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//! Module for rewriting source text to reflect changes in the AST. //! //! Rewriting takes as input an old AST, a new AST, and source text that parses to the old AST, and //! transforms that source text into text that parses to the new AST. Rewriting is designed to //! preserve comments and whitespace whenever possible. //! //! At a high level, rewriting is a recursive traversal on the old and new ASTs. Everywhere the //! two are equal, there is no work to do. But where they differ, it applies a number of "rewrite //! strategies" that attempt to turn the old text into new text. In cases where no strategy can //! perform the rewrite, it propagates the error upward, trying the available strategies to rewrite //! enclosing nodes of the ASTs. //! //! The core of the actual implementation is the `Rewrite::rewrite(old, new, rcx) -> bool` method, //! which attempts to rewrite the `old` AST into the `new` AST. The implementation of this method //! for each node type simply tries each applicable strategy for the node type until either one of //! the strategies succeeds or it runs out of strategies to try. `Rewrite::rewrite` is not //! (directly) recursive - the recursive traversal is handled by the `recursive` strategy. //! //! There are three core rewrite strategies: //! //! * `equal`: If the two nodes are equal, rewriting succeeds. If they aren't, it fails. In //! either case, this strategy performs no actual rewrites. //! //! For leaf nodes, this strategy is tried first. //! //! * `recursive`: If every child of the first can be rewritten to the corresponding child of the //! second, then rewriting succeeds. For nodes of enum type, the two nodes must be instances of //! the same variant (otherwise there would be no correspondence between the old and new nodes' //! children). If the variants are unequal or rewriting of any child fails, then the overall //! rewrite fails. This strategy performs no rewrites beyond those performed by its recursive //! calls. //! //! This is where the recursion happens in the actual implementation. Since it implements a //! superset of `equal`'s functionality, it replaces `equal` as the first strategy to try for //! all non-leaf node types. //! //! * `print`: Pretty-prints the new node, and performs a rewrite to replace the old source with //! this new source text. This strategy always succeeds, but is only implemented for a few node //! types (mostly major ones such as `Item`, `Expr`, etc). //! //! Since pretty-printer's output is cosmetically quite bad (it includes no comments, prints //! macros in expanded form, and sometimes makes questionable decisions regarding whitespace), //! the `print` strategy tries to replace pretty-printer output with original (user-written) //! source text whenever possible. See the `rewrite::strategy::print` module docs for details. //! //! Since this strategy always succeeds, but often produces bad results, it is tried last for //! any node types that support it. //! //! Since `print` and the more specialized (non-core) strategies only work for a small set of node //! types, for most nodes `Rewrite::rewrite` simply tries `equal` (leaf nodes) or `recursive` //! (non-leaf nodes), and fails if the strategy fails. This failure will cause a failure in the //! enclosing `recursive`, and will propagate upward until it reaches a node type that actually //! does support another strategy, such as `Item`. This is the point where rewriting actually //! happens: when `recursive` fails, `Rewrite::rewrite` will try the next strategy (such as //! `print`), which can perform rewrites to correct the error at this higher level. use rustc::session::Session; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::mem; use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut}; use syntax::ast::*; use syntax::source_map::{Span, DUMMY_SP}; use syntax::util::parser; use crate::ast_manip::ast_map::{map_ast, AstMap}; use crate::ast_manip::{GetSpan, Visit}; use crate::driver; mod cleanup; pub mod files; pub mod json; mod base; mod strategy; pub use self::base::Rewrite; #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub enum TextAdjust { None, Parenthesize, } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub struct TextRewrite { pub old_span: Span, pub new_span: Span, /// Additional rewrites to apply after replacing the `old_span` text with the `new_span` text. pub rewrites: Vec<TextRewrite>, /// Locations of nodes within the new text. The `Span` is a subspan of `new_span`, while the /// `NodeId` is the ID of the new node. pub nodes: Vec<(Span, NodeId)>, pub adjust: TextAdjust, } impl TextRewrite { pub fn new(old_span: Span, new_span: Span) -> TextRewrite { Self::adjusted(old_span, new_span, TextAdjust::None) } pub fn adjusted(old_span: Span, new_span: Span, adjust: TextAdjust) -> TextRewrite { TextRewrite { old_span, new_span, adjust, rewrites: Vec::new(), nodes: Vec::new(), } } } /// Common ID type for nodes and `Attribute`s. Both are sequence items, but `Attribute`s have /// their own custom ID type for some reason. #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub enum SeqItemId { Node(NodeId), Attr(AttrId), } trait MappableId { fn map_id(self, rcx: &RewriteCtxt) -> Self; } impl MappableId for NodeId { fn map_id(self, rcx: &RewriteCtxt) -> Self { rcx.node_id_map.get(&self).map_or(DUMMY_NODE_ID, |&x| x) } } impl MappableId for AttrId { fn map_id(self, _rcx: &RewriteCtxt) -> Self { self } } impl MappableId for SeqItemId { fn map_id(self, rcx: &RewriteCtxt) -> Self { match self { SeqItemId::Node(id) => SeqItemId::Node(id.map_id(rcx)), SeqItemId::Attr(id) => SeqItemId::Attr(id.map_id(rcx)), } } } /// Precedence information about the context surrounding an expression. Used to determine whether /// an expr needs to be parenthesized. #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub enum ExprPrec { /// Normal behavior. Parenthesize expr if its precedence is less than the given value. Normal(i8), /// Conditional-like position. Parenthesize lower precedence, and also parenthesize exprs with /// outer struct literals. Cond(i8), /// Callee position. Parenthesize lower precedence, and also parenthesize struct and tuple /// field expressions (so the call is not mistaken for a method call). Callee(i8), /// Left of < or <<. We have to parenthesize casts in this position because /// the less than is interpreted as the start of generic arguments. LeftLess(i8), } pub struct RewriteCtxt<'s> { sess: &'s Session, old_nodes: AstMap<'s>, text_span_cache: HashMap<String, Span>, /// The span of the new AST the last time we entered "fresh" mode. This lets us avoid infinite /// recursion - see comment in `splice_fresh`. fresh_start: Span, /// Precedence of the current expression context. If we splice in an expression of lower /// precedence, it will be parenthesized. expr_prec: ExprPrec, /// Mapping from NodeIds in the new AST to corresponding NodeIds in the old AST. This has two /// purposes. (1) If `node_id_map[new_node.id] == old_node.id`, then `new_node` and `old_node` /// are considered "the same node" for sequence rewriting purposes. This affects the /// rewriter's decisions about where to insert/delete sequence elements, as opposed to /// rewriting the old node to the new one. (2) When the rewriter is in "fresh" mode and /// looking for recycled text to splice in, it checks `old_nodes` for a node whose ID is /// `node_id_map[new_node.id]`. node_id_map: HashMap<NodeId, NodeId>, } impl<'s> RewriteCtxt<'s> { fn new( sess: &'s Session, old_nodes: AstMap<'s>, node_id_map: HashMap<NodeId, NodeId>, ) -> RewriteCtxt<'s> { RewriteCtxt { sess, old_nodes, text_span_cache: HashMap::new(), fresh_start: DUMMY_SP, expr_prec: ExprPrec::Normal(parser::PREC_RESET), node_id_map, } } pub fn session(&self) -> &'s Session { self.sess } pub fn old_nodes(&self) -> &AstMap<'s> { &self.old_nodes } pub fn fresh_start(&self) -> Span { self.fresh_start } pub fn replace_fresh_start(&mut self, span: Span) -> Span { mem::replace(&mut self.fresh_start, span) } pub fn expr_prec(&self) -> ExprPrec { self.expr_prec } pub fn replace_expr_prec(&mut self, prec: ExprPrec) -> ExprPrec { mem::replace(&mut self.expr_prec, prec) } fn new_to_old_id<Id: MappableId>(&self, id: Id) -> Id { id.map_id(self) } pub fn enter<'b>(&'b mut self, rw: &'b mut TextRewrite) -> RewriteCtxtRef<'s, 'b> { RewriteCtxtRef { cx: self, rw } } pub fn text_span(&mut self, s: &str) -> Span { if let Some(&sp) = self.text_span_cache.get(s) { return sp; } let sp = driver::make_span_for_text(self.sess.source_map(), s); self.text_span_cache.insert(s.to_owned(), sp); sp } } pub struct RewriteCtxtRef<'s: 'a, 'a> { cx: &'a mut RewriteCtxt<'s>, rw: &'a mut TextRewrite, } impl<'s, 'a> Deref for RewriteCtxtRef<'s, 'a> { type Target = RewriteCtxt<'s>; fn deref(&self) -> &RewriteCtxt<'s> { self.cx } } impl<'s, 'a> DerefMut for RewriteCtxtRef<'s, 'a> { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut RewriteCtxt<'s> { self.cx } } impl<'s, 'a> RewriteCtxtRef<'s, 'a> { pub fn borrow<'b>(&'b mut self) -> RewriteCtxtRef<'s, 'b> { RewriteCtxtRef { cx: self.cx, rw: self.rw, } } pub fn enter<'b>(&'b mut self, rw: &'b mut TextRewrite) -> RewriteCtxtRef<'s, 'b> { RewriteCtxtRef { cx: self.cx, rw } } pub fn mark(&self) -> (usize, usize) { (self.rw.rewrites.len(), self.rw.nodes.len()) } pub fn rewind(&mut self, mark: (usize, usize)) { self.rw.rewrites.truncate(mark.0); self.rw.nodes.truncate(mark.1); } pub fn record(&mut self, rw: TextRewrite) { self.rw.rewrites.push(rw); } pub fn record_text(&mut self, old_span: Span, text: &str) { let new_span = self.text_span(text); self.record(TextRewrite::new(old_span, new_span)); } pub fn record_node_span(&mut self, span: Span, id: NodeId) { self.rw.nodes.push((span, id)); } } pub fn rewrite<'s, T>( sess: &Session, old: &'s T, new: &T, node_id_map: HashMap<NodeId, NodeId>, map_extra_ast: impl FnOnce(&mut AstMap<'s>), ) -> TextRewrite where T: Rewrite + Visit + GetSpan, { let mut map = map_ast(old); map_extra_ast(&mut map); let mut rw = TextRewrite::new(DUMMY_SP, old.get_span()); let mut rcx = RewriteCtxt::new(sess, map, node_id_map); let ok = Rewrite::rewrite(old, new, rcx.enter(&mut rw)); assert!(ok, "rewriting did not complete"); rw }