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//! Cairo compiler.
//! This crate is responsible for compiling a Cairo project into a Sierra program.
//! It is the main entry point for the compiler.
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::Arc;
use ::cairo_lang_diagnostics::ToOption;
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use cairo_lang_filesystem::ids::CrateId;
use cairo_lang_sierra::program::Program;
use cairo_lang_sierra_generator::db::SierraGenGroup;
use cairo_lang_sierra_generator::replace_ids::replace_sierra_ids_in_program;
use crate::db::RootDatabase;
use crate::diagnostics::DiagnosticsReporter;
use crate::project::{get_main_crate_ids_from_project, setup_project, ProjectConfig};
pub mod db;
pub mod diagnostics;
pub mod project;
/// Configuration for the compiler.
pub struct CompilerConfig<'c> {
pub diagnostics_reporter: DiagnosticsReporter<'c>,
/// Replaces sierra ids with human-readable ones.
pub replace_ids: bool,
/// The name of the allowed libfuncs list to use in compilation.
/// If None the default list of audited libfuncs will be used.
pub allowed_libfuncs_list_name: Option<String>,
/// The default compiler configuration.
impl Default for CompilerConfig<'static> {
fn default() -> Self {
CompilerConfig {
diagnostics_reporter: DiagnosticsReporter::default(),
replace_ids: false,
allowed_libfuncs_list_name: None,
pub type SierraProgram = Arc<Program>;
/// Compiles a Cairo project at the given path.
/// The project must be a valid Cairo project:
/// Either a standalone `.cairo` file (a single crate), or a directory with a `cairo_project.toml`
/// file.
/// # Arguments
/// * `path` - The path to the project.
/// * `compiler_config` - The compiler configuration.
/// # Returns
/// * `Ok(SierraProgram)` - The compiled program.
/// * `Err(anyhow::Error)` - Compilation failed.
pub fn compile_cairo_project_at_path(
path: &Path,
compiler_config: CompilerConfig<'_>,
) -> Result<SierraProgram> {
let mut db = RootDatabase::builder().detect_corelib().build()?;
let main_crate_ids = setup_project(&mut db, path)?;
compile_prepared_db(&mut db, main_crate_ids, compiler_config)
/// Compiles a Cairo project.
/// The project must be a valid Cairo project.
/// This function is a wrapper over [`RootDatabase::builder()`] and [`compile_prepared_db`].
/// # Arguments
/// * `project_config` - The project configuration.
/// * `compiler_config` - The compiler configuration.
/// # Returns
/// * `Ok(SierraProgram)` - The compiled program.
/// * `Err(anyhow::Error)` - Compilation failed.
pub fn compile(
project_config: ProjectConfig,
compiler_config: CompilerConfig<'_>,
) -> Result<SierraProgram> {
let mut db = RootDatabase::builder().with_project_config(project_config.clone()).build()?;
let main_crate_ids = get_main_crate_ids_from_project(&mut db, &project_config);
compile_prepared_db(&mut db, main_crate_ids, compiler_config)
/// Runs Cairo compiler.
/// # Arguments
/// * `db` - Preloaded compilation database.
/// * `main_crate_ids` - [`CrateId`]s to compile. Do not include dependencies here, only pass
/// top-level crates in order to eliminate unused code. Use `db.intern_crate(CrateLongId(name))`
/// in order to obtain [`CrateId`] from its name.
/// * `compiler_config` - The compiler configuration.
/// # Returns
/// * `Ok(SierraProgram)` - The compiled program.
/// * `Err(anyhow::Error)` - Compilation failed.
pub fn compile_prepared_db(
db: &mut RootDatabase,
main_crate_ids: Vec<CrateId>,
mut compiler_config: CompilerConfig<'_>,
) -> Result<SierraProgram> {
let mut sierra_program = db
.context("Compilation failed without any diagnostics")?;
if compiler_config.replace_ids {
sierra_program = Arc::new(replace_sierra_ids_in_program(db, &sierra_program));