- Statements
Locations - The locations in the Cairo source code which caused a statement to be generated.
- file_
module_ absolute_ identifier - This function returns a fully qualified path to the file module.
should be returned only for compiler tests where files of typeVirtualFile
may be non generated files. - function_
identifier_ relative_ to_ file_ module - Returns the path (modules and impls) to the function in the file. The path is relative to the file module.
- maybe_
code_ location - Returns a location in the user file corresponding to the given StableLocation. It consists of a full path to the file and a text span in the file.
- maybe_
containing_ function_ identifier - Returns an identifier of the function that contains the given StableLocation. It is a fully qualified path to the function which contains:
- maybe_
containing_ function_ identifier_ for_ tests - Returns an identifier of the function that contains the given StableLocation. It is a fully qualified path to the function which contains: