closure.rsuse crate::parsing::SimpleClosure;
use crate::util::prelude::*;
use darling::FromMeta;
expected one of the following:
(1) no return type annotation;
this means the closure is expected to return a value of the same type
as the member's underlying type(*);
(2) `-> *Result<_, {{ErrorType}}>` or `-> *Result<_>` return type annotation;
this means the closure is expected to return a `Result` where the `Ok`
variant is of the same type as the member's underlying type(*); this syntax
allows you to define a fallbile setter (one that returns a `Result<Builder>`);
the `_` placeholder must be spelled literally to mark the underlying type(*)
of the member; an optional second generic parameter for the error type is allowed;
the return type doesn't have to be named `Result` exactly, the only requirement is
that it must have the `Result` suffix; for example if you have a type alias
`ApiResult<_>`, then it'll work fine;
(*) underlying type is the type of the member stripped from the `Option<T>` wrapper
if this member is of `Option<T>` type and no `#[builder(required)]` annotation
is present";
pub(crate) struct SetterClosure {
pub(crate) inputs: Vec<SetterClosureInput>,
pub(crate) body: Box<syn::Expr>,
pub(crate) output: Option<SetterClosureOutput>,
pub(crate) struct SetterClosureOutput {
pub(crate) result_path: syn::Path,
pub(crate) err_ty: Option<syn::Type>,
pub(crate) struct SetterClosureInput {
pub(crate) pat: syn::PatIdent,
pub(crate) ty: Box<syn::Type>,
impl FromMeta for SetterClosure {
fn from_meta(item: &syn::Meta) -> Result<Self> {
let closure = SimpleClosure::from_meta(item)?;
let inputs = closure
.map(|input| {
Ok(SetterClosureInput {
ty: input.ty.ok_or_else(|| {
err!(&input.pat, "expected a type for the setter input parameter")
pat: input.pat,
let return_type = match closure.output {
syn::ReturnType::Default => None,
syn::ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => {
let err = || err!(&ty, "{INVALID_RETURN_TYPE_ERROR}");
let ty = ty
.as_generic_angle_bracketed_path(|last_segment| {
if !(1..=2).contains(&ty.args.len()) {
return Err(err());
let mut args = ty.args.iter();
let ok_ty =;
if !matches!(ok_ty, syn::GenericArgument::Type(syn::Type::Infer(_))) {
return Err(err());
let err_ty = args
.map(|arg| match arg {
syn::GenericArgument::Type(ty) => Ok(ty.clone()),
_ => Err(err()),
let mut result_path = ty.path.clone();
.expect("BUG: segments can't be empty")
.arguments = syn::PathArguments::None;
Some(SetterClosureOutput {
Ok(Self {
body: closure.body,
output: return_type,