2#[path = ""]
3mod test;
5use cairo_lang_defs::ids::TraitFunctionId;
6use cairo_lang_diagnostics::{DiagnosticNote, Maybe};
7use cairo_lang_semantic::items::functions::{GenericFunctionId, ImplGenericFunctionId};
8use cairo_lang_utils::unordered_hash_map::UnorderedHashMap;
9use cairo_lang_utils::{Intern, LookupIntern};
10use itertools::{Itertools, zip_eq};
12use self::analysis::{Analyzer, StatementLocation};
13pub use self::demand::Demand;
14use self::demand::{AuxCombine, DemandReporter};
15use crate::blocks::Blocks;
16use crate::borrow_check::analysis::BackAnalysis;
17use crate::db::LoweringGroup;
18use crate::diagnostic::LoweringDiagnosticKind::*;
19use crate::diagnostic::{LoweringDiagnostics, LoweringDiagnosticsBuilder};
20use crate::ids::{FunctionId, LocationId, SemanticFunctionIdEx};
21use crate::{BlockId, FlatLowered, MatchInfo, Statement, VarRemapping, VarUsage, VariableId};
23pub mod analysis;
24pub mod demand;
26pub type BorrowCheckerDemand = Demand<VariableId, LocationId, PanicState>;
27pub struct BorrowChecker<'a> {
28 db: &'a dyn LoweringGroup,
29 diagnostics: &'a mut LoweringDiagnostics,
30 lowered: &'a FlatLowered,
31 success: Maybe<()>,
32 potential_destruct_calls: PotentialDestructCalls,
33 destruct_fn: TraitFunctionId,
34 panic_destruct_fn: TraitFunctionId,
35 is_panic_destruct_fn: bool,
38#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
41pub enum PanicState {
42 EndsWithPanic,
43 #[default]
44 Otherwise,
46impl AuxCombine for PanicState {
47 fn merge<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a Self>>(mut iter: I) -> Self
48 where
49 Self: 'a,
50 {
51 if iter.all(|x| matches!(x, Self::EndsWithPanic)) {
52 Self::EndsWithPanic
53 } else {
54 Self::Otherwise
55 }
56 }
59#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
61pub enum DropPosition {
62 Panic(LocationId),
64 Diverge(LocationId),
67impl DropPosition {
68 fn as_note(self, db: &dyn LoweringGroup) -> DiagnosticNote {
69 let (text, location) = match self {
70 Self::Panic(location) => {
71 ("the variable needs to be dropped due to the potential panic here", location)
72 }
73 Self::Diverge(location) => {
74 ("the variable needs to be dropped due to the divergence here", location)
75 }
76 };
77 DiagnosticNote::with_location(
78 text.into(),
79 location.lookup_intern(db).stable_location.diagnostic_location(db.upcast()),
80 )
81 }
84impl DemandReporter<VariableId, PanicState> for BorrowChecker<'_> {
85 type IntroducePosition = (Option<DropPosition>, BlockId);
88 type UsePosition = LocationId;
90 fn drop_aux(
91 &mut self,
92 (opt_drop_position, block_id): (Option<DropPosition>, BlockId),
93 var_id: VariableId,
94 panic_state: PanicState,
95 ) {
96 let var = &self.lowered.variables[var_id];
97 let Err(drop_err) = var.droppable.clone() else {
98 return;
99 };
100 let mut add_called_fn = |impl_id, function| {
101 self.potential_destruct_calls.entry(block_id).or_default().push(
102 cairo_lang_semantic::FunctionLongId {
103 function: cairo_lang_semantic::ConcreteFunction {
104 generic_function: GenericFunctionId::Impl(ImplGenericFunctionId {
105 impl_id,
106 function,
107 }),
108 generic_args: vec![],
109 },
110 }
111 .intern(self.db)
112 .lowered(self.db),
113 );
114 };
115 let destruct_err = match var.destruct_impl.clone() {
116 Ok(impl_id) => {
117 add_called_fn(impl_id, self.destruct_fn);
118 return;
119 }
120 Err(err) => err,
121 };
122 let panic_destruct_err = if matches!(panic_state, PanicState::EndsWithPanic) {
123 match var.panic_destruct_impl.clone() {
124 Ok(impl_id) => {
125 add_called_fn(impl_id, self.panic_destruct_fn);
126 return;
127 }
128 Err(err) => Some(err),
129 }
130 } else {
131 None
132 };
134 let mut location = var.location.lookup_intern(self.db);
135 if let Some(drop_position) = opt_drop_position {
136 location = location.with_note(drop_position.as_note(self.db));
137 }
138 let semantic_db = self.db.upcast();
139 self.success = Err(self.diagnostics.report_by_location(
140 location
141 .with_note(DiagnosticNote::text_only(drop_err.format(semantic_db)))
142 .with_note(DiagnosticNote::text_only(destruct_err.format(semantic_db)))
143 .maybe_with_note(
144 panic_destruct_err
145 .map(|err| DiagnosticNote::text_only(err.format(semantic_db))),
146 ),
147 VariableNotDropped { drop_err, destruct_err },
148 ));
149 }
151 fn dup(&mut self, position: LocationId, var_id: VariableId, next_usage_position: LocationId) {
152 let var = &self.lowered.variables[var_id];
153 if let Err(inference_error) = var.copyable.clone() {
154 self.success = Err(self.diagnostics.report_by_location(
155 next_usage_position
156 .lookup_intern(self.db)
157 .add_note_with_location(self.db, "variable was previously used here", position)
