- Baseline
Optimization Strategy Query - Concrete
Function With Body Direct Callees Query - Concrete
Function With Body Direct Callees With Body Query - Concrete
Function With Body Inlined Direct Callees Query - Concrete
Function With Body Inlined Direct Callees With Body Query - Concrete
Function With Body Inlined SccQuery - Concrete
Function With Body Postpanic Lowered Query - Concrete
Function With Body SccInlined Representative Query - Concrete
Function With Body SccQuery - Concrete
Function With Body SccRepresentative Query - ConcreteSCC
Representative - File
Lowering Diagnostics Query - Final
Concrete Function With Body Lowered Direct Callees Query - Final
Concrete Function With Body Lowered Query - Final
Contains Call Cycle Query - Final
Optimization Strategy Query - Function
Implicits Query - Function
MayPanic Query - Function
With Body Direct Callees Query - Function
With Body Direct Function With Body Callees Query - Function
With Body Feedback SetQuery - Function
With Body Lowering Diagnostics Query - Function
With Body Lowering Query - Function
With Body Lowering With Borrow Check Query - Function
With Body SccQuery - GenericSCC
Representative - HasDirect
Panic Query - InCycle
Query - Inlined
Function With Body Lowered Query - Intern
Location Lookup Query - Intern
Location Query - Intern
Lowering Concrete Function With Body Lookup Query - Intern
Lowering Concrete Function With Body Query - Intern
Lowering Function Lookup Query - Intern
Lowering Function Query - Intern
Lowering Function With Body Lookup Query - Intern
Lowering Function With Body Query - Intern
Strategy Lookup Query - Intern
Strategy Query - Lowering
Database - Representative struct for the query group.
- Lowering
Group Group Storage__ - Module
Lowering Diagnostics Query - Needs
Withdraw GasQuery - Optimization
Config Query - Optimized
Concrete Function With Body Lowered Query - Priv
Concrete Function With Body Lowered Flat Query - Priv
Const Folding Info Query - Priv
Function With Body Feedback SetOf Representative Query - Priv
Function With Body Lowering Query - Priv
Function With Body Multi Lowering Query - Priv
Movable Function IdsQuery - Priv
Should Inline Query - SccImplicits
Query - SccMay
Panic Query - Semantic
Function With Body Lowering Diagnostics Query - Type
Size Query