position`](struct.OutputReader.html#method.set_position). [_Block-Cipher-Based Tree
1638/// Hashing_ by Aldo Gunsing]( shows that an attacker who knows
1639/// both the message and the key (if any) can easily determine the offset of an extended output.
1640/// For comparison, AES-CTR has a similar property: if you know the key, you can decrypt a block
1641/// from an unknown position in the output stream to recover its block index. Callers with strong
1642/// secret keys aren't affected in practice, but secret offsets are a [design
1643/// smell]( in any case.
1645pub struct OutputReader {
1646 inner: Output,
1647 position_within_block: u8,
1650impl OutputReader {
1651 fn new(inner: Output) -> Self {
1652 Self {
1653 inner,
1654 position_within_block: 0,
1655 }
1656 }
1658 // This helper function handles both the case where the output buffer is
1659 // shorter than one block, and the case where our position_within_block is
1660 // non-zero.
1661 fn fill_one_block(&mut self, buf: &mut &mut [u8]) {
1662 let output_block: [u8; BLOCK_LEN] = self.inner.root_output_block();
1663 let output_bytes = &output_block[self.position_within_block as usize..];
1664 let take = cmp::min(buf.len(), output_bytes.len());
1665 buf[..take].copy_from_slice(&output_bytes[..take]);
1666 self.position_within_block += take as u8;
1667 if self.position_within_block == BLOCK_LEN as u8 {
1668 self.inner.counter += 1;
1669 self.position_within_block = 0;
1670 }
1671 // Advance the dest buffer. mem::take() is a borrowck workaround.
1672 *buf = &mut core::mem::take(buf)[take..];
1673 }
1675 /// Fill a buffer with output bytes and advance the position of the
1676 /// `OutputReader`. This is equivalent to [`Read::read`], except that it
1677 /// doesn't return a `Result`. Both methods always fill the entire buffer.
1678 ///
1679 /// Note that `OutputReader` doesn't buffer output bytes internally, so
1680 /// calling `fill` repeatedly with a short-length or odd-length slice will
1681 /// end up performing the same compression multiple times. If you're
1682 /// reading output in a loop, prefer a slice length that's a multiple of
1683 /// 64.
1684 ///
1685 /// The maximum output size of BLAKE3 is 2<sup>64</sup>-1 bytes. If you try
1686 /// to extract more than that, for example by seeking near the end and
1687 /// reading further, the behavior is unspecified.
1688 ///
1689 /// [`Read::read`]:
1690 pub fn fill(&mut self, mut buf: &mut [u8]) {
1691 if buf.is_empty() {
1692 return;
1693 }
1695 // If we're partway through a block, try to get to a block boundary.
1696 if self.position_within_block != 0 {
1697 self.fill_one_block(&mut buf);
1698 }
1700 let full_blocks = buf.len() / BLOCK_LEN;
1701 let full_blocks_len = full_blocks * BLOCK_LEN;
1702 if full_blocks > 0 {
1703 debug_assert_eq!(0, self.position_within_block);
1704 self.inner.platform.xof_many(
1705 &self.inner.input_chaining_value,
1706 &self.inner.block,
1707 self.inner.block_len,
1708 self.inner.counter,
1709 self.inner.flags | ROOT,
1710 &mut buf[..full_blocks_len],
1711 );
1712 self.inner.counter += full_blocks as u64;
1713 buf = &mut buf[full_blocks * BLOCK_LEN..];
1714 }
1716 if !buf.is_empty() {
1717 debug_assert!(buf.len() < BLOCK_LEN);
1718 self.fill_one_block(&mut buf);
1719 debug_assert!(buf.is_empty());
1720 }
1721 }
1723 /// Return the current read position in the output stream. This is
1724 /// equivalent to [`Seek::stream_position`], except that it doesn't return
1725 /// a `Result`. The position of a new `OutputReader` starts at 0, and each
1726 /// call to [`fill`] or [`Read::read`] moves the position forward by the
1727 /// number of bytes read.
1728 ///
1729 /// [`Seek::stream_position`]: #method.stream_position
1730 /// [`fill`]: #method.fill
1731 /// [`Read::read`]:
1732 pub fn position(&self) -> u64 {
1733 self.inner.counter * BLOCK_LEN as u64 + self.position_within_block as u64
1734 }
1736 /// Seek to a new read position in the output stream. This is equivalent to
1737 /// calling [`Seek::seek`] with [`SeekFrom::Start`], except that it doesn't
1738 /// return a `Result`.
1739 ///
1740 /// [`Seek::seek`]:
1741 /// [`SeekFrom::Start`]:
1742 pub fn set_position(&mut self, position: u64) {
1743 self.position_within_block = (position % BLOCK_LEN as u64) as u8;
1744 self.inner.counter = position / BLOCK_LEN as u64;
1745 }
1748// Don't derive(Debug), because the state may be secret.
1749impl fmt::Debug for OutputReader {
1750 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
1751 f.debug_struct("OutputReader")
1752 .field("position", &self.position())
1753 .finish()
1754 }
1757#[cfg(feature = "std")]
1758impl std::io::Read for OutputReader {
1759 #[inline]
1760 fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
1761 self.fill(buf);
1762 Ok(buf.len())
1763 }
1766#[cfg(feature = "std")]
1767impl std::io::Seek for OutputReader {
1768 fn seek(&mut self, pos: std::io::SeekFrom) -> std::io::Result<u64> {
1769 let max_position = u64::max_value() as i128;
1770 let target_position: i128 = match pos {
1771 std::io::SeekFrom::Start(x) => x as i128,
1772 std::io::SeekFrom::Current(x) => self.position() as i128 + x as i128,
1773 std::io::SeekFrom::End(_) => {
1774 return Err(std::io::Error::new(
1775 std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
1776 "seek from end not supported",
1777 ));
1778 }
1779 };
1780 if target_position < 0 {
1781 return Err(std::io::Error::new(
1782 std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
1783 "seek before start",
1784 ));
1785 }
1786 self.set_position(cmp::min(target_position, max_position) as u64);
1787 Ok(self.position())
1788 }
1791#[cfg(feature = "zeroize")]
1792impl Zeroize for OutputReader {
1793 fn zeroize(&mut self) {
1794 // Destructuring to trigger compile error as a reminder to update this impl.
1795 let Self {
1796 inner,
1797 position_within_block,
1798 } = self;
1800 inner.zeroize();
1801 position_within_block.zeroize();
1802 }