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use std::fmt;
/// The unique and never-changing identifier of an error or warning.
/// Valid error codes must start with capital `E` followed by 4 decimal digits, e.g.: `E0001`.
/// Use the [`error_code!`][`crate::error_code!`] macro to construct a well-formed `ErrorCode` in
/// compile-time.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct ErrorCode(&'static str);
impl ErrorCode {
pub const fn new(code: &'static str) -> Self {
matches!(code.as_bytes(), [b'E', b'0'..=b'9', b'0'..=b'9', b'0'..=b'9', b'0'..=b'9']),
"Error codes must start with capital `E` followed by 4 decimal digits."
/// Format this error code in a way that is suitable for display in error message.
/// ```
/// # use cairo_lang_diagnostics::error_code;
/// assert_eq!(error_code!(E0001).display_bracketed(), "[E0001]");
/// ```
pub fn display_bracketed(self) -> String {
format!("[{}]", self)
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
impl fmt::Display for ErrorCode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Display::fmt(self.0, f)
/// Constructs an [`ErrorCode`].
/// ```
/// # use cairo_lang_diagnostics::{error_code, ErrorCode};
/// let code: ErrorCode = error_code!(E0001);
/// # assert_eq!(format!("{code}"), "E0001");
/// ```
macro_rules! error_code {
($code:expr) => {{
use $crate::ErrorCode;
// NOTE: This is a magic trick to trigger the validation in compile time.
const ENSURE_CONST: ErrorCode = ErrorCode::new(stringify!($code));
/// Utilities for `Option<ErrorCode>`.
pub trait OptionErrorCodeExt {
fn display_bracketed(self) -> String;
impl OptionErrorCodeExt for Option<ErrorCode> {
/// Format this error code in a way that is suitable for display in error message.
/// ```
/// # use cairo_lang_diagnostics::{error_code, OptionErrorCodeExt};
/// assert_eq!(Some(error_code!(E0001)).display_bracketed(), "[E0001]");
/// assert_eq!(None.display_bracketed(), "");
/// ```
fn display_bracketed(self) -> String {