158 .with_note(DiagnosticNote::text_only(inference_error.format(self.db.upcast()))),
159 VariableMoved { inference_error },
160 ));
161 }
162 }
165impl Analyzer<'_> for BorrowChecker<'_> {
166 type Info = BorrowCheckerDemand;
168 fn visit_stmt(
169 &mut self,
170 info: &mut Self::Info,
171 (block_id, _): StatementLocation,
172 stmt: &Statement,
173 ) {
174 info.variables_introduced(self, stmt.outputs(), (None, block_id));
175 match stmt {
176 Statement::Call(stmt) => {
177 if let Ok(signature) = stmt.function.signature(self.db) {
178 if signature.panicable {
179 let panic_demand = BorrowCheckerDemand {
181 aux: PanicState::EndsWithPanic,
182 ..Default::default()
183 };
184 let location = (Some(DropPosition::Panic(stmt.location)), block_id);
185 *info = BorrowCheckerDemand::merge_demands(
186 &[(panic_demand, location), (info.clone(), location)],
187 self,
188 );
189 }
190 }
191 }
192 Statement::Desnap(stmt) => {
193 let var = &self.lowered.variables[stmt.output];
194 if let Err(inference_error) = var.copyable.clone() {
195 self.success = Err(self.diagnostics.report_by_location(
196 var.location.lookup_intern(self.db).with_note(DiagnosticNote::text_only(
197 inference_error.format(self.db.upcast()),
198 )),
199 DesnappingANonCopyableType { inference_error },
200 ));
201 }
202 }
203 _ => {}
204 }
205 info.variables_used(
206 self,
207 stmt.inputs().iter().map(|VarUsage { var_id, location }| (var_id, *location)),
208 );
209 }
211 fn visit_goto(
212 &mut self,
213 info: &mut Self::Info,
214 _statement_location: StatementLocation,
215 _target_block_id: BlockId,
216 remapping: &VarRemapping,
217 ) {
218 info.apply_remapping(
219 self,
220 remapping
221 .iter()
222 .map(|(dst, VarUsage { var_id: src, location })| (dst, (src, *location))),
223 );
224 }
226 fn merge_match(
227 &mut self,
228 (block_id, _): StatementLocation,
229 match_info: &MatchInfo,
230 infos: impl Iterator<Item = Self::Info>,
231 ) -> Self::Info {
232 let infos: Vec<_> = infos.collect();
233 let arm_demands = zip_eq(match_info.arms(), &infos)
234 .map(|(arm, demand)| {
235 let mut demand = demand.clone();
236 demand.variables_introduced(self, &arm.var_ids, (None, block_id));
237 (demand, (Some(DropPosition::Diverge(*match_info.location())), block_id))
238 })
239 .collect_vec();
240 let mut demand = BorrowCheckerDemand::merge_demands(&arm_demands, self);
241 demand.variables_used(
242 self,
243 match_info.inputs().iter().map(|VarUsage { var_id, location }| (var_id, *location)),
244 );
245 demand
246 }
248 fn info_from_return(
249 &mut self,
250 _statement_location: StatementLocation,
251 vars: &[VarUsage],
252 ) -> Self::Info {
253 let mut info = if self.is_panic_destruct_fn {
254 BorrowCheckerDemand { aux: PanicState::EndsWithPanic, ..Default::default() }
255 } else {
256 BorrowCheckerDemand::default()
257 };
259 info.variables_used(
260 self,
261 vars.iter().map(|VarUsage { var_id, location }| (var_id, *location)),
262 );
263 info
264 }
266 fn info_from_panic(
267 &mut self,
268 _statement_location: StatementLocation,
269 data: &VarUsage,
270 ) -> Self::Info {
271 let mut info = BorrowCheckerDemand { aux: PanicState::EndsWithPanic, ..Default::default() };
272 info.variables_used(self, std::iter::once((&data.var_id, data.location)));
273 info
274 }
277pub type PotentialDestructCalls = UnorderedHashMap<BlockId, Vec<FunctionId>>;
280pub fn borrow_check(
283 db: &dyn LoweringGroup,
284 is_panic_destruct_fn: bool,
285 lowered: &mut FlatLowered,
286) -> PotentialDestructCalls {
287 if lowered.blocks.has_root().is_err() {
288 return Default::default();
289 }
290 let mut diagnostics = LoweringDiagnostics::default();
291 diagnostics.extend(std::mem::take(&mut lowered.diagnostics));
292 let info = db.core_info();
293 let destruct_fn = info.destruct_fn;
294 let panic_destruct_fn = info.panic_destruct_fn;
296 let checker = BorrowChecker {
297 db,
298 diagnostics: &mut diagnostics,
299 lowered,
300 success: Ok(()),
301 potential_destruct_calls: Default::default(),
302 destruct_fn,
303 panic_destruct_fn,
304 is_panic_destruct_fn,
305 };
306 let mut analysis = BackAnalysis::new(lowered, checker);
307 let mut root_demand = analysis.get_root_info();
308 root_demand.variables_introduced(
309 &mut analysis.analyzer,
310 &lowered.parameters,
311 (None, BlockId::root()),
312 );
313 let block_extra_calls = analysis.analyzer.potential_destruct_calls;
314 let success = analysis.analyzer.success;
315 assert!(root_demand.finalize(), "Undefined variable should not happen at this stage");
317 if let Err(diag_added) = success {
318 lowered.blocks = Blocks::new_errored(diag_added);
319 }
321 lowered.diagnostics =;
322 block_extra_calls