Module objects Copy item path Source Arenas Arena for semantic expressions, patterns, and statements. ExprAssignment ExprBlock ExprClosure ExprConstant ExprDesnap ExprEnumVariantCtor ExprFixedSizeArray ExprFor ExprFunctionCall ExprIf ExprLiteral ExprLogicalOperator ExprLoop ExprMatch ExprMemberAccess ExprMissing ExprPropagateError ExprSnapshot ExprStringLiteral ExprStructCtor ExprTuple ExprUse ExprVar ExprWhile MatchArm StatementBreak StatementContinue StatementExpr StatementItem StatementLet StatementReturn Condition Expr ExprFunctionCallArg ExprVarMemberPath A sequence of member accesses of a variable. For example: a, a.b, a.b.c, … FixedSizeArrayItems Either a vector of items, if all was written in the code i.e. ([10, 11, 12] or [10, 10, 10]), or
a value and a size, if the array was written as ([10; 3]). LogicalOperator Statement ExprId PatternId StatementId