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#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "sync"), allow(dead_code, unreachable_pub))]
//! A multi-producer, single-consumer queue for sending values across
//! asynchronous tasks.
//! Similar to `std`, channel creation provides [`Receiver`] and [`Sender`]
//! handles. [`Receiver`] implements `Stream` and allows a task to read values
//! out of the channel. If there is no message to read, the current task will be
//! notified when a new value is sent. [`Sender`] implements the `Sink` trait
//! and allows sending messages into the channel. If the channel is at capacity,
//! the send is rejected and the task will be notified when additional capacity
//! is available. In other words, the channel provides backpressure.
//! Unbounded channels are also available using the `unbounded_channel`
//! constructor.
//! # Disconnection
//! When all [`Sender`] handles have been dropped, it is no longer
//! possible to send values into the channel. This is considered the termination
//! event of the stream. As such, `Receiver::poll` returns `Ok(Ready(None))`.
//! If the [`Receiver`] handle is dropped, then messages can no longer
//! be read out of the channel. In this case, all further attempts to send will
//! result in an error.
//! # Clean Shutdown
//! When the [`Receiver`] is dropped, it is possible for unprocessed messages to
//! remain in the channel. Instead, it is usually desirable to perform a "clean"
//! shutdown. To do this, the receiver first calls `close`, which will prevent
//! any further messages to be sent into the channel. Then, the receiver
//! consumes the channel to completion, at which point the receiver can be
//! dropped.
//! [`Sender`]: crate::sync::mpsc::Sender
//! [`Receiver`]: crate::sync::mpsc::Receiver
pub(super) mod block;
mod bounded;
pub use self::bounded::{channel, Receiver, Sender};
mod chan;
pub(super) mod list;
mod unbounded;
pub use self::unbounded::{unbounded_channel, UnboundedReceiver, UnboundedSender};
pub mod error;
/// The number of values a block can contain.
/// This value must be a power of 2. It also must be smaller than the number of
/// bits in `usize`.
#[cfg(all(target_pointer_width = "64", not(loom)))]
const BLOCK_CAP: usize = 32;
#[cfg(all(not(target_pointer_width = "64"), not(loom)))]
const BLOCK_CAP: usize = 16;
const BLOCK_CAP: usize = 2;