use libc::FILE;
pub const BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT: usize = 32;
pub const BYTES_PER_COMMITMENT: usize = 48;
pub const BYTES_PER_PROOF: usize = 48;
pub const FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_BLOB: usize = 4096;
pub const BYTES_PER_BLOB: usize = 131072;
pub const FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB: usize = 8192;
pub const FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL: usize = 64;
pub const BYTES_PER_CELL: usize = 2048;
pub const CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB: usize = 128;
pub type limb_t = u64;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct blst_fr {
l: [limb_t; 4usize],
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct blst_fp {
l: [limb_t; 6usize],
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct blst_fp2 {
fp: [blst_fp; 2usize],
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct blst_p1 {
x: blst_fp,
y: blst_fp,
z: blst_fp,
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct blst_p1_affine {
x: blst_fp,
y: blst_fp,
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct blst_p2 {
x: blst_fp2,
y: blst_fp2,
z: blst_fp2,
pub type fr_t = blst_fr;
pub type g1_t = blst_p1;
pub type g2_t = blst_p2;
#[doc = " The common return type for all routines in which something can go wrong."]
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum C_KZG_RET {
#[doc = "< Success!"]
C_KZG_OK = 0,
#[doc = "< The supplied data is invalid in some way."]
#[doc = "< Internal error - this should never occur."]
#[doc = "< Could not allocate memory."]
#[doc = " An array of 32 bytes. Represents an untrusted (potentially invalid) field element."]
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Bytes32 {
bytes: [u8; 32usize],
#[doc = " An array of 48 bytes. Represents an untrusted (potentially invalid) commitment/proof."]
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Bytes48 {
bytes: [u8; 48usize],
#[doc = " A basic blob data."]
#[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Blob {
bytes: [u8; 131072usize],
#[doc = " Stores the setup and parameters needed for computing KZG proofs."]
#[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct KZGSettings {
#[doc = " Roots of unity for the subgroup of size `FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB`.\n\n The array contains `FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB + 1` elements.\n The array starts and ends with Fr::one()."]
roots_of_unity: *mut fr_t,
#[doc = " Roots of unity for the subgroup of size `FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB` in bit-reversed order.\n\n This array is derived by applying a bit-reversal permutation to `roots_of_unity`\n excluding the last element. Essentially:\n `brp_roots_of_unity = bit_reversal_permutation(roots_of_unity[:-1])`\n\n The array contains `FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB` elements."]
brp_roots_of_unity: *mut fr_t,
#[doc = " Roots of unity for the subgroup of size `FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB` in reversed order.\n\n It is the reversed version of `roots_of_unity`. Essentially:\n `reverse_roots_of_unity = reverse(roots_of_unity)`\n\n This array is primarily used in FFTs.\n The array contains `FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB + 1` elements.\n The array starts and ends with Fr::one()."]
reverse_roots_of_unity: *mut fr_t,
#[doc = " G1 group elements from the trusted setup in monomial form.\n The array contains `NUM_G1_POINTS = FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_BLOB` elements."]
g1_values_monomial: *mut g1_t,
#[doc = " G1 group elements from the trusted setup in Lagrange form and bit-reversed order.\n The array contains `NUM_G1_POINTS = FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_BLOB` elements."]
g1_values_lagrange_brp: *mut g1_t,
#[doc = " G2 group elements from the trusted setup in monomial form.\n The array contains `NUM_G2_POINTS` elements."]
g2_values_monomial: *mut g2_t,
#[doc = " Data used during FK20 proof generation."]
x_ext_fft_columns: *mut *mut g1_t,
#[doc = " The precomputed tables for fixed-base MSM."]
tables: *mut *mut blst_p1_affine,
#[doc = " The window size for the fixed-base MSM."]
wbits: usize,
#[doc = " The scratch size for the fixed-base MSM."]
scratch_size: usize,
#[doc = " A single cell for a blob."]
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Cell {
bytes: [u8; 2048usize],
extern "C" {
pub fn blob_to_kzg_commitment(
out: *mut KZGCommitment,
blob: *const Blob,
s: *const KZGSettings,
) -> C_KZG_RET;
pub fn compute_kzg_proof(
proof_out: *mut KZGProof,
y_out: *mut Bytes32,
blob: *const Blob,
z_bytes: *const Bytes32,
s: *const KZGSettings,
) -> C_KZG_RET;
pub fn compute_blob_kzg_proof(
out: *mut KZGProof,
blob: *const Blob,
commitment_bytes: *const Bytes48,
s: *const KZGSettings,
) -> C_KZG_RET;
pub fn verify_kzg_proof(
ok: *mut bool,
commitment_bytes: *const Bytes48,
z_bytes: *const Bytes32,
y_bytes: *const Bytes32,
proof_bytes: *const Bytes48,
s: *const KZGSettings,
) -> C_KZG_RET;
pub fn verify_blob_kzg_proof(
ok: *mut bool,
blob: *const Blob,
commitment_bytes: *const Bytes48,
proof_bytes: *const Bytes48,
s: *const KZGSettings,
) -> C_KZG_RET;
pub fn verify_blob_kzg_proof_batch(
ok: *mut bool,
blobs: *const Blob,
commitments_bytes: *const Bytes48,
proofs_bytes: *const Bytes48,
n: u64,
s: *const KZGSettings,
) -> C_KZG_RET;
pub fn compute_cells_and_kzg_proofs(
cells: *mut Cell,
proofs: *mut KZGProof,
blob: *const Blob,
s: *const KZGSettings,
) -> C_KZG_RET;
pub fn recover_cells_and_kzg_proofs(
recovered_cells: *mut Cell,
recovered_proofs: *mut KZGProof,
cell_indices: *const u64,
cells: *const Cell,
num_cells: u64,
s: *const KZGSettings,
) -> C_KZG_RET;
pub fn verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch(
ok: *mut bool,
commitments_bytes: *const Bytes48,
cell_indices: *const u64,
cells: *const Cell,
proofs_bytes: *const Bytes48,
num_cells: u64,
s: *const KZGSettings,
) -> C_KZG_RET;
pub fn load_trusted_setup(
out: *mut KZGSettings,
g1_monomial_bytes: *const u8,
num_g1_monomial_bytes: u64,
g1_lagrange_bytes: *const u8,
num_g1_lagrange_bytes: u64,
g2_monomial_bytes: *const u8,
num_g2_monomial_bytes: u64,
precompute: u64,
) -> C_KZG_RET;
pub fn load_trusted_setup_file(
out: *mut KZGSettings,
in_: *mut FILE,
precompute: u64,
) -> C_KZG_RET;
pub fn free_trusted_setup(s: *mut KZGSettings);