- Allowed
Attributes Query - Allowed
Statement Attributes Query - Crate
Inline Macro Plugins Query - Crate
Macro Plugins Query - Crate
Modules Query - Declared
Derives Query - Declared
Phantom Type Attributes Query - Default
Inline Macro Plugins Query - Default
Macro Plugins Query - Defs
Database - Representative struct for the query group.
- Defs
Group Group Storage__ - File
Modules Query - Inline
Macro Plugin Overrides Query - Intern
Constant Lookup Query - Intern
Constant Query - Intern
Enum Lookup Query - Intern
Enum Query - Intern
Extern Function Lookup Query - Intern
Extern Function Query - Intern
Extern Type Lookup Query - Intern
Extern Type Query - Intern
Free Function Lookup Query - Intern
Free Function Query - Intern
Generic Param Lookup Query - Intern
Generic Param Query - Intern
Global UseLookup Query - Intern
Global UseQuery - Intern
Impl Alias Lookup Query - Intern
Impl Alias Query - Intern
Impl Constant DefLookup Query - Intern
Impl Constant DefQuery - Intern
Impl DefLookup Query - Intern
Impl DefQuery - Intern
Impl Function Lookup Query - Intern
Impl Function Query - Intern
Impl Impl DefLookup Query - Intern
Impl Impl DefQuery - Intern
Impl Type DefLookup Query - Intern
Impl Type DefQuery - Intern
Inline Macro Plugin Lookup Query - Intern
Inline Macro Plugin Query - Intern
Local VarLookup Query - Intern
Local VarQuery - Intern
Macro Plugin Lookup Query - Intern
Macro Plugin Query - Intern
Member Lookup Query - Intern
Member Query - Intern
Module Type Alias Lookup Query - Intern
Module Type Alias Query - Intern
Param Lookup Query - Intern
Param Query - Intern
Plugin Generated File Lookup Query - Intern
Plugin Generated File Query - Intern
Statement Const Lookup Query - Intern
Statement Const Query - Intern
Statement UseLookup Query - Intern
Statement UseQuery - Intern
Struct Lookup Query - Intern
Struct Query - Intern
Submodule Lookup Query - Intern
Submodule Query - Intern
Trait Constant Lookup Query - Intern
Trait Constant Query - Intern
Trait Function Lookup Query - Intern
Trait Function Query - Intern
Trait Impl Lookup Query - Intern
Trait Impl Query - Intern
Trait Lookup Query - Intern
Trait Query - Intern
Trait Type Lookup Query - Intern
Trait Type Query - Intern
UseLookup Query - Intern
UseQuery - Intern
Variant Lookup Query - Intern
Variant Query - IsSubmodule
Inline Query - Macro
Plugin Overrides Query - Module
Ancestors Query - Module
Constant ById Query - Module
Constants IdsQuery - Module
Constants Query - Module
Data - Module
DirQuery - Module
Enum ById Query - Module
Enums IdsQuery - Module
Enums Query - Module
Extern Function ById Query - Module
Extern Functions IdsQuery - Module
Extern Functions Query - Module
Extern Type ById Query - Module
Extern Types IdsQuery - Module
Extern Types Query - Module
File Query - Module
Files Query - Module
Free Function ById Query - Module
Free Functions IdsQuery - Module
Free Functions Query - Module
Generated File AuxData Query - Module
Global UseBy IdQuery - Module
Global Uses Query - Module
Impl Alias ById Query - Module
Impl Aliases IdsQuery - Module
Impl Aliases Query - Module
Impl ById Query - Module
Impls IdsQuery - Module
Impls Query - Module
Item Name Stable PtrQuery - Module
Items Query - Module
Main File Query - Module
Plugin Diagnostics Notes Query - Module
Plugin Diagnostics Query - Module
Struct ById Query - Module
Structs IdsQuery - Module
Structs Query - Module
Submodules IdsQuery - Module
Submodules Query - Module
Trait ById Query - Module
Traits IdsQuery - Module
Traits Query - Module
Type Alias ById Query - Module
Type Aliases IdsQuery - Module
Type Aliases Query - Module
UseBy IdQuery - Module
Uses IdsQuery - Module
Uses Query - Priv
File ToModule Mapping Query - Priv
Module Data Query - Priv
Module SubFiles - Information about generated files from running on a module file.
- Priv
Module SubFiles Query
- Defs
Group - Salsa database interface.
for further details. - Defs
Group Ex
- get_
all_ path_ leaves - Returns all the path leaves under a given use item.
- get_
all_ path_ stars - Returns all the path stars under a given use item.
- init_
defs_ group - Initializes the
database to a proper state. - module_
ancestors - module_
constant_ by_ id - module_
constants - Returns all the constant definitions of the given module.
- module_
constants_ ids - module_
enum_ by_ id - module_
enums - Returns all the enums of the given module.
- module_
enums_ ids - module_
extern_ function_ by_ id - module_
extern_ functions - Returns all the extern_functions of the given module.
- module_
extern_ functions_ ids - module_
extern_ type_ by_ id - module_
extern_ types - Returns all the extern_types of the given module.
- module_
extern_ types_ ids - module_
free_ function_ by_ id - module_
free_ functions - Returns all the free functions of the given module.
- module_
free_ functions_ ids - module_
generated_ file_ aux_ data - Returns the generated_file_infos of the given module.
- module_
global_ use_ by_ id - Returns the
use *
of the given module, by its ID. - module_
impl_ alias_ by_ id - module_
impl_ aliases - Returns all the impl aliases of the given module.
- module_
impl_ aliases_ ids - module_
impl_ by_ id - module_
impls - Returns all the impls of the given module.
- module_
impls_ ids - module_
plugin_ diagnostics - Returns all the plugin diagnostics of the given module.
- module_
plugin_ diagnostics_ notes - Diagnostic notes for diagnostics originating in the plugin generated files identified by
. - module_
struct_ by_ id - module_
structs - Returns all the structs of the given module.
- module_
structs_ ids - module_
submodule_ by_ id - module_
trait_ by_ id - module_
traits - Returns all the traits of the given module.
- module_
traits_ ids - module_
type_ alias_ by_ id - module_
type_ aliases - Returns all the type aliases of the given module.
- module_
type_ aliases_ ids - module_
use_ by_ id - module_
uses - Returns all the uses of the given module.
- module_
uses_ ids - try_
ext_ as_ virtual_ impl - Returns the
matching the given external id. - validate_
attributes_ flat - Validates that all attributes on the given item are in the allowed set or adds diagnostics.