var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["buf_redux"] = {"doc":"A drop-in replacement for `std::io::BufReader` with more functionality.","items":[[3,"BufReader","buf_redux","A drop-in replacement for `std::io::BufReader` with more functionality.",null,null],[3,"Unbuffer","","A `Read` adapter for a consumed `BufReader` which will empty bytes from the buffer before reading from\n`inner` directly. Frees the buffer when it has been emptied. ",null,null],[11,"new","","Create a new `BufReader` wrapping `inner`, with a buffer of a\ndefault capacity.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"r"}],"output":{"name":"self"}}],[11,"with_capacity","","Create a new `BufReader` wrapping `inner` with a capacity\nof *at least* `cap` bytes.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"usize"},{"name":"r"}],"output":{"name":"self"}}],[11,"make_room","","Move data to the start of the buffer, making room at the end for more\nreading.",0,null],[11,"grow","","Grow the internal buffer by *at least* `additional` bytes. May not be\nquite exact due to implementation details of the buffer's allocator.",0,null],[11,"get_buf","","Get the section of the buffer containing valid data; may be empty.",0,null],[11,"available","","Get the current number of bytes available in the buffer.",0,null],[11,"capacity","","Get the total buffer capacity.",0,null],[11,"get_ref","","Get an immutable reference to the underlying reader.",0,null],[11,"get_mut","","Get a mutable reference to the underlying reader.",0,null],[11,"into_inner","","Consumes `self` and returns the inner reader only.",0,null],[11,"into_inner_with_buf","","Consumes `self` and returns both the underlying reader and the buffer,\nwith the data moved to the beginning and the length truncated to contain\nonly valid data.",0,null],[11,"unbuffer","","Consumes `self` and returns an adapter which implements `Read` and will\nempty the buffer before reading directly from the underlying reader.",0,null],[11,"read_into_buf","","Unconditionally perform a read into the buffer, calling `.make_room()`\nif appropriate or necessary, as determined by the implementation.",0,null],[11,"read","","",0,null],[11,"fill_buf","","",0,null],[11,"consume","","",0,null],[11,"fmt","","",0,null],[11,"seek","","Seek to an offset, in bytes, in the underlying reader.",0,null],[11,"is_buf_empty","","Returns `true` if the buffer still has some bytes left, `false` otherwise.",1,null],[11,"buf_len","","Returns the number of bytes remaining in the buffer.",1,null],[11,"into_inner","","Return the underlying reader, finally letting the buffer die in peace and join its family\nin allocation-heaven.",1,null],[11,"read","","",1,null],[11,"fmt","","",1,null]],"paths":[[3,"BufReader"],[3,"Unbuffer"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);